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Published byPhyllis Parrish Modified over 9 years ago
5/15/2015COSC-3308-01, Lecture 61 Programming Language Concepts, COSC-3308-01 Lecture 6 Higher-Order Programming and Abstract Data Types
5/15/2015 COSC-3308-01, Lecture 6 2 Reminder of the Last Lecture Last call optimization Recursion versus Iteration Tupled recursion Exceptions Type notation Design methodology
5/15/2015 COSC-3308-01, Lecture 6 3 Overview Higher-order programming Abstract data types October 22, Friday – 9:00am-10:00am Mid-term exam (20% of the final grade) Lectures 1-5, Tutorials 1-4
5/15/2015COSC-3308-01, Lecture 64 Higher-Order Programming
5/15/2015 COSC-3308-01, Lecture 6 5 Higher-Order Programming Higher-order programming = the set of programming techniques that are possible with procedure values (lexically-scoped closures). Higher-order programming is the foundation of secure data abstraction component- based programming and object-oriented programming.
5/15/2015 COSC-3308-01, Lecture 6 6 Higher-Order Programming A procedure which has no procedures as arguments is called first-order. A procedure which has at least one procedure as argument is called second-order … A procedure is of order n+1 if it has at least one argument of order n and none of higher order. Higher-order programming procedures can be of any order.
5/15/2015 COSC-3308-01, Lecture 6 7 Remember (I) Functions are procedures Special syntax, nested syntax, expression syntax They are procedures with one argument as the result arguments Example: fun {F X} fun {$ Y} X+Y end end A function that returns a function that is specialized on X
5/15/2015 COSC-3308-01, Lecture 6 8 Remember (II) Successive transformations to procedures 1. fun {F X} fun {$ Y} X+Y end end 2. proc {F X ?R} R = fun {$ Y} X+Y end end 3. proc {F X ?R} R = proc {$ Y ?R1} R1=X+Y end end
5/15/2015 COSC-3308-01, Lecture 6 9 Remember (III) 3. proc {F X ?R} R = proc {$ Y ?R1} R1=X+Y end end F is a procedure value When F is called, its 2 nd argument returns a procedure value ‘ ? ’ is comment indicating output argument
5/15/2015 COSC-3308-01, Lecture 6 10 Remember (IV) declare fun {F X} fun {$ Y} X+Y end end {Browse F} G={F 1} {Browse G} {Browse {G 2}} F is a function of one argument, which corresponds to a procedure having two arguments G is an unnamed function {G Y} returns 1+Y 3
5/15/2015 COSC-3308-01, Lecture 6 11 Remember (V) 1. fun {F X} fun {$ Y} X+Y end end The type of F fun {F Num }: fun {$ Num }: Num
5/15/2015 COSC-3308-01, Lecture 6 12 Higher-Order Programming Basic operations: Procedural abstraction: the ability to convert any statement into a procedure value Genericity: the ability to pass procedure values as arguments to a procedure call Instantiation: the ability to return procedure values as results from a procedure call Embedding: the ability to put procedure values in data structures
5/15/2015 COSC-3308-01, Lecture 6 13 Higher-Order Programming Control abstractions The ability to define control constructs Integer and list loops, accumulator loops, folding a list (left and right)
5/15/2015 COSC-3308-01, Lecture 6 14 Procedural Abstraction Procedural abstraction is the ability to convert any statement into a procedure value. Statement Normal Execution time P = proc{$} Statement end {P} Delayed Execution time
5/15/2015 COSC-3308-01, Lecture 6 15 Procedural Abstraction A procedure value is usually called a closure, or more precisely, a lexically-scoped closure A procedure value is a pair: it combines the procedure code with the contextual environment Basic scheme: Consider any statement Convert it into a procedure value: P = proc {$} end Executing {P} has exactly the same effect as executing
5/15/2015 COSC-3308-01, Lecture 6 16 The Same Holds for Expressions A procedure value is usually called a closure, or more precisely, a lexically-scoped closure A procedure value is a pair: it combines the procedure code with the contextual environment Basic scheme: Consider any expression, embedded in an equality like X = E Convert it into a function value: F = fun {$} end Executing X = {F} has exactly the same effect as executing X = E
5/15/2015 COSC-3308-01, Lecture 6 17 The Arguments are Evaluated declare Z=3 fun {F X} {Browse X} 2 end Y={F Z} {Browse Y} X is evaluated as 3 3 2 declare Z=3 fun {F X} {Browse X} {Browse {X}} 2 end Y={F fun {$} Z end} {Browse Y} X is evaluated as function value fun {$} Z end 3 2 2
5/15/2015 COSC-3308-01, Lecture 6 18 Example Suppose we want to define the operator andthen ( && in Java) as a function, namely andthen is false if is false, avoiding the evaluation of (Exercise 2.8.6, page 109). Attempt: fun {AndThen B1 B2} if B1 then B2 else false end end if {AndThen X>0 Y>0} then … else …
5/15/2015 COSC-3308-01, Lecture 6 19 Example Does not work as wished because both X>0 and Y>0 are evaluated. So, even if X>0 is false, Y should be bound in order to evaluate the expression Y>0 ! fun {AndThen B1 B2} if B1 then B2 else false end end if {AndThen X>0 Y>0} then … else …
5/15/2015 COSC-3308-01, Lecture 6 20 Example declare fun {AndThen B1 B2} if B1 then B2 else false end end X=~3 Y if {AndThen X>0 Y>0} then {Browse 1} else {Browse 2} end Display nothing since Y is unbound! When called, all function’s arguments are evaluated.
