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International School for Jain Studies Jai Jinendra.

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1 International School for Jain Studies Jai Jinendra

2 Objectives of ISJS  Comprehensive scholarly and experiential introduction to Jainism.  Applicable to academic studies in universities globally, North America in particular.  Intensive three weeks, four weeks and six weeks academic comprehensive programs.  Interaction with scholars, monks, lay people and practitioners.  On return ISJS, supports scholars for further research.

3 ISSJS Approach: Scholarship & Practical Introduction  ISSJS is a project of ISJS  Scholars from multiple institutions.  Trains potential teachers and researchers.  Encourages graduate students to study Jainism.  Student earns credit from the home university.  ISSJS trained faculty to offer regular courses in Jainism.  History, philosophy, art and culture, rituals and way of life introduced to scholars to make it a comprehensive program.

4 International Summer School for Jain Studies International Summer School for Jain Studies  Voluntary, non-government non-profit project of ISJS.  Funded by a few philanthropists in USA, India and Canada.  Past summer schools (scholars trained)  June-July 2005, 7  June-July 2006, 14  June-July 2007, 28  June-July 2008, 38  May-July 2009, 47  May-July 2010, 65  May-July 2011, 65  Professors and scholars from the USA, Canada, Western Europe Russia, Cuba, Singapore and Thailand etc i.e. from 20 international universities from fifteen countries

5 ISSJS 2012  Three schools during summer of 2012 Program Duration Entry level  ISSJS2012-3W May 26 th –June 16 th UGs  ISSJS2012-4W June 2 nd –July 1 st Senior UGs and Gs  ISSJS2012-6W June2 nd –July 14 th Senior Gs, PhDs/ Faculty  Facilities to earn transferable credit hours  4 credit hours thru ISSJS2012.3W  6 credit hours thru ISSJS2012.4W

6 Teaching Methods  Preparation of lectures in advance by teachers:  Comprehensive lecture notes made available in advance.  Highly interactive and modern teaching using ICT technologies:  Evaluations & feedback by both teachers and scholars- Daily, weekly, monthly, end of course.  One week special project under supervision of a Jain Scholar in India.  Visits to Jain temples, homes, Sadhus and Sadhvis.

7 Selection of Scholars  On line applications submitted and processed.  Dept Chairs, Past alumni, AIIS, SICI, ISSJS Web-site, newsletter, & personal contacts & network.  Candidates apply along with 2-3 references.  The Academic Council reviews the application  Match between ISSJS mission & Candidate’s career goals.  References checked. Telephone interviews  The Chairman of the Academic Council makes the final decision.

8 Significant Achievements: Samples  ISJS centres are now functioning at CLU California and VCU Virginia USA.  Sarah Hadmack, Prof. Anne Vallely, Prof. Hope Fitz, Dr. Pankaj Jain & Ms. Andrea Jain; all ISJS alumni teaching Jainism at their universities.  ISJS alumni bring large groups from their universities to India for learning Jainism.  Eminent Jain scholars from North America and Europe now collaborate with ISJS. (Prof. P.S.Jaini, Prof. C. Chapple, Prof. Vallely, Prof Long, Prof. Francione and others)

9 Significant achievements  Onshore schools organized at Mahidol and Chulalongkorn Univ. Bangkok.  Good awareness now of the need for Jain academic Studies at university campuses. Now many universities have started offerings.  Nearly 270 Scholars have graduated from this program.  Several ISSJS Alumnus have earned and some are in the process of earning PhD in Jainism.  500+ students are being exposed to Jainism regularly in overseas universities.

10 Significant Achievements, contd.  First time in the history of AAR and DANAM, Several papers were presented in Jainism in 3 stand alone sessions.  Jainism presence at AAR and DANAM conferences. An annual event with a permanent Jainism panel. Almost all conferences have majority Jain papers presented.  Several national and international seminars, books and workshops organized and released.  Dr. Shugan Jain visited for lecturing at University of Harvard, Yale, Virginia Commonwealth, Ottawa, Eastern Connecticut State in N.America, Mahidol, Chulalongkorn in Bangkok and more Universities and schools.

11 New Initiatives of ISJS  Established partnerships in India with :  Parshwanath Vidyapeeth, Varanasi, set up ISJS- PV Global Centre for Ahinsa & Indological Research Varanasi.  Shri Digambar Jain Trilok Research Sansthan Hastinapur.  Rajasthan University. Centre for Advanced Studies.  Somaiya Vidhya Vihar & Mumbai Univ., Mumbai  Madras University, Chennai.  Shri Digambar Jain Shrut Samvardhini Mahasabha, Delhi.  Jain University, Bangalore  Teerthankar Mahavira University, Moradabad.

12 ISJS COLLABORATING INSTITUTIONS, India  Jain Vidhya Sansthan, Jaipur  Parshwanath Vidhyapeeth, Varanasi  CAPS Univ. of Rajasthan, Jaipur  Madras University  Jain University, Bangalore  Teerthankar Mahavir University, Moradabad  Kund Kund Gyanpeeth, Indore  Bhogilal Leherchand Institute of Indology, Delhi  Shri Dig Jain Trilok Shodh Sansthan, Hastinapur  SBD Shrut Sanvardhini Mahasabha, Delhi  American Institute of Indian studies, New Delhi  JAERC Mumbai University, Mumbai  Somaiya Vidhya Vihar, Mumbai

13 Come & Join the movement Thanks & Jai Jinendra  Mahavir Vision Inc., is a tax-exempt non-profit organization in US.  ISJS is a Tax Exempt non-profit organization in India

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