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Like Water for Chocolate My Green Life Project.

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1 Like Water for Chocolate My Green Life Project


3 About the Author Laura Esquivel: – Born on September 30, 1950, in Mexico City, Mexico. – She is a screenwriter, novelist and teacher.

4 More on Esquivel She likes to write stories that focus on the role of food in everyday experiences. She also likes to explore gender differences, particularly in Mexican culture.

5 T h e T e x t Like Water for Chocolate is considered Magical Realism. It has also been called a cookbook/ love story. Magical Realism = aesthetic style or genre of fiction in which magical elements blend with the real world. It was made into a major motion picture in 1992.



8 T he S e t t i n g Where & When De La Garza ranch in a rural area Piedras Negras, Coahuila On the border of Texas in Northern Mexico 1910-1920 Historical Context Mexican Revolution The Mexican people rebelled against the dictatorship of President Diaz. Wealth was concentrated in the hands of a few. Injustice and corruption were rampant.

9 The Socio-Cultural Context Mexicans Landowners Considered themselves to be of Spanish descent Often had lighter skin color Treated the indigenous people as slaves Provided their children with education and property rights Indigenous Peoples Native people of Mexico Had darker skin color Were considered inferior and evil by landowners Had little access to education/rights Were often indoctrinated through Catholicism

10 Characterization The Protagonist Tita Character Traits: – Hard-working – Loyal – Romantic – Loves food – Loves Pedro – Beautiful – Adventurous The Antagonist Mama Elena Character Traits: – Cold-hearted – Stubborn – Tradition-bound – Mean-spirited – Class-conscious – Controlling – Hateful

11 Characterization Key Characters Nacha – The Ranch cook and surrogate mother to Tita Rosaura - The second daughter of Mama Elena Gertrudis - The eldest daughter of Mama Elena Dr. John Brown - An American doctor who cares for Tita Pedro – The love of Tita’s life Minor Characters Chencha - The ranch maid Roberto - The first child of Rosaura and Pedro Esperanza - The second child of Rosaura and Pedro Alex - The son of Dr. John Brown, and the father of the narrator. He marries Esperanza.

12 Dialectical Journals STEP 1: Answer the questions for each chapter in a Word document entitled: Like Water for Chocolate Journal. Responses should be single spaced, Times New Roman 12 font. Each response should provide meaningful commentary. STEP 2: Each chapter will have an assigned quote attack handed out at the beginning of the week. Each quote attack should be annotated at AP level. All commentary should be meaningful and relevant.

13 Dialectical Journals Chapter 1: 1. What is the significance of Tita being unable to find solace in eating the Christmas Roll that Nacha left for her? 2. Why is Tita not allowed to marry Pedro according to Mama Elena and how does Tita feel about this stipulation? 3. How is Tita’s paradigm different than that of her sisters? 4. How does Esquivel use the sensory imagery of food to describe the way Pedro makes Tita feel? Chapter 1 Quote Attack: See Handout

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