5/15/2015 COSC-3308-01, Lecture 6 21 Solution: Use Procedural Abstractions fun {AndThen B1 B2} if {B1} then {B2} else false end end if {AndThen fun{$} X>0 end fun{$} Y>0 end} then … else … end
5/15/2015 COSC-3308-01, Lecture 6 22 Example. Solution declare fun {AndThen BP1 BP2} if {BP1} then {BP2} else false end end X=~3 Y if {AndThen fun{$} X>0 end fun{$} Y>0 end} then {Browse 1} else {Browse 2} end Display 2 (even if Y is unbound)
5/15/2015 COSC-3308-01, Lecture 6 23 Genericity To make a function generic is to let any specific entity (i.e., any operation or value) in the function body become an argument of the function. The entity is abstracted out of the function body.
5/15/2015 COSC-3308-01, Lecture 6 24 Genericity Replace specific entities (zero 0 and addition + ) by function arguments. fun {SumList Ls} case Ls of nil then 0 []X|Lr then X+{SumList Lr} end
5/15/2015 COSC-3308-01, Lecture 6 25 Genericity fun {SumList L} case L of nil then 0 []X|L2 then X+{SumList L2} end fun {FoldR L F U} case L of nil then U []X|L2 then {F X {FoldR L2 F U}} end
5/15/2015 COSC-3308-01, Lecture 6 26 Genericity SumList fun {SumList Ls} {FoldR Ls fun {$ X Y} X+Y end 0 } end {Browse {SumList [1 2 3 4]}}
5/15/2015 COSC-3308-01, Lecture 6 27 Genericity ProductList fun {ProductList Ls} {FoldR Ls fun {$ X Y} X*Y end 1 } end {Browse {ProductList [1 2 3 4]}}
5/15/2015 COSC-3308-01, Lecture 6 28 Genericity Some fun {Some Ls} {FoldR Ls fun {$ X Y} X orelse Y end false } end {Browse {Some [false true false]}}
5/15/2015 COSC-3308-01, Lecture 6 29 List Mapping Mapping each element recursively calling function for each element Snoctruct list that takes output Separate function calling by passing function as argument.
5/15/2015 COSC-3308-01, Lecture 6 30 Other Generic Functions: Map fun {Map Xs F} case Xs of nil then nil [] X|Xr then {F X}|{Map Xr F} end {Browse {Map [1 2 3] fun {$ X} X*X end}}
5/15/2015 COSC-3308-01, Lecture 6 31 Other Generic Functions: Filter fun {Filter Xs P} case Xs of nil then nil [] X|Xr andthen {P X} then X|{Filter Xr P} [] X|Xr then {Filter Xr P} end {Browse {Filter [1 2 3] IsOdd}}
5/15/2015 COSC-3308-01, Lecture 6 32 Instantiation Instantiation: the ability to return procedure values as results from a procedure call. A factory of specialized functions. declare fun {Add X} fun {$ Y} X+Y end end Inc = {Add 1} {Browse {Inc 5}} % shows 6
5/15/2015 COSC-3308-01, Lecture 6 33 Explanations for Nesting Operator $ The previous Oz code can be rewritten as: declare fun {Add X} Z = fun {$ Y} X+Y end Z end Inc = {Add 1} % Inc is bound to value of Z {Browse {Inc 5}} % shows 6
5/15/2015 COSC-3308-01, Lecture 6 34 Embedding Embedding is when procedure values are put in data structures. Embedding has many uses: Modules: a module is a record that groups together a set of related operations (procedures). Software components: a software component is a generic function that takes a set of modules as its arguments and returns a new module. It can be seen as specifying a module in terms of the modules it needs.
