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Pumper’s Friend Smartphone Software Program for Pumpers/Well Tenders Project Team: Frank Braswell - Systems of Merritt, Inc., in collaboration with Oklahoma.

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Presentation on theme: "Pumper’s Friend Smartphone Software Program for Pumpers/Well Tenders Project Team: Frank Braswell - Systems of Merritt, Inc., in collaboration with Oklahoma."— Presentation transcript:

1 Pumper’s Friend Smartphone Software Program for Pumpers/Well Tenders Project Team: Frank Braswell - Systems of Merritt, Inc., in collaboration with Oklahoma Marginal Well Commission Sponsored by Grant Funding Provided by Software Developed by

2 Problems Addressed Problems Addressed Through Digital Data Acquisition and Communication Improved Production Efficiency Lower Operating Costs Improved Safety Prevent and Minimize Environmental Impact

3 Systems of Merritt, Inc. Frank Merritt Braswell MSEE, University of Illinois Conoco, 5 years, Exploration Research Hardware & Software Engineering SWC Projects – –Airlift Services International – –Taylor University

4 SOM Strategy Focus on the Unique and Important Needs of Stripper Well Operators SOM actively engaged in understanding needs in the field Keep it simple using new technologies

5 Existing Field Data Collection Paper Log Sheets – –Installation, Human Interface, Communication

6 Old User Interface Design Common computer User interface concepts Text Labels Number Boxes Unfamiliar Navigation

7 Advanced User Interface Design Methods Advanced User Interface Design Methods Visual Oriented - Work with Familiar Objects

8 Advanced User Interface Design Methods Create familiar graphics that operate in an intuitive way. Make use of touch screen intuitive gestures Taps Swipe direction Pinch in/Pinch out Shake

9 Advanced User Interface Design -Swipe finger up and down to change sight-glass level.

10 Advanced User Interface Design -Pointer will follow finger around dial for input.

11 Advanced User Interface Design -Roll numbers into place for digital gauges.

12 Advanced User Interface Design -Use slider bar to adjust SPM, then visually compare to pump jack.

13 Advanced User Interface Navigation Logical and consistent screen navigation as described in the Apple User Interface Guidelines

14 Advanced User Interface Navigation Pumper’s Friend uses familiar navigation methods as used by other iPhone applications.

15 Advanced iPhone Communication Wellsite Cell Tower Internet Owner/Operator

16 Apple Computer Products Apple Computer Products Technology of choice for this project Large market share - over 51 million iPhones sold since 2007 - HW readily available from Apple and AT&T Simple and effective SW distribution through Apple iTunes Store Systems of Merritt, Inc. is an experienced Apple iPhone developer with multiple applications in the iTunes Store - large developer community

17 Marketing OMWC - contact owners through newsletter, meetings and trade show OMWC - connections with other organizations Industry Trade Journals Apple iTunes Store - distribution of Software

18 Pumper’s Friend Coming Soon, to an oil field near you! Thanks to: SWC for Funding Opportunity; OMWC for collaboration and support; Our friends for their valuable input. There’s still time to get involved! Contact Systems of Merritt, Inc.

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