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Medicinal Plants in Palau Medicinal Plants in Palau.

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1 Medicinal Plants in Palau Medicinal Plants in Palau










11 Bussonge Hibiscus rosasinensis  For boils, the buds are mashed up and placed directly on the boil  Decoction of flowers effective for cough

12 Margoso Momordica charantia  Clinically tested to control diabetes  Boil 6 tablespoons of clean chopped leaves in 500 ml water until 1 glass of water is left; Dring 1/3 cup of decoction after meals 3x a day.  OR Steam ½ cup of packed leaves and eat 2x a day

13 Imekurs; Averrhoa bilimbi  Young leaves are crumpled and the sap is applied to the wound  Infusion of the flowers are used for coughs  Leaf decoction is given for inflammation of the rectum (hemorrhoids)

14 Chosm Premna obtusifolia  Leaves are used for cuts and sores  As a remedy for diarrhea, boil 8 leaves of chosm that have turned yellowand drink the decoction

15 Oregano Coleus amboinicus  Clinically tested for cough  Boil 2-4 tablespoons of chopped fresh leaves in 2 glasses of water for 15 minutes until the volume is reduced to 1 glass only.  Drink 1/3 of the decoction three times a day  For burns, squeeze sufficient fresh leaves and apply the juice on burned skin one or twice a day

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