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Socioeconomic History in Space: Song-Jia Region of Late Ming China as Seen in a GIS Dataset PNC 2005 Annual Conference Honolulu, November 2, 2005 Billy.

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Presentation on theme: "Socioeconomic History in Space: Song-Jia Region of Late Ming China as Seen in a GIS Dataset PNC 2005 Annual Conference Honolulu, November 2, 2005 Billy."— Presentation transcript:

1 Socioeconomic History in Space: Song-Jia Region of Late Ming China as Seen in a GIS Dataset PNC 2005 Annual Conference Honolulu, November 2, 2005 Billy K. L. So, The Chinese University of Hong Kong Lin Hui, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

2 Project on Cotton Textile Industry in Songjiang Region during the Late Ming Period  The region of Ming Songjiangfu and Ming Jiading county in the Lower Yangzi delta (modern Shanghai)  c.a. 1550 to 1644  This region was the major cotton textile production area of late imperial China.

3 Three major objectives  To construct a micro dataset of Historical GIS featuring the spatial structure of the region where this industry prospered;  To reinterpret the economic performance of this cotton economy based on the newly constructed GIS dataset;  To explore the institutional matrix of the cotton industry in the late Ming Songjiang Region.

4 Historical GIS Database on the Songjiang Region in late Ming China  Presents the GIS dataset outcome of this project.  The data of this GIS Dataset can be downloaded free by researchers but is only for research purpose.  If used for academic or educational, it must be clearly acknowledged.  New data, more accurate data, better organization of the data, analysis output of the data, and etc. are most welcome.

5 Data under seven categories  a) cities and towns;  b) boundaries of sub-district level admin unit of bao and du and the population data;  c) transportation routes and docks;  d) eminent families in Songjiangfu;  e) temples;  f) schools; and  g) topography and reference maps.

6 Limitations of the Data  Scarcity of historical data  Lapse of recorded data  Use of illustrative maps  Use of estimates  Inconsistency across places  No sequential and comparable data for construction of Time-Map during this period  Change of landscape and the limitations of contemporary digital or remote sensing data

7 The website:


9 研究項目簡介 研究項目簡介 The Research Project (with English) 研究人員 研究人員 The Research Team (with English) 數據庫簡介 數據庫簡介 The Dataset: An Introduction (With English) 數據庫 數據庫 The Dataset 使用者登記 使用者登記 Registration 數據應用示範 數據應用示範 Demonstration 相關連結 相關連結 Links 軟件下載 軟件下載 Software Download

10 鎮市鎮市 都保界線 與人口情 況 交通 路線 與渡 頭 松江 府的 著姓 望族 寺廟學校地貌 Town Boundaries of sub-district units with population data Trade route Eminent families TempleSchool Topo- graphy

11 類目 Category 內容簡介 Description 圖像 Picture 下載 Download 鎮市 Town 明清時代松江地區興起的鎮和市, 是重構保級行政區的重要線索, 是 MSJGIS 的首個設計步驟。 我們按照底圖的資料,參以各部 方志的記載,作出精細的鎮市定 點。 …. Towns are important points of reference in the construction of the MSGIS. Their locations are based on our base maps. …. 松江府鎮市 ( 由明至清 ) Towns of Songjiang 嘉定縣鎮市 ( 由明至清 ) Towns of Jia- ding








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