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Introducing the MPA guidebook’s Socioeconomic Indicators (n=16) 5th World Parks Congress, Session 3D 12 th September 2003.

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Presentation on theme: "Introducing the MPA guidebook’s Socioeconomic Indicators (n=16) 5th World Parks Congress, Session 3D 12 th September 2003."— Presentation transcript:

1 Introducing the MPA guidebook’s Socioeconomic Indicators (n=16) 5th World Parks Congress, Session 3D 12 th September 2003

2 There are 6 socioeconomic goals… 1-Food security enhanced or maintained. 2-Livelihoods enhanced or maintained. 3-Non-monetary benefits to society enhanced or maintained. 4-Benefits from the MPA equitably distributed. 5-Compatibility between management and local culture maximized. 6-Environmental awareness and knowledge enhanced.

3 … each with associated objectives. 1-Food security enhanced or maintained. (2 associated objectives) 2-Livelihoods enhanced or maintained. 3-Non-monetary benefits to society enhanced or maintained. 4-Benefits from the MPA equitably distributed. 5-Compatibility between management and local culture maximized. 6-Environmental awareness and knowledge enhanced.

4 … each with associated objectives. 1-Food security enhanced or maintained. 2-Livelihoods enhanced or maintained. (4 associated objectives) 3-Non-monetary benefits to society enhanced or maintained. 4-Benefits from the MPA equitably distributed. 5-Compatibility between management and local culture maximized. 6-Environmental awareness and knowledge enhanced.

5 … each with associated objectives. 1-Food security enhanced or maintained. 2-Livelihoods enhanced or maintained. 3-Non-monetary benefits to society enhanced or maintained. (6 associated objectives) 4-Benefits from the MPA equitably distributed. 5-Compatibility between management and local culture maximized. 6-Environmental awareness and knowledge enhanced.

6 … each with associated objectives. 1-Food security enhanced or maintained. 2-Livelihoods enhanced or maintained. 3-Non-monetary benefits to society enhanced or maintained. 4-Benefits from the MPA equitably distributed. (3 associated objectives) 5-Compatibility between management and local culture maximized. 6-Environmental awareness and knowledge enhanced.

7 … each with associated objectives. 1-Food security enhanced or maintained. 2-Livelihoods enhanced or maintained. 3-Non-monetary benefits to society enhanced or maintained. 4-Benefits from the MPA equitably distributed. 5-Compatibility between management and local culture maximized. (2 associated objs) 6-Environmental awareness and knowledge enhanced.

8 … each with associated objectives. 1-Food security enhanced or maintained. 2-Livelihoods enhanced or maintained. 3-Non-monetary benefits to society enhanced or maintained. 4-Benefits from the MPA equitably distributed. 5-Compatibility between management and local culture maximized. 6-Environmental awareness and knowledge enhanced. (4 associated objs)

9 There are 16 Socioeconomic Indicators: S1-Local marine resource use patterns S2-Local values & beliefs re: the marine resources S3-Level of understanding of human impacts S4-Perceptions of seafood availability S5-Perceptions of local resource harvest S6-Perceptions of non-market and non-use value S7-Material style of life S8-Quality of human health S9-Household income distribution by source S10-Household occupational structure

10 There are 16 Socioeconomic Indicators: S11-Community infrastructure and business S12-Number and nature of markets S13-Stakeholder knowledge of natural history S14-Distribution of formal knowledge to community S15-% of stakeholder group in leadership positions S16-Changes in conditions of ancestral and historical sites, features, and/or monuments

11 Some focus on people’s perceptions: S4-Perceptions of seafood availability S5-Perceptions of local resource harvest S6-Perceptions of non-market and non-use value

12 Many focus on households or users: S1-Local marine resource use patterns S2-Local values & beliefs re: the marine resources S3-Level of understanding of human impacts S7-Material style of life S9-Household income distribution by source S10-Household occupational structure S13-Stakeholder knowledge of natural history

13 4 look at people’s understanding: S2-Local values & beliefs re: the marine resources S3-Level of understanding of human impacts S13-Stakeholder knowledge of natural history S14-Distribution of formal knowledge to community

14 7 focus on economics: S1-Local marine resource use patterns S6-Perceptions of non-market and non-use value S7-Material style of life S9-Household income distribution by source S10-Household occupational structure S11-Community infrastructure and business S12-Number and nature of markets

15 Guidebook shows which indicators overlap with which goals and objs:

16 Getting wet with the indicators… Why measuring socioeconomics is of interest to the Tubbataha Reef National Marine Park, Philippines

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