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Published byMoris Hart Modified over 10 years ago
UTM Tutorial: Develop the Company or Battalion Unit METL
Purpose: Provide a tutorial to demonstrate Mission Essential Task List (METL) development for units without a DA Standardized METL. (Primarily at the Battalion or Company level but can include BDE and above units without a standardized METL). This tutorial is not a replacement for the content in the UTM manual. For a full, unabridged understanding of this topic, read UTM Chapter 1.
Introduction: Unit METL
The unit METL is a capabilities document and does not provide training focus for the unit. A METL is a list of METs (Mission-Essential Tasks) that describe a specific unit design capability. METL provides a ‘menu’ of tasks (capabilities) the unit was designed to perform. It is important as a reference and reporting document only. Key Collective Tasks (KCTs) are selected by a commander to focus training on an assigned mission. There are two echelons of METLs: HQ DA Standardized METL: For brigade and higher units with TOEs, the unit METL is pre-determined by HQ DA and standardized by-type of the unit Battalion and Company METLs, and those not covered by the published DA Standardized METLs: Are not HQ DA standardized TDA units do not have a METL and report capabilities in accordance with unit SOP. (per AR 220-1)
Battalion and Company METLs
Since METLs at battalion and company are not HQ DA standardized: They are developed by the unit commander and approved by the higher commander The METs nest with, support, and complement the METs of the higher unit. At battalion and company, a MET can be: A Universal Joint Task (UJT) An Army Tactical Task (ART) A CATS Task Selection (TS)
Building a Unit METL (Resources)
The DA Standardized METL and CATS Viewers are resources from which battalion and company commanders can find the right tasks for their METL. The following two slides show commanders how to access these two tools:
HQ DA Standardized METL Viewer (Brigade and Above):
Accessed from the ATN Homepage using the navigation bar or METL icon. The HQ DA Standardized METL Viewer allows users to view/nest with Brigade and above METLs. Allows subordinates without DTMS access to view their higher’s METL Can be used by all to view the T&EOs for the supporting collective tasks.
CATS Viewer: Accessed from the ATN Homepage using the navigation bar or CATS icon. CATS provide strategies to develop unit training plans and plan training events: Task Selections that link tasks to the events that are used to train those tasks, and groupings of tasks that are best trained together Task Training and Evaluation Outlines (T&EOs) can also be accessed via the CATS Viewer
Building a Unit METL Process
The commander selects the METs that best describe the capabilities the unit was designed to perform. To build a unit METL, the commander conducts an analysis to identify the unit’s METs and nests them with the higher unit’s METs. The following two examples demonstrate the process for aligned and non-aligned subordinates: A functional company A non aligned company (MICO in a BSTB)
Rifle Company METL: Gather Information
The commander gathers the information necessary to identify METs that best support the company capabilities. This information includes the higher METL, the Table of Organization and Equipment (TOE) mission, and any guidance from the higher headquarters. CAB METL MET 1: Conduct Mission Command ART 5.0 MET 2: Conduct an Attack 07-TS-1008 MET 3: Conduct a Defense 07-TS-1011 MET4: Conduct Area Security 71-TS-1003 MET 5: Conduct Stability Operations 71-TS-1004 Higher HQ METL Develop METs that nest with the Battalion METL and complement the capabilities. Ensure METs are based on the company capability – no METs should extend beyond the capability of the company. Higher Cdr Guidance Task Analysis The mission of the rifle company is to close with the enemy by means of fire and maneuver to destroy or capture, or to repel his assault by fire, close combat, and counterattack. TOE Mission
Rifle Company METL: Task Analysis
The commander uses the information and tools available to determine which task selections best support the higher METL. This ensures the initial list of tasks is nested with the higher HQ. If the TS adequately reflect the unit’s capabilities and nests w/higher’s METL, these are good MET selections. Analyze TSs by reviewing all the associated collective tasks – determine if the TS best describes the capability (TOE mission and guidance) and nests with the higher MET that it is associated with. Select Proponent Type 1 3 Select Unit CATS 2 Select TSs that best support unit capability 4
Rifle Company METL: Task Analysis
