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Comparative and Superlative Adjectives

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Presentation on theme: "Comparative and Superlative Adjectives"— Presentation transcript:

1 Comparative and Superlative Adjectives

2 Do Now _______________ is a tall building.
_______________ is a taller building. _______________ is the tallest building.

3 EQ: How do I identify and write the comparative and superlative form of adjectives?
Vocabulary adjective comparative superlative

4 Think Pair Share What are comparative and superlative
adjectives? Write your answer in your Journal. Discuss your answer with the person sitting next to you.

5 Pick the correct choice.
The Nile River is (long, longer, longest). The Nile River is (long, longer, longest) than the Mississippi River. The Nile River is the (long, longer, longest) river in the world.

6 How do I identify and write the comparative and superlative form of adjectives?
The Mongol soldiers of the fourteenth century were fiercer than those of the seventeenth century. The soldiers in Genghis Khan’s army may have been the fiercest soldiers of all.

7 How do I identify and write the comparative and superlative form of adjectives?
In the seventeenth century, the Manchus were more aggressive than the Mongols. Did they send their most aggressive forces to take control of the Forbidden City?

8 How do I identify and write the comparative and superlative form of adjectives?
Guided Practice: The emperors of China built additions to the Great Wall in places where the likelihood of attack was the (great) __________. Earthen walls were (weak) _________ than walls of brick. Building a brick wall was (complicated) ________ than building an earthen wall.

9 How do I identify and write the comparative and superlative form of adjectives?
4. most skillful 5. smallest 6. most significant

10 Do now Complete the worksheet from the back table.
Keep your paper at your desk.

11 Characteristics/Rules
Definition Characteristics/Rules Example Non-Example Comparative Adjectives

12 Comparative adjectives are used to compare two nouns.
Definition Comparative adjectives are used to compare two nouns. Characteristics/Rules Example Non-Example Comparative Adjectives

13 Characteristics/Rules
Definition Comparative adjectives are used to compare two nouns. Characteristics/Rules -Add –er to most adjectives to compare two nouns. - Use more with long adjectives Example Non-Example Comparative Adjectives

14 Characteristics/Rules
Definition Comparative adjectives are used to compare two nouns. Characteristics/Rules -Add –er to most adjectives to compare two nouns. - Use more with long adjectives Example taller smaller more significant more likely Non-Example tall, tallest small, smallest most significant most likely Comparative Adjectives

15 Characteristics/Rules
Definition Characteristics/Rules Example Non-Example Superlative Adjectives

16 Superlative adjectives compare three or more nouns.
Definition Superlative adjectives compare three or more nouns. Characteristics/Rules -Add –est to most adjectives to compare three or more nouns. -Use most with long adjectives. Example tallest smallest most significant most likely Non-Example taller smaller more significant more likely Superlative Adjectives

17 Assignment: Comparative page number Superlative Page number
Stronger (392) Using the story The Great Wall (page ) identify examples of comparative and superlative adjectives. Write your examples on the back of your worksheet (include the page number).

18 Homework Write 3 sentences using comparative adjectives.
Write 3 sentences using superlative sentences.

19 Assignment Complete lab 33.

20 Ticket Out The Door 1. Tell me how many things a comparative adjective compares. Tell me how many things the superlative form of an adjective compares. Write three examples of each. Comparative Superlative

21 Quiz handout

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