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Example: Needs assessment and priority actions Household Water Treatment and Safe Storage and links to Water Safety Planning Batsi Majuru 10-13 November.

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Presentation on theme: "Example: Needs assessment and priority actions Household Water Treatment and Safe Storage and links to Water Safety Planning Batsi Majuru 10-13 November."— Presentation transcript:

1 Example: Needs assessment and priority actions Household Water Treatment and Safe Storage and links to Water Safety Planning Batsi Majuru 10-13 November 2014, Vientiane capital, Lao PDR

2 Regulatory Frameworks Joint Workshop on HWTS and WSPs 14-15 November 2013, Nagpur, India Water Safety Planning 2 │HWTS Regional Workshop│ 2014 A preventive risk assessment and risk management approach that encompasses all steps in the water supply from catchment to consumer.

3 Regulatory Frameworks Joint Workshop on HWTS and WSPs 14-15 November 2013, Nagpur, India Scenario: City of Noname 3 │HWTS Regional Workshop│ 2014 The city of Noname has a fast-growing population, with many people migrating from the nearby village to look for jobs in the city. As a result, the water treatment plant cannot treat and distribute enough water for the whole city. Water is rationed, and is supplied for 4 hours each day around the peripheries of the city, where many of the new homes are being built. The City of Noname implemented its Water Safety Plans (WSPs) in 2012. All the staff at the water treatment plant have received training on WSPs, and are confident in their job. However, the local hospital reports that the number of cases of diarrhoeal illness due to unsafe drinking have not declined significantly in the last 2 years What advice could be given to the city of Noname?

4 Regulatory Frameworks Joint Workshop on HWTS and WSPs 14-15 November 2013, Nagpur, India Identify gaps / problem areas 4 │HWTS Regional Workshop│ 2014 Post-treatment contamination of water, due to: Intrusion of contaminants into pipe networks Fluctuating levels of residual chlorine Poor handling and storage in the home

5 Regulatory Frameworks Joint Workshop on HWTS and WSPs 14-15 November 2013, Nagpur, India Possible actions 5 │HWTS Regional Workshop│ 2014 Refurbish and expand the water treatment plant? Increase the chlorine dosage in the distribution system? Issue a boil-water advisory? Develop and implement a HWTS strategy? Conduct water quality testing at sample households?

6 Regulatory Frameworks Priority actions Issue a boil water advisory Develop and implement HWTS strategy; water quality testing at sample households to evaluate use Refurbish and expand the water treatment plant 6 │HWTS Regional Workshop│ 2014

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