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Hunter’s information structure maps (ISmaps) Lawrie Hunter Kochi University of Technology

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Presentation on theme: "Hunter’s information structure maps (ISmaps) Lawrie Hunter Kochi University of Technology"— Presentation transcript:

1 Hunter’s information structure maps (ISmaps) Lawrie Hunter Kochi University of Technology

2 Information structures based curriculum Critical Thinking Asahi Press 2001 A writing and presentation workbook, 6 units (6 genres) in 30 lessons Say What You Mean KUT Press 2006 A writing and mapping workbook, 5 units (5 genres) in 30 lessons Thinking in English A writing and presentation mapping text/workbook, 5 units (5 genres) in 30 lessons

3 Hunter’s infostructure maps

4 Description Hunter’s infostructure maps

5 Description Classification Hunter’s infostructure maps

6 < big Description Classification Degree comparison Hunter’s infostructure maps

7 < big Description Classification Degree comparison Attribute comparison Hunter’s infostructure maps

8 Hunter’s infomap links < big Description Classification Degree comparison Attribute comparison Contrast !

9 < big Description Classification Degree comparison Attribute comparison Sequence Contrast ! Hunter’s infostructure maps

10 < big Description Classification Degree comparison Attribute comparison SequenceCause-effect Contrast ! Hunter’s infostructure maps

11 My friend Canadian English teacher 57 DESCRIPTION Hunter’s infostructure maps

12 CLASSIFICATION Cars sedans station wagons coupes Hunter’s infostructure maps

13 < big old COMPARISON (relative) Tokyo Calcutta Hunter’s infostructure maps

14 COMPARISON (by attribute) red M’s car K’s car white 3 years old new Hunter’s infostructure maps

15 SEQUENCE find a bank machine put in your bank card follow the directions Hunter’s infostructure maps

16 SEQUENCE structure signals ThenFirstand find a bank machine put in your bank card follow the directions Hunter’s infostructure maps

17 SEQUENCE slice a tomato toast two slices of bread ThenFirstand tear some lettuce Hunter’s infostructure maps

18 CAUSE-EFFECT heavy rain I...late for school bus was cancelled Hunter’s infostructure maps

19 Use the infostructure links to map the text. < big Description Classification Degree comparison Attribute comparison SequenceCause-effect Contrast !

20 Power generating systems General process: boil NH3 Make steam Rotate turbines Generate electricity Boil a liquid older type plants OTEC plants boil H2O seawater heat fossil or N-heat steam 20C steam 500C low power high power zero energy cost high energy cost hunter systems ! ! !

21 This system has good enough coverage (80%+) of the information structures in technical document content to be a graphical pattern language. hunter’s tools: iconic? granular enough? sufficient coverage?

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