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Charles “Charlie” Scott Venable Brian Kim Cari Hennessy Kelly Harlan Steven Mihalisko.

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Presentation on theme: "Charles “Charlie” Scott Venable Brian Kim Cari Hennessy Kelly Harlan Steven Mihalisko."— Presentation transcript:

1 Charles “Charlie” Scott Venable Brian Kim Cari Hennessy Kelly Harlan Steven Mihalisko

2  Data Gathering Procedures: General Observations –Mapping –Polling  Data Analysis –Precinct Map Analysis –Exit Poll Data Analysis  Comparative Precinct Data –Actual Vote –Voting Record –Issues –Participation –Level of Education –Socioeconomic Status  Correlative Data  Venable Exceptionalism OUTLINE

3 Mapping General Observations Polling General Observations DATA GATHERING

4 DATA ANALYSIS – Precinct Map Analysis – Exit Poll/Archival Data Analysis Comparative Precinct Data – Actual Vote – Level of Education – Socioeconomic Status – Issues – Participation – Voting Record Correlative Data

5 Precinct Map Analysis

6 Venablicious

7 Percent Of Households with Income Less Than 10,000 (Charlottesville)

8 (within Venable)

9 Percent of Households with Income of 100,000 or More (Charlottesville)

10 (within Venable)

11 Median Household Income (Charlottesville)

12 (within Venable)

13 Per Capita Income

14 Exit Poll/Archival Data Analysis

15 Comparative –Actual Vote –Voting Record –Issues –Participation –Level of Education –Socioeconomic Status

16 Actual Vote

17 Presidential Votes in Venable Precinct

18 Voting Record

19 Issues Percent Issues within PrecinctPercent Issue among Precincts 1) Negative Bush 2) Positive Bush 3) Negative Kerry 4) Positive Kerry 5) Character 6) Morals & Values 7) Terrorism and Homeland security 8) Iraq/Afghanistan/Draft 9) Health 10) Education 11) Environment 12) Econ. inequality & Econ. justice 13) Social security 14) Economy 15) Taxes & Budget 16) Civil Rights & Civil Liberties 17) Supreme Court & Courts issues 18) Gay Rights & Gay Marriage 19) Abortion & Women’s rights 20) Country headed in right/wrong dir. 21) Foreign Affairs Other 22) Domestic Other

20 Precinct 1Precinct 2Precinct 3 Precinct 4Precinct 5

21 Participation Minimum Level Participation

22 Medium Level Participation High Level Participation


24 Age


26 Education


28 Percent of Persons Over 25 with HS Degree or More

29 Percent of Persons over 25 with a BS Degree or More

30 Persons 25 Years or Older With Less than 9 Years of School

31 Persons 25 Years or Older With a High School Degree or More

32 Persons 25 Years or Older With a BS Degree or Higher

33 Socioeconomic Status


35 Summary Of Comparative Data -Actual Vote - 3 rd highest percentage in votes for Kerry/ 3 rd highest percentage in votes for Bush -Voting Record -By far, Venable has the lowest average of years registered -Issues -Overall, Economy and Iraq are the most prevalent Issues -Venable, however, shows a different trend. From most to least prevalent, the issues are: 1) Iraq 2) Foreign Affairs other 3) Terrorism and Homeland Security 4) Health Care 5) Economy -Participation -Persuasion: highest percentage of attempts at persuasion -Signs: lowest percentage of signs -Money: lowest percentage of contributions -Contact: lowest percentage of contacting official -Volunteering: 3 rd highest percentage of volunteering -Newspaper: lowest percentage of writing to the editor -City Council Vote: lowest percentage of city council vote

36 - Age - lowest average and median age…by far -Education -2 nd highest percentage with at least a high school degree -2 nd highest percentage with at least a Bachelor’s -2 nd highest percentage with a Phd. -Socioeconomic Status - Highest percentage of people with 200k and over -Highest percentage of people with 25k or less -Highest Rent rate

37 Correlative Data Student Vote –Presidential Vote –Participation –Issues

38 Why Consider Student Vote Income Disparity as a Result of Student Residence Percentage of Student Voting at Venable Recall… Age: Mean 30, Median 26, Mode 22 VR: Mean 10, Median 7, Mode 2 (all figures well below those of other precincts) Rent: very high in Venable

39 Presidential Vote National Figures

40 Venable Figures

41 Participation

42 Recall… Persuasion: highest percentage of attempts at persuasion Signs: lowest percentage of signs Money: lowest percentage of contributions Contact: lowest percentage of contacting official Volunteering: 3rd highest percentage of volunteering Newspaper: lowest percentage of writing to the editor City Council Vote: lowest percentage of city council vote

43 Issues Venable: Student Issues

44 National Figures: Student Issue Voting

45 Venable: Non-Student Issues

46 Issues: All Precincts

47 Summary Presidential vote: Venable voting tendencies of students reflect the national voting trends; however, within the Venable district the percentages of votes for Kerry were much higher than the national averages. Participation: The levels of political participation within the Venable precinct are strongly skewed with the large percentage (almost half of the respondents) of student voters. With the large difference between a student populace and the other voting populace of the precinct, no generalizations between socioeconomic levels and political activity can be reached (since the student populace holds a majority in the lower income levels of less than 20k). Issues: The student populace of the Venable precinct, when separated from the other polls, strongly correlated with national data of interest in particular issues. These issues were mainly Iraq situation, foreign affairs other, and homeland security and terrorism; all of which largely deal with the international political regime of politics. In comparison, the non-student populace, when separated, mirrored the issue interests of other precincts. The importance lying in issues of Iraq and homeland security but also with health, the economy, and taxes and budget (predominantly domestic affairs within the US).

48 If you would like to learn more about Venable Precinct visit us for a venabliciously good time: Love, Team Venable

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