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Bond investors have a different outlook vs. equity investors

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0 May   2 0 0 5 A Fixed Income (Bond Investor’s) Perspective on the North American Steel Industry David Common S T R I C T L Y   P R I V A T E   A N D   C O N F I D E N T I A L

1 Bond investors have a different outlook vs. equity investors
We try to “outperform” Treasuries: 10-year Treasury currently ~ 4.25% “High-grade” investors try to make basis points > Treasuries: % “High-yield” investors try to make basis points > Treasuries: % More caution given a different risk/reward ratio and different job description

2 Credit ratings are important…
Majority of the steel companies have high-yield ratings. High Grade High Yield Source: Moody’s and S&P.

3 … but trading levels vary widely among like-rated bonds
Ratings Issue Price Yield Ratings Issue Price Yield BBB B Baa2/BBB- Thyssenkrupp Finance BV 5.000% 105.0 4.0% B1/BB- Texas Industries % 112.3 6.1% Ba1/BBB+ Ispat Inland 9.750% 114.3 6.3% B1/B+ AK Steel 7.750% 89.8 9.4% Oregon Steel Mills % 107.3 7.5% BB B2/B+ OAO Severstal 9.250% 103.0 8.7% Ba2/BB International Steel Group 6.500% 99.3 6.7% B2/B Earle M. Jorgensen 9.750% 106.0 8.3% Ba2/BB- California Steel Industries 6.125% 91.0 7.2% Ryerson Tull 8.250% 85.0 10.6% IPSCO 8.750% 111.0 5.9% B3/B+ Allegheny Technologies Inc 8.375% 104.5 7.6% Steel Dynamics 9.500% 107.0 B3/B- Sheffield Steel % 102.0 11.8% United States Steel 9.750% 110.0 6.9% Corus Group 7.500% 101.8 Ba3/BB- Gerdau Ameristeel % 109.0 7.8% CCC Russel Metals 6.375% 95.0 7.1% Caa2/CCC Schuff Steel % 10.8% Source: Moody’s and S&P.

4 2000 – 2005: A Truly Astonishing Cycle
Rating agencies say they try to “look across the cycle” Investors do not; they try to time it. Degree of success? ….. Low! Forecast ingredients: can anybody predict all this? Steel Demand Shipping Rates Capacity Reductions/De-Bottlenecking Currencies Trade Flows Raw Material Costs Capacity Utilization Sentiment Inventory Stocking/De-Stocking

5 Fortunately, prices and costs are at least correlated
Source: JP Morgan and company reports.

6 2004 unit profits were very high historically
2004 profits were 2~3x historical average Source: JP Morgan and company reports.

7 Given the unpredictability, use debt with caution
Standard corporate finance: Above-average business risk should be paired with below-average financial risk But it’s not just the amount of debt. It’s the source and terms of the debt Optimal capital structure: Working capital supported by asset-based borrowings, backed by accounts receivable and inventories P,P&E supported by long-term, “loan value” type debt, preferably “callable” (pre-payable, to some extent) It’s better to ‘pay-up” for long-term and no/few financial covenants Pay-up and live to fight another day

8 GM and Ford: A Major Investor Worry
Automakers with “legacy costs” face the same issues as similarly situated steel companies: uncompetitive cost structure Something that can’t go on…probably won’t “The market” expects management to go toe-to-toe with labor on legacy costs Bankruptcy may be required to effect the magnitude of reductions thought necessary Detroit vs. the transplants: as long as the cars get made/sold Mix is obviously an issue Longer term: Korea and China as a source of auto imports

9 Analysts' Compensation: The research analysts responsible for the preparation of this report receive compensation based upon various factors, including the quality and accuracy of research, client feedback, competitive factors and overall firm revenues. The firm's overall revenues include revenues from its investment banking and fixed income business units. Principal Trading: JPMorgan and/or its affiliates normally make a market and trade as principal in fixed income securities discussed in this report. Ratings System: JPMorgan uses the following sector/issuer portfolio weightings: Overweight (over the next three months, the recommended risk position is expected to outperform the relevant index, sector, or benchmark), Neutral (over the next three months, the recommended risk position is expected to perform in line with the relevant index, sector, or benchmark), and Underweight (over the next three months, the recommended risk position is expected to underperform the relevant index, sector, or benchmark). JPMorgan uses the following fundamental credit recommendations: Improving (the issuer’s credit profile/credit rating likely improves over the next six to twelve months), Stable (the issuer’s long-term credit profile/credit rating likely remains the same over the next six to twelve months), Deteriorating (the issuer’s long-term credit profile/credit rating likely falls over the next six to twelve months), Defaulting (there is some likelihood that the issuer defaults over the next six to twelve months). Legal Entities: JPMorgan is the marketing name for JPMorgan Chase & Co. and its subsidiaries and affiliates worldwide. J.P. Morgan Securities Inc. is a member of NYSE and SIPC. JPMorgan Chase Bank, N.A. is a member of FDIC and is authorized and regulated in the UK by the Financial Services Authority. J.P. Morgan Futures Inc., is a member of the NFA. J.P. Morgan Securities Ltd. 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