5/15/2015 COSC-3308-01, Lecture 6 35 Embedding. Example declare Algebra local proc {Add X Y ?Z} Z=X+Y end proc {Mul X Y ?Z} Z=X*Y end in Algebra=op(add:Add mul:Mul) end A=2 B=3 {Browse {Algebra.add A B}} {Browse {Algebra.mul A B}} Add and Mul are procedures embedded in a data structure.
5/15/2015 COSC-3308-01, Lecture 6 36 Integer Loop Abstractions Integer loop: repeats an operation with a sequence of integers: proc {For I J P} if I > J then skip else {P I} {For I+1 J P} end {For 1 10 Browse} Linguistic abstraction for integer loops: for I in 1..10 do {Browse I} end
5/15/2015 COSC-3308-01, Lecture 6 37 List Loop Abstractions List loop: repeats an operation for all elements of a list: proc {ForAll Xs P} case Xs of nil then skip [] X|Xr then {P X} {ForAll Xr P} end {ForAll [a b c d] proc{$ I} {Browse I} end}
5/15/2015 COSC-3308-01, Lecture 6 38 List Loop Abstractions proc {ForAll Xs P} case Xs of nil then skip [] X|Xr then {P X} {ForAll Xr P} end Linguistic abstraction for list loops: for I in [a b c d] do {Browse I} end
5/15/2015 COSC-3308-01, Lecture 6 39 Other Examples {Filter Xs F} returns all elements of Xs for which F returns true {Some Xs F} tests whether Xs has an element for which F returns true {All Xs F} tests whether F returns true for all elements of Xs
5/15/2015 COSC-3308-01, Lecture 6 40 Folding Lists Consider computing the sum of list elements …or the product …or all elements appended to a list …or the maximum … What do they have in common? Example: SumList
5/15/2015 COSC-3308-01, Lecture 6 41 SumList : Naive fun {SumList Xs} case Xs of nil then 0 [] X|Xr then {SumList Xr}+X end First step: make tail-recursive with accumulator.
5/15/2015 COSC-3308-01, Lecture 6 42 SumList : Tail-Recursive fun {SumList Xs N} case Xs of nil then N [] X|Xr then {SumList Xr N+X} end {SumList Xs 0} Question: what is about computing the sum? what is generic?
5/15/2015 COSC-3308-01, Lecture 6 43 SumList : Tail-Recursive fun {SumList Xs N} case Xs of nil then N [] X|Xr then {SumList Xr N+X} end {SumList Xs 0} Question: what is about computing the sum? what is generic?
5/15/2015 COSC-3308-01, Lecture 6 44 How Does SumList Compute? {SumList [2 5 7] 0} = {SumList [5 7] 0+2} = {SumList [7] (0+2)+5} = {SumList nil ((0+2)+5)+7} = …
5/15/2015 COSC-3308-01, Lecture 6 45 SumList Slightly Rewritten… {SumList [2 5 7] 0} = {SumList [5 7] {F 0 2}} = {SumList [7] {F {F 0 2} 5}} = {SumList nil {F {F {F 0 2} 5} 7}= … where F is fun {F X Y} X+Y end
5/15/2015 COSC-3308-01, Lecture 6 46 Left-Folding Two values define “folding” initial value 0 for SumList binary function + for SumList Left-folding {FoldL [ x 1 … x n ] F S} {F … {F {F S x 1 } x 2 } … x n } or (…((S F x 1 ) F x 2 ) … F x n )
5/15/2015 COSC-3308-01, Lecture 6 47 Left-Folding Two values define “folding” initial value 0 for SumList binary function + for SumList Left-folding {FoldL [ x 1 … x n ] F S} {F … {F {F S x 1 } x 2 } … x n } or (…((S F x 1 ) F x 2 ) … F x n ) left is here!
5/15/2015 COSC-3308-01, Lecture 6 48 FoldL fun {FoldL Xs F S} case Xs of nil then S [] X|Xr then {FoldL Xr F {F S X}} end
5/15/2015 COSC-3308-01, Lecture 6 49 SumList with FoldL local fun {Plus X Y} X+Y end in fun {SumList Xs} {FoldL Xs Plus 0} end
5/15/2015 COSC-3308-01, Lecture 6 50 Properties of FoldL Tail recursive First element of list is folded first… what does that mean?
