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Educational Psychology: Theory and Practice Chapter 4 Student Diversity This multimedia product and its contents are protected under copyright law. The.

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Presentation on theme: "Educational Psychology: Theory and Practice Chapter 4 Student Diversity This multimedia product and its contents are protected under copyright law. The."— Presentation transcript:

1 Educational Psychology: Theory and Practice Chapter 4 Student Diversity This multimedia product and its contents are protected under copyright law. The following are prohibited by law: any public performance or display, including transmission of any image over a network; preparation of any derivative work, including the extraction, in whole or in part, of any images; any rental, lease, or lending of the program. ISBN: 0-205-37338-0 Copyright © Allyn & Bacon 2003

2 Organizing Questions  What Is the Impact of Culture on Teaching and Learning?  How Does Socioeconomic Status Affect Student Achievement?  How Do Ethnicity and Race Affect Students’ School Experiences?

3 Organizing Questions  How Do Language Differences and Bilingual Programs Affect Student Achievement?  What Is Multicultural Education?  How Do Gender and Gender Bias Affect Students’ School Experiences?  How Do Students differ in Intelligence and Learning Styles?

4 Impact of Culture on Teaching and Learning  What is Culture?  Factors Influencing Cultural Background  Tendency to Reflect Mainstream Middle-Class Values  Disadvantages for Children from Other Cultures

5 Socioeconomic Status  What is Socioeconomic Status?  Levine and Levine’s (1996) Taxonomy  Upper Class (3 percent)  Upper Middle Class (22 percent)  Lower Middle Class (34 percent)  Upper Working Class (28 percent)  Lower Working Class (13 percent)  The Urban Underclass

6 Role of Child-Rearing Practices  Differences between Middle-Class and Working and Lower-Class Families  Kinds of Parent-Child Activities  Parental Expectations  Link between Income and Summer Learning

7 Role of Schools as Middle- Class Institutions  Competitive versus Cooperative Classroom Structure  Individuality  Future Time Orientation

8 School and Community Factors  Funding and Social Class  Differences between Schools Serving Lower- and Middle- Class Students

9 School and Community Factors  Factors Influencing Motivation, Achievement, and Mental Health in Very Impoverished Neighborhoods  Crime  Lack of Positive Role Models  Inadequate Social and Health Services

10 Is the Low Achievement of Children from Low-Income Groups Inevitable?  Intensive Interventions  Reading Recovery  Success For All  Reductions in Class Size

11 Implications for Teachers  Recognize Varying Degrees of Preparation.  Avoid Stereotypes, Low Expectations, and Self-Fulfilling Prophecies.

12 Ethnicity and Race  Ethnic Group  Ethnicity  Race

13 Racial and Ethnic Composition of the United States  Minority Group  Increasing Proportion of Nonwhites and Latinos  Implications for U.S. Education

14 Academic Achievement of Minority-Group Students  Gap in Academic Achievement  Correspondence between Achievement Gaps and Differences in SES

15 Why Have Minority-Group Students Lagged in Achievement?  Socioeconomic Status  Inferior Schools  Instruction Inconsistent with Culture  Low Expectations

16 Effects of School Desegregation  Brown v. Board of Education  Desegregation and Busing  Effects of Desegregation on Academic Achievement

17 Teaching in Culturally Diverse Schools  Use Fairness and Balance.  Choice of Texts and Instructional Materials  Supplement Textbooks  Reach out to Parents and Families.  Avoid Stereotyping.  Set Rules Forbidding Racial or Ethnic Bias.

18 Teaching in Culturally Diverse Schools  Emphasize Valuing Cultural Heritage and Contributions to History and Civilization.  Use Multicultural Classroom Decorations.  Avoid Resegregation.  Avoid Culturally Insensitive Assignments.

19 Language Differences and Bilingual Programs  Language Minority  Limited English Proficiency (LEP)  English as a Second Language (ESL)

20 Bilingual Education  Types of Bilingual Programs  Characteristics of Bilingual Programs

21 Effectiveness of Bilingual Programs  Research Results  Forms of Instruction  Problems with Bilingual Education  Movement against Bilingual Education

22 Multicultural Education “…including non- European perspectives in curriculum…” (p. 118)

23 Dimensions of Multicultural Education  Content Integration  Knowledge Construction  Prejudice Reduction  Equity Pedagogy  Empowering School Culture

24 How do Gender and Gender Bias affect Students’ School Experience?  Child’s Sex  Gender-Role or Sex-Role

25 Do Males and Females Think and Learn Differently?  Greater Variability Within than between Sexes  Areas of Difference  Self-Estimation of Academic Skills by Males and Females

26 Sex-Role Stereotyping and Gender Bias  Causes of Behavioral Differences  Treatment in Schools

27 Avoiding Gender Bias in Teaching  Avoiding Stereotypes  Promoting Integration  Treating Females and Males Equally

28 Intelligence and Learning Styles  Difficulty in Defining Intelligence  Intelligence Quotient (IQ)  Definitions of Intelligence  “G” Factor  Multiple Intelligences

29 Eight Multiple Intelligences  Logical/Mathematical  Linguistic  Musical  Naturalist  Spatial  Bodily/Kinesthetic  Interpersonal  Intrapersonal

30 Origins of Intelligence  Heredity versus Environment  Impact of the Family  Impact of School Experience  Other Factors Affecting Learning  Prior Knowledge  Motivation  Quality of Instruction

31 Theories of Learning Styles  Different Ways of Learning  Field Dependence versus Field Independence  Learning Environment Preference

32 Aptitude-Treatment Interactions  Inconsistent Research Results  Positive Effects in a Few Studies

33 End of Chapter 4

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