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Let ’ s enjoy a song What does he/she look like? long hairshort hair tallshort heavy thin.

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3 Let ’ s enjoy a song

4 What does he/she look like? long hairshort hair tallshort heavy thin

5 What’s she like ? outgoing 外向的 What’s he like ? serious 严肃的

6 athletic 强健的,健美的, 擅长运动的 quiet 内向的, 安静的 What’s he like ? What’s she like ?

7 wild 鲁莽的 calm 镇静的 What’s he like ?

8 Who’re they? Can you describe them by using the words you’ve learnt?

9 Age: 37 Height:172cm Weight: 52kg Age: 24 Height: 181cm Weight: 100kg He Jiong is tall. Du Haitao is old. Du Haitao is ___________. He Jiong is _____. Du Haitao is _______. He Jiong is heavy. older heavier taller

10 He Jong is tall. Du Haitao is taller. Du Haitao is taller than He Jong. Du Haitao is old. He Jiong is older. He Jiong is _______ ______Du Haitao. Du Haitao is heavier. He Jong is heavy. Du Haitao is _______ ____He Jong. than heavier than older

11 Task 1 PK Time!

12 Jordan 1.98m 2.26m They are both very tall. They both play basketball well. Who is taller, A or B ? Yao Ming is _______ _______ Jordan. Jordan is a little ______ _____Yao Ming taller than shorter than

13 They are both very ____. Pan Changjiang is ______ ______ Zeng Zhiwei. Zeng Zhiwei is a little ______ than Pan Changjing. short 160cm 158cm shorter than taller

14 80kg 90kg They are both very _____. Fei Mao is ____________ _____ Liu Huan. heavier than Fei Mao heavy

15 48kg 45kg They are both very _____. But Liu Yifei is ______ ______ Lin Xinru. thin thinner than

16 Stallone is _____ ________ than Li Xiaopeng. more athletic athletic more athletic

17 outgoingmore outgoing Li Yong is ______ ____________ than Chen Long. more outgoing

18 funny funnier Zhao Benshan is ________ ________Bi Fujian. funnier than

19 2a. Listen. Are the words in the box used with “-er/ier” or “more”? funny quiet serious smart outgoing athletic -er/ier more funny outgoing smart serious quiet athletic

20 twins is… funnier_________ is… ________ Tina Tara more outgoing more athletic more serious smarter quieter Let’s talk about the differences between Tina and Tara. 2b

21 Guessing game -- My teacher Sample: He is a boy. He has shorter hair than me. He is a little heavier than me. He is taller than me. He is more serious than me in class. But after class he is funnier. Who is He?

22 My classmate Describle a student in your class and other students guess who she / he is.

23 She / He is________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ ____________________. Who is she / he? Useful sentences: She/He is a boy /a girl. She/He has short hair/long hair. She / He is taller /shorter than me. She/He is heavier/thinner than me. She / He is quieter/more outgoing …than me.

24 Let’s share proverb! 得朋友难,失朋友易.

25 Compare you with your best friend, find out the differences between you two. Write a short report.


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