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Figurative Language Language that is used to make writing more interesting and descriptive. It is used for comparison or dramatic effect.

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Presentation on theme: "Figurative Language Language that is used to make writing more interesting and descriptive. It is used for comparison or dramatic effect."— Presentation transcript:

1 Figurative Language Language that is used to make writing more interesting and descriptive. It is used for comparison or dramatic effect

2 A comparison using like or as -The sun is as hot as lava. -He is fast like a cheetah. -We are as cold as ice. -He was as tall as a tree. Simile

3 A comparison that does not use like or as - The sun is lava -He is a cheetah -We are a block of ice -He was a tree Metaphor

4 An over exaggeration -He was the tallest man in the world. -I was so hungry I could eat a horse. -He was so tall he couldn’t fit through the door. Hyperbole

5 When a thing, idea, or animal are given human like qualities. The non human objects are shown in a way that makes them seem human. -“The sky weeps” we are giving the sky the ability to cry. -“The flowers danced in the wind” we are giving the flowers the ability to dance Personification

6 The repetition of the same sound at the beginning of a sentence. -Jane read a book by the babbling brook. -The curios cat cut carrots for cooking class. Alliteration

7 When a words pronunciation imitates it’s sound. -I love the swish of the basketball net. -The bacon sizzled in the pan. -I slurped down my drink. Onomatopoeia

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