In this example, the rifle company task selections are closely aligned with the METs in the higher (combined arms battalion) METL. The task selections with the same collective tasks as the higher METs are used as the company METs. In this analysis, there is no TS that best supports Mission Command, therefore that ART is used in the proposed company METL. CAB METL MET 1: Conduct Mission Command ART 5.0 MET 2: Conduct an Attack 07-TS-1008 MET 3: Conduct a Defense 07-TS-1011 MET4: Conduct Area Security 71-TS-1003 MET 5: Conduct Stability Operations 71-TS-1004 Higher HQ METL Proposed CO METL MET 1: Conduct Mission Command ART 5.0 MET 2: Conduct an Attack 07-TS-2112 MET 3: Conduct a Defense 07-TS-2113 MET4: Conduct Area Security 71-TS-2114 MET 5: Conduct Stability Operations 71-TS-2110
Rifle Company METL: Approval
Before the METL is published in DTMS – the commander receives input from the subordinate units on the proposed METL. This input enables the commander to gain additional information to determine the final proposal for higher headquarters approval. Once approved by the higher commander – the METL is published in DTMS. This process is generally completed by the DTMS operator under the supervision of the commander (see DTMS tutorial
Rifle Company METL: Crosswalk
After a METL is developed it is good practice to compare to the higher unit’s METL to confirm nesting. Displayed are a Combined Arms Battalion and Rifle Company METLs that have been nested with the ABCT METL. These examples show the use of ARTs, and Tasks Selections as METs. Armored Brigade Combat Team METL MET 1: Conduct Mission Command ART 5.0 Task Group 1: Execute the Operations Process (Battalion - Corps) Task Group 2: Integrate Inform and Influence Activities (Battalion - Corps) MET 2 : Conduct Offensive Operations ART 7.1 Task Group 1: Conduct a Movement to Contact (Battalion - Brigade) Task Group 2: Conduct an Attack (Battalion - Brigade) MET 3: Conduct Defensive Operations ART 7.2 Task Group 1: Conduct a Defense (Battalion - Brigade) MET 4: Conduct Security Operations ART 6.7.3 Task Group 1: Conduct Security Operations (Battalion - Corps) Task Group 2: Conduct Area Security (Battalion - Brigade) MET 5: Conduct Stability Operations ART 7.3 Task Group 1: Coordinate Essential Services for Host Nation (Brigade - Corps) Task Group 2: Plan Restoration of Public Safety (Brigade - Corps) Combined Arms Battalion METL MET 1: Conduct Mission Command ART 5.0 Execute the Operations Process (Battalion - Corps) Integrate Inform and Influence Activities (Battalion - Corps) MET 2 : Conduct an Attack 07-TS-1008 Conduct a Movement to Contact (Battalion - Brigade) Conduct an Attack (Battalion - Brigade) MET 3: Conduct a Defense 07-TS-1011 Conduct Mobility, Countermobility, and or Survivability (Battalion - Brigade) Conduct Reconnaissance and Surveillance (Battalion- Brigade) Conduct a Battle Handover Conduct Consolidation (Battalion - Brigade) MET 4: Conduct Area Security 71-TS-1003 Conduct Security Operations (Battalion - Corps) Conduct Area Security (Battalion - Brigade) MET 5: Conduct Stability Operations 71-TS-1004 Conduct a Civil Military Operation (Battalion - Brigade) Secure Civilians During Operations (Battalion - Brigade) Conduct Lines of Communication Security (Battalion - Brigade) Provide Interface or Liaision Among Militiary and Civilian Organizations (Battalion - Corps) Rifle Company METL MET 1: Conduct Mission Command ART 5.0 Conduct Troop-leading Procedures (Platoon - Company) MET 2 : Conduct an Attack 71-TS-2112 Conduct a Movement to Contact (Platoon - Company) Integrate Indirect Fire Support Conduct an Attack (Platoon - Company) Breach an Obstacle (Platoon - Company) MET 3: Conduct a Defense 71-TS-2113 Conduct a Defense (Platoon - Company) Defend in an Urban Area (Platoon - Company) Employ Snipers (Platoon - Company) MET 4: Conduct Area Security 71-TS-2114 Conduct a Screen (Platoon - Company) Secure a Basecamp (Platoon - Company) Secure civilians during operations (Platoon - Company) Conduct Area Security (Platoon - Company) MET 5: Conduct Stability Operations 71-TS-2110 Secure Civilians During Operations (Platoon – Company) Conduct Cordon and Search (Platoon – Company)
MI Company METL: Gather Information
A Military Intelligence Company in a Brigade Special Troops Battalion (BSTB) of an Infantry Brigade Combat Team (IBCT) presents a different problem set to identify company specific capabilities that nest with the higher headquarters METL. Again, the commander gathers the information necessary to identify Mission Essential Tasks that best support the company capabilities. Higher HQ METL BSTB METL MET 1: Conduct Mission Command ART 5.0 MET 2: Conduct CBRN Reconnaissance 03-TS-3001 MET 3: Conduct Protection 07-TS-2915 MET4: Conduct BSTB Operations 07-TS-1055 MET 5: Sustain the Battalion 71-TS-1940 Develop METs that nest with the Battalion METL and complement the capabilities. Ensure METs are based on the company capability – no METs should extend beyond the capability of the company. Higher Cdr Guidance Task Analysis TOE Mission The mission of the MICO is to provide timely, relevant, accurate, and synchronized Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance (ISR) support to the maneuver units within the Brigade Combat Team (BCT)/BCT commander, staff and subordinates during the planning, preparation, and execution of multiple, simultaneous decision actions on a distributed battlefield.