5/15/2015 COSC-3308-01, Lecture 6 51 What Does This Do? local fun {Snoc Xr X} X|Xr end in fun {Foo Xs} {FoldL Xs Snoc nil} end
5/15/2015 COSC-3308-01, Lecture 6 52 How Does Foo Compute? {Foo [a b c]} = {FoldL [a b c] Snoc nil} = {FoldL [b c] Snoc {Snoc nil a}} = {FoldL [b c] Snoc [a]} = {FoldL [c] Snoc {Snoc [a] b}} = {FoldL [c] Snoc [b a]} = {FoldL nil Snoc {Snoc [b a] c}} = {FoldL nil Snoc [c b a]} = [c b a]
5/15/2015 COSC-3308-01, Lecture 6 53 Right-Folding Two values define “folding” initial value binary function Right-folding {FoldR [ x 1 … x n ] F S} {F x 1 {F x 2 … {F x n S} …}} or x 1 F ( x 2 F ( … ( x n F S) … ))
5/15/2015 COSC-3308-01, Lecture 6 54 Right-Folding Two values define “folding” initial value binary function Right-folding {FoldR [ x 1 … x n ] F S} {F x 1 {F x 2 … {F x n S} …}} or x 1 F ( x 2 F ( … ( x n F S) … )) right is here!
5/15/2015 COSC-3308-01, Lecture 6 55 FoldR fun {FoldR Xs F S} case Xs of nil then S [] X|Xr then {F X {FoldR Xr F S}} end
5/15/2015 COSC-3308-01, Lecture 6 56 Properties of FoldR Not tail-recursive Elements folded in order
5/15/2015 COSC-3308-01, Lecture 6 57 FoldL or FoldR ? FoldL and FoldR compute the same value, if function F commutes: {F X Y}=={F Y X} If function commutes: FoldL FoldL tail-recursive Otherwise: FoldL or FoldR depending on required order of result
5/15/2015 COSC-3308-01, Lecture 6 58 Example: Appending Lists Given: list of lists [[a b] [1 2] [e] [g]] Task: compute all elements in one list in order Solution: fun {AppAll Xs} {FoldR Xs Append nil} end Question: What would happen with FoldL ?
5/15/2015 COSC-3308-01, Lecture 6 59 What would happen with FoldL ? fun {AppAllLeft Xs} {FoldL Xs Append nil} end {AppAllLeft [[a b] [1 2] [e] [g]]} = {FoldL [[a b] [1 2] [e] [g]] Append nil} = {FoldL [[1 2] [e] [g]] Append {Append nil [a b]}}=...
5/15/2015 COSC-3308-01, Lecture 6 60 How Does AppAllLeft Compute? {FoldL [[1 2] [e] [g]] Append [a b]} = {FoldL [[e] [g]] Append {Append [a b] [1 2]}} = {FoldL [[e] [g]] Append [a b 1 2]} = {FoldL [[g]] Append {Append [a b 1 2] [e]}} = {FoldL [[g]] Append [a b 1 2 e]} = {FoldL nil Append {Append [a b 1 2 e] [g]}} = {FoldL nil Append [a b 1 2 e g]} = = [a b 1 2 e g]
5/15/2015 COSC-3308-01, Lecture 6 61 Summary so far Many operations can be partitioned into pattern implementing recursion application of operations operations to be applied Typical patterns Map mapping elements FoldL/FoldR folding elements Filter filtering elements Sort sorting elements …
5/15/2015COSC-3308-01, Lecture 662 Abstract Data Types Overview
5/15/2015 COSC-3308-01, Lecture 6 63 Data Types Data type set of values operations on these values Primitive data types records numbers … Abstract data types completely defined by its operations (interface) implementation can be changed without changing use
5/15/2015 COSC-3308-01, Lecture 6 64 Motivation Sufficient to understand interface only. Software components can be developed independently, as long as only the interface is used. Developers need not to know implementation details.
5/15/2015 COSC-3308-01, Lecture 6 65 Outlook How to define abstract data types How to organize abstract data types How to use abstract data types
5/15/2015 COSC-3308-01, Lecture 6 66 Abstract data types (ADTs) A type is abstract if it is completely defined by its set of operations, regardless of the implementation. ADTs: it is possible to change the implementation of an ADT without changing its use. The ADT is described by a set of procedures Including how to create a value of the ADT. These operations are the only thing that a user of the abstraction can assume.
