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Sales Presentation Sample. XYZ Inc., USA manufactures and sells different types of widgets. The widget types are A, B, C and D. John Smith, VP of Sales.

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Presentation on theme: "Sales Presentation Sample. XYZ Inc., USA manufactures and sells different types of widgets. The widget types are A, B, C and D. John Smith, VP of Sales."— Presentation transcript:

1 Sales Presentation Sample

2 XYZ Inc., USA manufactures and sells different types of widgets. The widget types are A, B, C and D. John Smith, VP of Sales at XYZ Inc. is pitching to CUSTOMER Inc. CUSTOMER Inc. manufactures Widget C in-house because it is very expensive to buy from vendors. CUSTOMER Inc. purchases widget types A and B from XYZ Inc. and Widget D from COMPETITOR Inc. Sales Scenario 1

3 CUSTOMER Inc. Requirements CUSTOMER Inc. is looking to work with a single vendor which:  Offers cost effective solution for purchase of all types of widgets  Delivers the widgets to multiple countries (Specifically looking for vendors who have presence in Germany)  Has financial stability  Meets quality SLAs 2 John Smith is presenting to Joe (VP of Manufacturing) and his team.

4 CUSTOMER INC. JOHN SMITH XYZ Inc. Presentation to 3

5 Agenda Corporate Summary Understanding of CUSTOMER Inc. Requirements Solution – Product Benefits – Manufacturing Process – Product Comparison – Widget Positioning – Order Process Flow – Answers to Commonly Asked Questions Mapping of Requirements Vs. Offerings 4

6 5 Corporate Summary

7 Single Vendor Financial Stability Adherence to Quality SLAs Compliance with International Standards Ability to Deliver and Support in Germany CUSTOMER Inc. Requirements

8 6 Product Catalogue

9 Solution Description: Manufacturing Process 8

10 9 Product Comparison

11 10 Widget Positioning

12 11 Order Process Flow

13 Typical Questions 12

14 CUSTOMER Inc. Requirements Vs XYZ Inc. Offerings RequirementsXYZ Inc. Offerings Single VendorAll requirements of Customer Inc. for Widget A,B, C and D can be met by XYZ Inc. Financial StabilityConsistent record of profits and XYZ Inc. is in business since 1993. Adherence to Quality SLAsCan match and achieve SLAs of CUSTOMER Inc. Compliance with International Standards All widgets comply with the latest international standards. Ability to Deliver and Support in Germany XYZ has a sales office in Germany and can deliver widgets in Germany. 13

15 14 Please type in the action points on the right hand side sticky note. Next Steps

16 Thank you for giving your time in going through the presentation. This presentation is created using Raptivity Presenter and YawnBuster.

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