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ISS-2 25 jan. 2006 KEK Alain Blondel Physics of Future Neutrino Detectors PoF-NuDet detectors and beam instrumentation time scales and cost estimates.

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1 ISS-2 25 jan. 2006 KEK Alain Blondel Physics of Future Neutrino Detectors PoF-NuDet detectors and beam instrumentation time scales and cost estimates

2 ISS-2 25 jan. 2006 KEK Alain Blondel NB of course time scales an cost estimates and a good estimate of detector R&D needs are the main output of ISS. Numbers here are mostly indicative and definitely not homogeneous. more will be known after ISS meeting next week.

3 ISS-2 25 jan. 2006 KEK Alain Blondel Water Cerenkov Detectors report by Jacques Bouchez Magnetic Sampling Detectors report by Alan Bross Liquid Argon TPC reports by Scott Menary, Andreas Badertscher Emulsion Detectors report by Pasquale Migliozzi Near Detectors reports by Paul Soler and Federico Sanchez based on Working group reports at ISS Detector Technology will take place this afternoon

4 ISS-2 25 jan. 2006 KEK Alain Blondel The MEMPHYS Project 65m Fréjus CERN 130km 4800mwe Excavation engineering pre-study has been done for 5 shafts Water Cerenkov modules at Fréjus CERN to Fréjus Neutrino Super-beam and Beta-beam

5 ISS-2 25 jan. 2006 KEK Alain Blondel A Very Large Laboratory In the middle of the Fréjus tunnel at a depth of4800 m.w.e a preliminary investigation shows the feasibility to excavate up to five shafts of about 250,000 m 3 each Henderson HK

6 ISS-2 25 jan. 2006 KEK Alain Blondel 65m ~ 4 x SK 65m Detector basic unit Detector: cylinder (a la SK) 65 m diameter and 65 m height: : → 215 000 tons of water (4 times SK) taking out 4 m from outside for veto and fiducial cut →146 000 ton fiducial target 3 modules : 440 kilotons (like UNO) BASELINE 4 modules would give 580 kilotons (HK) →Simulations done using 440 kt each cavity 70 m diameter and 80 m total height

7 ISS-2 25 jan. 2006 KEK Alain Blondel

8 3 shafts = 543 M€ ~> 600 M€ 10 years

9 ISS-2 25 jan. 2006 KEK Alain Blondel Water Cherenkov R&D crude estimate: 4 M€ over 4 years (not an official number) Photomultiplier studies in conjunction with industry Large cavern detector architecture and liner studies Civil engineering design studies Three liquids DS for FP7?

10 ISS-2 25 jan. 2006 KEK Alain Blondel R&D on electronics (ASICs) Integrated readout : “digital PM (bits out)” Charge measurement (12bits) Time measurement (1ns) Single photoelectron sensitivity High counting rate capability (target 100 MHz) Large area pixellised PM : “PMm 2 ” 16 low cost PMs Centralized ASIC for DAQ Variable gain to have only one HV Multichannel readout Gain adjustment to compensate non uniformity Subsequent versions of OPERA_ROC ASICs aim at 200 euros/channel

11 ISS-2 25 jan. 2006 KEK Alain Blondel Mechanics & PMT tests Basic unit that we want to build and test under water Electronic box water tight IPNO Taken in charge by IPNO: well experienced in photodetectors (last operation: Auger). With PHOTONIS tests of PMT 8”, 9”  12” and Hybrid- PMT and HPD

12 ISS-2 25 jan. 2006 KEK Alain Blondel A possible schedule for MEMPHYS at Frejus Year 2005 2010 2015 2020 Safety tunnel Excavation Lab cavity Excavation P.S Study detector PM R&DPMT production Det.preparation InstallationOutside lab. Non-acc.physics P-decay, SN Superbeam Construction Superbeam betabeam Beta beam Construction decision for cavity digging decision for SPL construction decision for EURISOL site

13 ISS-2 25 jan. 2006 KEK Alain Blondel  [0 0 -90 0 ]  [90 0 -180 0 ]

14 ISS-2 25 jan. 2006 KEK Alain Blondel SUPERBEAM BETABEAM  → e e →   Superbeam + beta beam together 2 ways of testing CP, T and CPT : redundancy and check of systematics 2 beams 1 detector 2yrs 8yrs 5yrs pure4 flavours + K    

15 ISS-2 25 jan. 2006 KEK Alain Blondel MEMPHYS comments (AB) -- French neutrino community strongly motivated -- R&D already started. -- CERN beams (Beta-beam, Superbeam) possible please consider oscillation physics performance with BOTH betabeam gamma=100 AND WBB Superbeam Ep= 3-4 GeV. (no Kaons) ball-park est. cost of total package 600M€ (detector) + + (from erlier est…) betabeam (~500M€) + superbeam (~400 M€) main physics question mark: is it possible at all to do the physics with low energy events ?