MI Company METL: Task Analysis
The commander uses the information and tools available to determine which task selections best support the higher METL. This ensures the initial list of tasks is nested with the higher HQ. If the TS adequately reflect the unit’s capabilities and nests w/higher’s METL, these are good MET selections. Select proponent type 1 Analyze TSs by reviewing all the associated collective tasks – determine if the TS best describes the capability (TOE mission and guidance) and nests with the higher MET that it is associated with. 3 Select Unit CATS 2 Select TSs that best support unit capability 4
MI Company METL: Task Analysis
In this example, the Military Intelligence company task selections are closely in line with the higher METs (brigade special troops battalion) METL. The task selections with the same collective tasks as the higher METs are used as the company METs. BSTB METL MET 1: Conduct Mission Command ART 5.0 MET 2: Conduct CBRN Reconnaissance 03-TS-3001 MET 3: Conduct Protection 07-TS-2915 MET4: Conduct BSTB Operations 07-TS-1055 MET 5: Sustain the Battalion 71-TS-1940 Higher HQ METL MET 1: Conduct Mission Command ART 5.0 MET 2: Perform MICO ISR Activities 34-TS-2054 MET 3: Conduct SIGINT Collection 34-TS-5033 MET4: Manage SRC Relay Operations 01-TS-3023 MET 5: Conduct HUMINT Collection Ops 34-TS-5040 Proposed CO METL
MI Company METL: Approval
Before the METL is published in DTMS – the commander receives input from the subordinate units on the proposed METL. This input enables the commander to gain additional information to determine the final proposal for higher headquarters approval. Once approved by the higher commander – the METL is published in DTMS. This process is generally completed by the DTMS operator under the supervision of the commander (see DTMS tutorial
MI Company METL: Crosswalk
After a METL is developed it is good practice to compare to the higher unit’s METL to confirm nesting. Displayed are a Brigade Special Troops Battalion and MI Company METLs that have been nested with the IBCT METL. These examples show the use of ARTs, and Tasks Selections as METs. Infantry Brigade Combat Team METL MET 1: Conduct Mission Command ART 5.0 Task Group 1: Execute the Operations Process (Battalion - Corps) Task Group 2: Integrate Inform and Influence Activities (Battalion - Corps) MET 2 : Conduct Offensive Operations ART 7.1 Task Group 1: Conduct a Movement to Contact (Battalion - Brigade) Task Group 2: Conduct an Attack (Battalion - Brigade) MET 3: Conduct Defensive Operations ART 7.2 Task Group 1: Conduct a Defense (Battalion - Brigade) MET 4: Conduct Security Operations ART 6.7.3 Task Group 1: Conduct Security Operations (Battalion - Corps) Task Group 2: Conduct Area Security (Battalion - Brigade) MET 5: Conduct Stability Operations ART 7.3 Task Group 1: Coordinate Essential Services for Host Nation (Brigade - Corps) Task Group 2: Plan Restoration of Public Safety (Brigade - Corps) Brigade Special Troops Battalion MET 1: Conduct Mission Command ART 5.0 Execute the Operations Process (Battalion - Corps) Integrate Inform and Influence Activities (Battalion - Corps) MET 2 : Conduct CBRN Reconnaissance 03-TS-3001 Conduct Operational Decontamination Conduct CBRN Mounted Reconnaissance MET 3: Conduct Protection 07-TS-2915 Conduct a Security Patrol Provide Military Police Response to Base/Base Cluster Conduct Countermobility Activities (Battalion – Brigade) Develop the Operational Area Security Plan MET 4: Conduct BSTB Operations 71-TS-1055 Coordinate Convoy Security Operations Coordinate Civil Disturbance Control MET 5: Sustain the Battalion 71-TS-1940 Manage Sustainment Force Positioning (Battalion – Corps) Collect Friendly Force Information Requirements (Battalion- Corps) MI Company METL MET 1: Conduct Mission Command ART 5.0 Conduct Troop Leading Procedures (Platoon – Company) MET 2 : Perform MICO ISR Activities 34-TS-2054 Provide Intelligence Support to Targeting Process Specific Information Requirements (SIR) Develop and Information Collection Plan Plan Operations Security (Battalion – Corps) MET 3: Conduct SIGINT Collection 34-TS-5033 Employ Deception Techniques (Platoon – Company) Defend a Small Unit Intelligence Site Establish an Electronic Support (ES) Site MET 4: Manage Surveillance, Reconnaissance, and Communications Relay Operations 01-TS-3023 Conduct UAS Date Collecting and Reporting Perform UAS Screening Missions Perform UAS Area Security Missions Produce Intelligence Products MET 5: Conduct HUMIT Collection Operations 34-TS-5040 Process Detainees at Point of Capture Conduct HUMINT Screening Interrogate Detained Personnel Note: The first priority is to select the METs that best describe the unique capabilities the unit provides to higher or the Army. Unique units, as show above, do not repeat higher’s capabilities (METs) that they do not provide, but nest their METs where appropriate.
Summary The unit METL is a capabilities document
The METL represents the list of fundamental tasks for which the unit was designed (the range of capabilities of that type unit) Brigade and above units have a HQ DA Standardized METL Battalions and companies must develop their own METLs Commanders select METs that best describe the unit’s capabilities METLs nest and support their higher’s METL Resources available to assist in METL development include: The DA Standardized METL Viewer, and the CATS Viewer. TDA units do not have METLs and report capabilities in accordance with unit SOP
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