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03/07Foothills Special Enforcement Team 10 Things for Patrol…When SWAT is on the way. Presented by the Foothills Special Enforcement Team (FSET)

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Presentation on theme: "03/07Foothills Special Enforcement Team 10 Things for Patrol…When SWAT is on the way. Presented by the Foothills Special Enforcement Team (FSET)"— Presentation transcript:

1 03/07Foothills Special Enforcement Team 10 Things for Patrol…When SWAT is on the way. Presented by the Foothills Special Enforcement Team (FSET)

2 Foothills Special Enforcement Team 03/07 First Responder Obligations  It’s easy to become overwhelmed by events (EOB), prioritize what needs to be accomplished first based on the circumstances. Active shooter-immediate response Officer/citizen down-requires a rescue plan Hostage Situation-Immediate containment to control suspect’s movement. Formulate a hasty rescue plan in case suspect initiates a deadly assault on victims.

3 Foothills Special Enforcement Team 03/07 First Responder Obligations  As additional resources arrive, set larger perimeter.  Assign a supervisor to oversee the overall effort, who will become Swat's point of contact. Ensure they have a solid understanding of what the situation is and what goals you are trying to achieve.  Be mindful that these situations can last many hours. Remember to care for the needs of the personnel involved.

4 Foothills Special Enforcement Team 03/07 Types of SWAT Responses  Barricaded Suspects  Hostage Situations  High Risk Search Warrants  Executive/Witness Protection  Events that require an immediate resource of tactical personnel.

5 Foothills Special Enforcement Team 03/07 Lesson #1 Cover and Concealment  Vehicle Positioning- Don’t park too close or directly in front of the location. Be conscious of ingress and egress for quick escape.  Cover- Start looking for cover from potential rifle/handgun fire. Cover is any object that will stop a bullet or at least slow it down, protecting your vital areas, and not limiting your chance to observe the situation and return fire if needed.

6 Foothills Special Enforcement Team 03/07 Lesson #1 (Continued)  Example of Cover: Brick/stone wall, large tree trunks, Engine  Example of Concealment: Thick hedges, bushes, wood, fences, nighttime.

7 Foothills Special Enforcement Team 03/07 Lesson # 2 Evacuate Potential Hostages/Neighbors  Any person that you can safely get out of area, do so immediately.  The ultimate goal is to isolate the armed subject.  Create a safety zone for SWAT.  If situation is too dangerous, advise citizens to stay in their homes until the incident is resolved or the police can safely remove.

8 Foothills Special Enforcement Team 03/07 Lesson #3 Cover Areas of Escape  Good chance the suspects may know SWAT is responding.  Tactically cover areas of possible escape.  Avoid allowing gunman on the move, setting up an ambush from a new position.  The goal is to contain/isolate the threat.

9 Foothills Special Enforcement Team 03/07 Lesson # 4 Set up a Perimeter  Block off areas with crime scene tape.  Stop all pedestrian and traffic flow into the area.  Perimeter determined by type of incident and weapons involved (handgun, long rifle, etc).  Outside of perimeter is for CP and for neighbors/pedestrians.  Inside of tape for SWAT, CNT, and first responders until relieved by SWAT.

10 Foothills Special Enforcement Team 03/07 Lesson # 5 Pick a suitable staging area  The staging area is a safe place where SWAT can suit up, get together and prepare strategy.  Usually place where CP is located.  Area should not be too far from the incident, but definitely out of the line of sight of the incident.  If the crook can see you, they can shoot at you.  The area should be a place to freely go over options and plan tactics in a secure environment that is large enough to accommodate personnel, vehicles, and resources.

11 Foothills Special Enforcement Team 03/07 Lesson # 6 Gather Intelligence  Talk to friends, family, and neighbors.  Try to ascertain if the subject is really armed and what type of weapon(s) they have.  Gather intelligence (Age, race, clothing, home/cellular phone, statements, etc.)  Be ready to pass info along to SWAT

12 Foothills Special Enforcement Team 03/07 Lesson # 6 Gather Intelligence (Continued)  Alcohol/Drugs  Suicidal  Medication/Mental  Talk to Family/Friends  Layout of Property  Floor Plan  Dogs

13 Foothills Special Enforcement Team 03/07 Lesson # 7 Keep Lanes of Traffic Open  The first officers on scene should transmit over the radio to other responding officers safe areas to park.  Keep a clear path from the staging area to target property.  Numerous types of vehicle may be moving into the area (Fire Trucks, ARV’s, Ambulances)  It may be necessary to remove and transport injured officers, hostages, or even the suspect.

14 Foothills Special Enforcement Team 03/07 Lesson # 8 Bring order to Chaos  Patrol officers are the ones that must deal with all the confusion and chaos at a scene.  Keep crowd back and out of the way.  SWAT has main task of dealing with the barricade/hostage/etc, while attention to any distractions is patrol’s responsibility.  Patrol’s coordination is in dire need to deal with various new supervisors, new media, fire department/paramedics, and the growing audience of bystanders.

15 Foothills Special Enforcement Team 03/07 Lesson # 9 Know your role  When SWAT arrives, brief them as clearly as possible.  Use radio and let other patrol officers SWAT is arriving and what role they are playing.  Let SWAT officers where patrol officers are positioned.  SWAT may call on you to move people back inside their homes, out of the line of sight, or to get away from their windows.

16 Foothills Special Enforcement Team 03/07 Lesson # 9 Know your role (Continued)  Know your limitations.  SWAT has heavy ballistic protection, weaponry, chemical agents, breaching equipment, and tactics to deal with the situation.  This is what SWAT trains for!  Once the weapons team arrives, your role changes. Your new position will most likely be at the perimeter.

17 Foothills Special Enforcement Team 03/07 Lesson # 10 Use your common sense  As the crisis unfolds, usually at breakneck speed, take a deep breath and plan your actions accordingly.  As the situation develops, you are the first one to deal with the danger and make the initial decisions.  To quote General Patton, “A good solution applied with vigor now is better than a perfect solution applied ten minutes later.”

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