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Enlisted Career Force Controls ECFC Purpose of Lesson Give an overview of the Marine Corps Enlisted Career Force Controls (ECFC)

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Presentation on theme: "Enlisted Career Force Controls ECFC Purpose of Lesson Give an overview of the Marine Corps Enlisted Career Force Controls (ECFC)"— Presentation transcript:


2 Enlisted Career Force Controls ECFC

3 Purpose of Lesson Give an overview of the Marine Corps Enlisted Career Force Controls (ECFC)

4 References MCO, Reenlistment Career Planning Manual MCO, Marine Corps Personnel Assignment Policy MCO, Marine Corps Promotion Manual, Enlisted Promotions MCO, Marine Corps Separation and Retirement Manual MCO, Military Occupational Specialties (MOS) Manual

5 1. Step it 4.___o___ PhD MD MBA 2. ~~ Sign S T O RE 3. 5. Cake 6. I 4 I7.dec_____ ision 8. PROM ISE 9. 10. L L I H 11. R A O D 12. C H CHECK C K

6 Why ECFC exist We have the right Marines in the right billets Each Marine has the Necessary experience to get the job done Each Marine has a reasonable chance to be promoted based on their own performance

7 ETHOS (Expeditionary Force) Maintain mental and physical demands Affects the way we train, recruit, equip, and provide for our Marines

8 Ethos Sustainment Maintain competitive spirit WIN our nations Battles

9 Types of Controls Reenlistment Service Limitations

10 Reenlistment Not Recommended for Reenlistment-out of around 27,000 Marines only 6,000 enter the career force program- is when a Marine enters their 2 nd contract they are considered to be in the career force program Boat Spaces-there are only around 4,500 boat spaces set aside per year. They are controlled by the first term alignment program (FTAP).

11 Service Limitations You don’t have to worry about boat spaces any longer. Continuation in the service depends on their timely promotion to the next higher rank. Limits of Service –Cpl 8 –Sgt13 –SSgt20 –GySgt22 –1stSgt/MSgt 27 –MGySgt/SgtMaj30 –Age 55

12 Promotions Meritorious Promotions PFC & LCPL –Compete against USMC standards ONLY Cpl & Sgt –Against peers via Composite (cutting) score –Undisputed facts…

13 Meritorious Promotion Can be promoted up to the rank of GySgt Commandant decides how many Marines can be promoted meritoriously for each rank Commandant also divides up the promotions to each command.

14 Cutting Score Selected for LCpl’s and Cpl’s for their MOS cutting score If the composite score is greater or equal to the cutting score for your MOS and you are eligible then you will be selected for promotion HQMC determines how many openings there are anticipated in each MOS for CPL and Sgt for the upcoming three month quota

15 What can affect Cutting Scores? The number of Marines in an MOS who choose to get out or are forced out The number of Marines in an MOS who are promoted out of the rank of either CPL or SGT Marine Corps plans to increase or cut back the size of a particular MOS.

16 Composite Scores Rifle Score PFT Average Pro’s & Con’s Time in Grade Time in Service DI/Recruiter/MSG bonus MCI/Extension School College/CLEP Command Recruiting Bonus

17 a.Rifle Score _____=______ b.PFT Score _____=______ c.Subtotal a+b = _______ divided by ____ = c. _____ d.Avg Proficiency ______ x 100 =d. _____ e.Avg Conduct ______ x 100 =e. _____ f.Time in Grade (Months) _____ x 5 =f. _____ g.Time in Service (Months) _____ x 2 =g. _____ h.DI/Recr/MSG Bonus _____ x 1 =h. _____ i.Self Education Bonus a.MCI / Extension School _____ b.College / CLEP/Vocational _____ a+b x 10 = i. ______ j.Command Recruiting Bonus ____ x 1=j. _____ k.Composite Score (sum of lines c – j)

18 Promotion to SSGT and Above… Fitness reports: –Eligibility Requirements-HQMC decides what marines are eligible for promotion –Promotion Boards- 18 SNCO from different commands are selected and they go through each MOS and decide who gets promoted –Marines not Selected- If not selected the first time you have a 2 nd chance to be seen by a promotion board –Level of Playing Field- To try and promote all Marines at the same time of service but MOS needs are difficult each time which makes it tough for promotion

19 Questions?

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