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Florida Aviation Network This is where the original Flight Instructor Special Emphasis Program began. The Orlando Flight Standards District Office (Now.

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Presentation on theme: "Florida Aviation Network This is where the original Flight Instructor Special Emphasis Program began. The Orlando Flight Standards District Office (Now."— Presentation transcript:

1 Florida Aviation Network This is where the original Flight Instructor Special Emphasis Program began. The Orlando Flight Standards District Office (Now the North Florida District Office) The certification data proportions remains about the same over the years.

2 Florida Aviation Network Total Airman Certificates for US (World) 2005 91,448 2006 99,792 2007 107, 889 about the same as 2000 or 2001 Total Flight Instructor Certificates 2005 3,654 (US World) 2006 4,506 2007 4,667 slightly less that 2000 or 2001

3 Florida Aviation Network (above data from FAA Data tables on the web site this date) I am advised that the North Florida FSDO processed about 16,000 Cert last year. North Florida FSDO over the years has consistently issued about 15% of all US Airman Certificates in the World. North Florida FSDO over the years has consistently issued about 20% of all US Instructor Certificates in the World.

4 Florida Aviation Network We consider our broadcast a surgical approach to a major Flight Training Area. Many of the Airmen come to the area to train, and depart to various locations throughout the world. As a result of years of consistent programming we now have viewers over the satellite broadcast and internet streaming from all over the world.

5 FAA Aviation Training Network Florida Aviation Network: Lakeland Sanford Daytona Beach Vero Beach Melbourne 10 More Location

6 FAA Aviation Training Network Oklahoma City 125 Downlinks Encode to Intranet & Encode to Internet

7 ATN / GETN By broadcasting to the FAA Aviation Training Network (EarthLink) over AMC 3 satellite who turns our signal to about 125 FAA receive sites and to the Government Educational Training Network with about 1,000 Military, University, and other Government receive sites we have expanded the reach of the broadcast.

8 ATN / GETN This is not the surgical approach described above however, they can both be achieved at the same time with no additional labor or time involved at the Lakeland facility.

9 Aviation Training Network (ATN) Downlink Sites

10 Logistical Support Convergent Communications Atlanta, Ga

11 Streaming ABACAST World Wide Web

12 Streaming Abacast is the CDN that the FAA Production Studios uses to mount and distribute media in order to be linked at various internet sites. Abacast, Inc. is a commercial quality, Hybrid Content Distribution Network (CDN), offering the most options in the industry to distribute and monetize Internet distribution of rich media..

13 Streaming Abacast powers rich media business models by providing the complete, end-to-end services needed for distributing, presenting, monetizing, tracking, and displaying rich media. Customers use Abacast's broad toolset for commercial content management and distribution, targeted advertising insertion, real-time and historical analytics, and brand promotion and customer experience differentiation. Addressable markets include Internet Television, Online Radio, Video- on-Demand, Enterprise, and File Delivery..

14 R & D Site FAA Production Studio Website Mounts: Live Streaming Video on Demand Podcast

15 Portal Hyper Links to FAA Production Studios Delivering: Live Streaming Video on Demand Podcast

16 Combination of Methods

17 Florida Aviation Network As the internet continues to become more robust demands for band width continue to increase. Our satellite broadcast continues to be a hugh connector to numerous, Networks, Internet Service Providers, Organizations, and even individuals viewers. Yes it make even more sense to broadcast over the Florida Aviation Networks today than when we first started.

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