5/15/2015 COSC-3308-01, Lecture 6 67 Example: stack Assume we want to define a new data type stack T whose elements are of any type T. We define the following operations (with type definitions): fun {NewStack}: stack T fun {Push stack T T }: stack T proc {Pop stack T ? T ? stack T } fun {IsEmpty stack T }: Bool
5/15/2015 COSC-3308-01, Lecture 6 68 Example: stack (algebraic properties) Algebraic properties are logical relations between ADT’s operations. These operations normally satisfy certain laws (properties): {IsEmpty {NewStack}} = true For any stack S, {IsEmpty {Push S}} = false For any E and S, {Pop {Push S E} E S} holds. For any stack S, {Pop {NewStack} S} raises error.
5/15/2015 COSC-3308-01, Lecture 6 69 stack (implementation I) using lists fun {NewStack} nil end fun {Push S E} E|S end proc {Pop E|S ?E1 ?S1} E1 = E S1 = S end fun {IsEmpty S} S==nil end
5/15/2015 COSC-3308-01, Lecture 6 70 stack (implementation II) using tuples fun {NewStack} emptyStack end fun {Push S E} stack(E S) end proc {Pop stack(E S) E1 S1} E1 = E S1 = S end fun {IsEmpty S} S==emptyStack end
5/15/2015 COSC-3308-01, Lecture 6 71 Why the Stack is Abstract? A program that uses the stack will work with either implementation (gives the same result). declare Top S4 %... either implementation S1={NewStack} S2={Push S1 2} S3={Push S2 5} {Pop S3 Top S4} {Browse Top} 5
5/15/2015 COSC-3308-01, Lecture 6 72 What is a Dictionary? A dictionary is a finite mapping from a set of simple constants to a set of language entities. Each constant maps to one language entity. The constants are called keys because they unlock the path to the entity, in some intuitive sense. We will use atoms or integers as constants. Goal: create the mapping dynamically, i.e., by adding new keys during the execution.
5/15/2015 COSC-3308-01, Lecture 6 73 Example: Dictionaries Designing the interface {MakeDict} returns new dictionary {DictMember D F} tests whether feature F is member of dictionary D {DictAccess D F} returns the value of feature F in D {DictAdjoin D F X} returns the dictionary with value X at feature F adjoined Interface depends on purpose, could be richer.
5/15/2015 COSC-3308-01, Lecture 6 74 Using the Dict ADT Now we can write programs using the ADT without even having an implementation for it. Implementation can be provided later. Eases software development in large teams.
5/15/2015 COSC-3308-01, Lecture 6 75 Implementing the Dict ADT Now we can decide on a possible implementation for the Dict ADT: based on pairlists, based on records. Regardless on what we decide, programs using the ADT will work! the interface is a contract between use and implementation.
5/15/2015 COSC-3308-01, Lecture 6 76 Dict : Pairlists fun {MakeDict} nil end fun {DictMember D F} case D of nil then false [] G#X|Dr then if G==F then true else {DictMember Dr F} end Example: telephone book [name1#62565243 name2#67893421 taxi1#65221111...]
5/15/2015 COSC-3308-01, Lecture 6 77 Dict : Records fun {MakeDict} mr %start making the record end fun {DictMember D F} {HasFeature D F} end fun {DictAccess D F} D.F end fun {DictAdjoin D F X} {AdjoinAt D F X} end Example: telephone book d(name1:62565243 name2:67893421 taxi1:65521111...)
5/15/2015 COSC-3308-01, Lecture 6 78 HasFeature and AdjoinAt declare X=p(n:'Joe' age:26) Y={Value.'.' X n} {Browse Y} Z={Value.hasFeature X age} {Browse Z} U={HasFeature X age} {Browse U} V={AdjoinAt X s 'm'} {Browse V} T={AdjoinAt V age 27} {Browse T} 'Joe' true p(age:26 n:'Joe' s:'m') p(age:27 n:'Joe' s:'m')
5/15/2015 COSC-3308-01, Lecture 6 79 Evolution of ADTs Important aspect of developing ADTs start with simple (possibly inefficient) implementation; refine to better (more efficient) implementation; refine to carefully chosen implementation: hash table search tree All of evolution is local to ADT: no change of programs using ADT is needed!
5/15/2015 COSC-3308-01, Lecture 6 80 Summary Higher-Order Programming Abstract Data Types
5/15/2015 COSC-3308-01, Lecture 6 81 Reading suggestions From [van Roy,Haridi; 2004] Chapter 3, Sections 3.2-3.9 Exercises 2.9.8, 3.10.6-3.10.17
5/15/2015 COSC-3308-01, Lecture 6 82 Coming up next Declarative concurrency, and Demand-driven execution Chapter 3, Sections 3.4-3.8 Chapter 4, Sections 4.1-4.5
5/15/2015 COSC-3308-01, Lecture 6 83 Thank you for your attention! Questions?
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