16 ISS-2 25 jan. 2006 KEK Alain Blondel

17 A Strawman Concept for a Nufact Iron Tracker Detector 15m diameter polygon 4 piece laminate Can be thin if planes interconnected e.g. down to 1cm Idea from 1 st NOVA Proposal 60kA-turn central coil 0.5m x 0.5m Average field of 1.5T Extrapolation of MINOS Triangular liquid scintillator cells Structure based on NOvA using MINERvA-like shapes 4cm x 6cm cells (starting point) 3mm thick PVC walls Looped WLS fibers & APDs A sample would look like 1 cm Fe 0.7 cm PVC 3.3 cm LS 2/3rds Fe; ρ ≈ 2 Based on 175M$ for 90kt 6 cm 4 cm

18 ISS-2 25 jan. 2006 KEK Alain Blondel

19 near term study: prototype of long module 0.5 M€ prototype of module one-shower-length-deep module 0.5-1M€ engineering of large structure several FTEs + M€ civil engineering study 0.2 M€ study of very large magnet (CERN) roughly 1.8M€ R&D over next 4 years. +15 FTE note high level of synergy with T2K ND280 and NOvA. long term study very rough total detector cost estimate would be 200 M€ (detector) + 80 M€ (excav. + infrastructure) ~300 M€ with independent magnet: would depend on result of study. (see first ideas for Liquid argon later. Cheaper for lighter material at equal mass and performance since resolution scales as B.X 0 2

20 ISS-2 25 jan. 2006 KEK Alain Blondel

21 considerable noise reduction can be obtained by gas amplification

22 ISS-2 25 jan. 2006 KEK Alain Blondel industrial study of large Tank 70 m diameter, 20 m drift = 100 kton of Larg shown to be feasible conceptually

23 ISS-2 25 jan. 2006 KEK Alain Blondel non- trivial liquid argon consumption!!!!

24 ISS-2 25 jan. 2006 KEK Alain Blondel height is limited by high voltage 1kV/cm  2 MV for 20m… field degrader in liquid argon tested  (Cockroft-Greinacher circuit)

25 ISS-2 25 jan. 2006 KEK Alain Blondel long drift will be tested in 5m vertical drift tube (ETHZ-Napoli) and drift under high pressure in pressurized cryostat

26 ISS-2 25 jan. 2006 KEK Alain Blondel consequences of long drift: time integration 1.Detector must be underground to limit cosmics (are they all just muons?) 2.photomultipliers sensitive to 128 nm scintillation light can be installed for trigger 3.however Raleigh scattering (<1m scattering length) limits position reconstruction from light timing is possible to tag timing of neutrino events with precision small wrt 100 ns. and operate with both mu+ and mu- trains injected in storage ring

27 ISS-2 25 jan. 2006 KEK Alain Blondel NB B field is perp. to drift! NBB: what range of electrons does this correcpond to?

28 ISS-2 25 jan. 2006 KEK Alain Blondel


30 Questions: what is efficiency as a function of energy vs B field? what magnetic field is necessary to have reasonable efficiency for electrons up to first oscillation maximum and a little more? (this is of course a baseline dependent statement) phenomenologists: be prepared to add this to the perfect detector! 10 (100?) kton with 30% efficiency for wrong sign electrons up to 5 GeV ? dreams? High Tc supra conductor magnet?

31 ISS-2 25 jan. 2006 KEK Alain Blondel


33 Liquid Argon R&D -- T2K 2km: 10M€ over 4 years 2009-2012 -- other: long drift 12.6M$ for 100ton « prototype ». Cost estimates for full size detector are not known. sacling as V 1/3 gives 360M$ for 100 kton. (realistic?) Magnetized LARG. Magnet is as large/expensive as CMS -->200 M$ this with moderate size Larg detector (15kton) may be competitive. Cost of a intense High Tc magnet design to be evaluated. Several M$ and 10’s of FTE

34 ISS-2 25 jan. 2006 KEK Alain Blondel An ideal detector exploiting a Neutrino Factory should: Identify and measure the charge of the muon (“golden channel”) with high accuracy Identify and measure the charge of the electron with high accuracy (“time reversal of the golden channel”) Identify the  decays (“silver channel”) Measure the complete kinematics of an event in order to increase the signal/back ratio Migliozzi

35 ISS-2 25 jan. 2006 KEK Alain Blondel “MECC” structure Stainless steel or LeadFilmRohacell DONUT/OPERA type target + Emulsion spectrometer + TT + Electron/pi discriminator B Assumption: accuracy of film by film alignment = 10 micron (conservative) 13 lead plates (~2.5 X 0 ) + 4 spacers (2 cm gap) (NB in the future we plan to study stainless steel as well. May be it will be the baseline solution: lighter target) The geometry of the MECC is being optimized 3 cm Electronic detectors/ECC

36 ISS-2 25 jan. 2006 KEK Alain Blondel Need a programme of prototype of Magnetized emulsion claoud chambers -- synergy with large magnet design for segmented calorimeter -- need prototype as for segmented calorimeter large size module adequate depth module to measure resolution -- synergy with Opera no synergy with other project. same detector costs assumed as for segmented calor.

37 ISS-2 25 jan. 2006 KEK Alain Blondel near detector and instrumentation Set-up a generic simulation of a near detector Define a series of potential detector geometries to run on near detector -- dedicated purely-leptonic detector for absolute flux -- quasi-elastic, pi, pi0 detector with variable targets (a la T2K ND280) -- charm detector for Nufact Carry out physics studies needed for the ISS report: Study flux normalisation through: 1.Use quasi-elastic and elastic interactions to determine neutrino spectrum 2.Sensitivity for cross-section measurements: low energy? 3.Determination of charm: remember this is main background for golden channel! 4.instrumentation: should build a prototype of emittance measuring ring imaging Cherenkov detector and operate in a beam. Study heating and emittance- generating effects. 500k€ 5.instrumentation design and prototype detector for reverse muon decay and elastic NC events 1M€ 10FTEx4years and 1.5M€ for prototypes.

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