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ZEAL “excitement of (the) mind, ardor, fervor of spirit…in embracing, pursuing, defending anything” [From zeo, “to boil with heat, be hot”] “excitement.

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Presentation on theme: "ZEAL “excitement of (the) mind, ardor, fervor of spirit…in embracing, pursuing, defending anything” [From zeo, “to boil with heat, be hot”] “excitement."— Presentation transcript:

1 ZEAL “excitement of (the) mind, ardor, fervor of spirit…in embracing, pursuing, defending anything” [From zeo, “to boil with heat, be hot”] “excitement of (the) mind, ardor, fervor of spirit…in embracing, pursuing, defending anything” [From zeo, “to boil with heat, be hot”]

2 2 ZEAL Not prejudice, anger or hatred disguised as religious fervor Good when based upon truth & directed toward godly ends, Jno. 2:17 (Psa. 69:9); Gal. 4: 17-18 Misplaced zeal can be deadly (Cf. woman killed on I-55 testing faith)

3 3 A 45-year-old woman who was killed as she walked onto I-55 near Sherman, Ill., in October was revealed to have been a member of a Jehovah’s Witnesses breakaway group that believes they should test their faith (much like snake handlers do) by standing in the middle of traffic. A few days before her fatal demonstration of faith, she had been pulled to safety from the same highway as she attempted to proselytize to drivers zooming by. [ Springfield State Journal-Register, 10-27-00] News of the Weird

4 4 MISPLACED ZEAL Zeal without knowledge, Rom. 10:1-3 Ignorance & unbelief, Acts 22: 3-5; Phil. 3:6; 1 Tim. 1:13 Zeal for the traditions of men, Gal. 1:14 (Mk. 7:1-13); Col. 2:8 Zeal that is selfish/self-serving Rom. 12:11 (Gal.4:17; 6:12-13)

5 5 GOD-APPROVED ZEAL Harmonizes with the Divine will, Num. 25:6-11 (Rom. 10:2); Psa. 106:30-31 (Lk. 6:15) toward God, not men, Num. 25:11-13 (Matt. 7:21-23; Rom. 12:11) Directed toward God, not men, Num. 25:11-13 (Matt. 7:21-23; Rom. 12:11)

6 6 GOD-APPROVED ZEAL Always directed toward “good things”, Gal. 4:18; Phil. 2:12 Not eye-service (Col. 3:22-25) In God’s sight (Heb. 13:21) Works & prays for the spiritual well-being of others, Col.4:12f Strengthens others, 2 Cor. 9:2 Doesn’t condone sin, Jno. 2:13-17; 1 Kgs. 19:10, 14 (Phil. 3:6)

7 7 GOD-APPROVED ZEAL Grows out of genuine conversion, 2 Cor. 7:11 (Gal. 2:20) The result of godly sorrow & repentance Examples: Acts 2:41-47; 8:39; 19:17-20

8 8 THE ZEAL OF THE LORD Our Lord is zealous of righteousness, Num. 25:11-13 Our Lord zealously accomplishes His purposes, Isa. 9:6-7

9 9 ZEAL We need stirring up to love and good works (Heb. 10:24) Zealous of good works of God (Titus 2:14) Zeal without knowledge leads to self-righteousness…lost! Zeal with knowledge leads to fervent & faithful service to God…blessed!

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