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Confirmatory Factor Analysis

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Presentation on theme: "Confirmatory Factor Analysis"— Presentation transcript:

1 Confirmatory Factor Analysis
SAS Calis

2 Download the Data CFA-Wisc.xls on my StatData page\
These are the same data earlier analyzed with AMOS

3 Verbal IQ Proc Calis cov pAll; var Info Comp Arith Simil Vocab Digit PictComp PictArang Block Object Coding; LINEQS Info = v1 F_Verbal + e1, Comp = v2 F_Verbal + e2, Arith = v3 F_Verbal + e3, Simil = v4 F_Verbal + e4, Vocab = v5 F_Verbal + e5, Digit = v6 F_Verbal + e6,

4 Performance IQ PictComp = p1 F_Perform + e7,
PictArang = p2 F_Perform + e8, Block = p3 F_Perform + e9, Object = p4 F_Perform + e10, Coding = p5 F_Perform + e11;

5 Variances & Covariances
STD F_Verbal F_Perform = , e1-e11 = e_var1-e_var11; Factor variances fixed at 1  COV F_Verbal F_Perform = phi; run; phi is the covariance between factors, to be estimated.

6 The Output Compare the output to that obtained from AMOS.
Same solution. 

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