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Definitions © 2006 by Mr. Mayers Reasoning Conditional Statements Properties Undefined Terms Symmetry Team 1Team 2Team 3Team 4 0000.

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Presentation on theme: "Definitions © 2006 by Mr. Mayers Reasoning Conditional Statements Properties Undefined Terms Symmetry Team 1Team 2Team 3Team 4 0000."— Presentation transcript:


2 Definitions © 2006 by Mr. Mayers Reasoning Conditional Statements Properties Undefined Terms Symmetry Team 1Team 2Team 3Team 4 0000

3 What is the difference between an axiom and a theorem? Back Axiom-statement accepted as fact Theorem - statement proven based on fact

4 What type of reasoning is used? Back Inductive Reasoning Every Wednesday we have a checklist in Geometry. It’s Wednesday. We are going to have a checklist.

5 Identify the hypothesis: If I graduate from Simon Tech, then I go to college. Back I graduate from Simon Tech

6 What property says A=A? Back Reflexive

7 Back Answers may vary. Name four points that are coplanar.

8 Back Name what type(s) of symmetry. Reflectional (2 lines of symmetry) and Rotational (2-fold)

9 What is reflectional symmetry? Back When one shape becomes congruent to another when you flip it along a line of symmetry

10 Use inductive reasoning to find what comes next in the sequence 0, 2, 5, 9, 14, _______, _______ Back 20, 27

11 Write the following statement in “if-then” form. “Every Simon Tech student goes to college.” Back If you’re a Simon Tech student, then you go to college.

12 Back Which of the following is a counterexample to this statement: If you live in Los Angeles, then you live in Lynwood. A. Someone who lives in Compton B. Someone who lives in New York City C. Someone who lives in Texas D. Someone who lives in San Francisco A

13 Back RT or RQ or TQ or h Name a line that contains points R and T.

14 Back Name what type(s) of symmetry. Rotational (4-fold)

15 What is the difference between a conditional statement and its contrapositive? Back Same validity, but conditional is If P then Q, contrapositive is If not Q then not P.

16 What can we conclude using deductive reasoning. Back Andrea studied. If Andrea does not study for the test, she will not pass. Andrea passed the test.

17 Write the inverse. “If you like chocolate, then you like cheesecake.” Back If you don’t like chocolate then you don’t like cheesecake.

18 Back Which property is used? Mike is taller than Angela. Mario is taller than Mike. Therefore, Mario is taller than Angela. Transitive Property

19 Back Name a ray that starts at the intersection and continues left MA or MC

20 Back Name what type(s) of symmetry None

21 Back Prove a statement false, Fit the hypothesis but not the conclusion. What does a counterexample have to do?

22 What type of reasoning is used? Back Deductive reasoning. If it rains, we will stay inside. If we stay inside, we will make pizza. It is raining. Therefore, we will make pizza.

23 Back If it’s a rectangle then it’s a square. Write the converse: If it’s a square, then it’s a rectangle.

24 Back What is another name for the Transitive Property? Law of Syllogism

25 Back How many planes contain the point L? 3

26 Back Name what type(s) of symmetry. Rotational (2-fold)

27 Name the law: If a conditional statement is true and its hypothesis is true, then its conclusion is true. Back Law of Detachment

28 What other statement must be true if the following statement is true? “If it is Friday, we will have an auction.” Back If we don’t have an auction, it is not Friday.

29 Which statement always has the same truth value as the converse? Back Inverse

30 Back If a=b, then b=a. In logic, if P  Q (conditional), then Q  P (converse). Together, biconditional Describe the Symmetric Property.

31 Back Name a point that is collinear to point N. P or R or M

32 Back Write a statement that your whole group is a counterexample to.

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