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Image courtesy NASA Too Hot to Handle? The World under Climate Change Climate Impacts Online.

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Presentation on theme: "Image courtesy NASA Too Hot to Handle? The World under Climate Change Climate Impacts Online."— Presentation transcript:

1 Image courtesy NASA Too Hot to Handle? The World under Climate Change Climate Impacts Online

2 A 2° or 4°C warmer world, what does it mean...





7 A 2° or 4°C warmer world, what does it mean for... your region ?

8 A 2° or 4°C warmer world, what does it mean for... your region ?

9 The Portal Climate Impacts Online will support to find answers! Time series Table

10 Time series Table Mean Temperature [°C] Maximum Temperature [°C] Minimum Temperature [°C] Precipitation [mm] Global Radiation [J/cm²] Water Balance [mm] ParameterYear Germany Mean Values and ranges in the decade 2001-2010 Ranges Time seriesTable Spring Summer Fall Winter Germany Decadal Mean Temperature [°C] 2001-2010 Time seriesTable Realization 50 Reception Motive Partnership Model chain Future plans Imprint Model chain The regional impact of global climate change is assessed for the hydrology, agriculture, forest, energy, tourism and health sectors in Germany. To do so, we use a “model chain” developed at the Potsdam-Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK). The simulation models in the chain have been developed in concert and are specifically tuned to each other, having been interconnected in past studies and projects. Examples of model chain applications in a series of regional impact studies of global climate change for Germany are given in the reference section below. The links of the model chain are: STARS - STatistical Analog Resampling Scheme SWIM - Soil and Water Intergrated Model IRMA - Integrated Regional Model Assessment 4C - FORESEE - FORESt Ecosystems in a changing Environment

11 The Pilot Scheme: Climate Impacts Online for Germany Calculation and visualisation of future climate scenarios on a regional scale and main impacts on several sectors Hydrology and additional sectors: health, energy and more Forestry Agriculture Climate Tourism

12 What about a version customised to... your region additional sectors your key issues Interested? Please contact: Time series Table


14 Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research international renowned research institution in the areas of o global change, o climate impacts and o sustainable development founded in 1992 330 staff members (including 220 scientists and over 90 guests) Ressources: 10,9 M€ institutional funding (BMBF, MWFK) and ca. 10,2 M€ funding from external sources

15 15 The Mission of the PIK PIK addresses crucial scientific questions in the fields of global change, climate impact and sustainable development. Researchers from the natural and social sciences work together to generate interdisciplinary insights and to provide society with sound information for decision making. The main methodologies are systems and scenarios analysis, modelling, computer simulation, and data integration. PIK research projects are interdisciplinary and undertaken by scientists from four Research Domains

16 PIK-Research Domains Research Domain 1: Earth System Analyses Co Chairs: Prof. Stefan Rahmstorf & Prof. Wolfgang Lucht Research Domain 2: Climate Impacts and & Vulnerability Co Chairs: Prof. Friedrich Wilhelm Gerstengarbe & Dr. Hermann Lotze-Campen Research Domain 3: Sustainable Solutions Co Chairs: Prof. Ottmar Edenhofer & Prof. Anders Levermann Research Domain 4: Transdisciplinary Concepts & Methods Co Chairs: Prof. Helga Weisz & Prof. Jürgen Kurths

17 Research Domain 2: Climate Impacts and Vulnerability Co Chairs: Prof. Friedrich Wilhelm Gerstengarbe & Dr. Hermann Lotze-Campen

18 Largest Research Domain at PIK Staff: 120 employees including 44 senior scientist and 42 PhD students Third funding projects: 47 projects: EU: 11 BMBF: 16 DFG: 2 Other sources: 18 PIK Research Domain 2

19 to assess multi-sector climate impacts and adaptation options, including socio-economic costs, at 2°C global warming and beyond taking into account cross-scale interactions between global modeling approaches and regional case studies Main Objective of Research Domain 2

20 What are climate change impacts and socio-economic damages at 2, 3, 4 or 5°C global warming? What are the risks of climate change impacts? How can multi-sector impacts be linked and aggregated? What are synergies between adaptation and mitigation? Research Questions

21 Research Areas Research Structure

22 Goal is to study the climate change related impacts in regions worldwide. Research Questions: How to achieve regional energy, food and water security under climate change? What are human dimensions of climate change in most effected regions? What are possible chances for a regional carbon free development? Regional Impacts and Adaptation Strategies


24 Model Chain: from global to regional SWIM IRMA 4C KASIM-HYD WiPoCu and more Climate - Landscape STARS WETTREG REMO CCLM and more RCM Climate - regional ECHAM6 HADLEY and more GCM Climate- global Emissions Global Climate Impacts on WaterForestry AgricultureEnergy Hydrology and Extreme Events Groundwater recharge Changes in vegetation cycle Changes in crop yields Productivity of forests Power plant capacity

25 STARs - STAtistical Regional climate model is a statistical method for regional climate scenarios daily measured meteorological data as basis CCLM - COSMO-ClimateLimited-areaModelling is a dynamic regional climate model it is applied to generate very-high resolution ensemble simulations for extremes (droughts and floods spatial resolution of about 2.8 km Temporal resolution is recently between 1 day and 1 hour. Regional Climate Models at PIK

26 runoff, nutrient and carbon cycling, plant growth and crop yield, erosion. at a daily time step basin – subbasins – hydrotopes Hydrological Model SWIM


28 Climate-KIC Europe’s engine for innovation in climate change mitigation and adaptation © 2012 Climate-KIC Germany

29 29 Climate-KIC & European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT) Established in 2008, the European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT) is an independent EU body set up to address innovation in Europe. Climate-KIC is one of three Knowledge and Innovation Communities (KICs) created by the European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT): Climate-KIC (climate adaptation and mitigation) EIT ICT Labs (information und communication technologies) KIC InnoEnergy (sustainable energy) Where the business of change happens

30 30 Climate-KIC - Europe’s engine for innovation in climate change mitigation and adaptation We form a network of ~100 partners across Europe We come together at 5 Co- locations We reach out to the whole of Europe via our Regional Innovation & Implementation Centres (RIC) We are run like a business – CEO, Executive, Governing Board, Assembly We identify and respond to the challenges of Climate Change Our activities cross boundaries: discipline, sector, geography

31 31 Climate-KIC Core Partners & Regional Implementation Centres Innovative companies across several industries Leading academic and research institutes Regions catalysing climate transformation

32 32 Climate-KIC - Strategic areas Strategic areas / Challenge Platforms Transforming the Built Environment - CH Sustainable City Systems - D Making Transitions Happen - RIC Industrial Symbiosis - D GHG Monitoring - F Bio-Economy - UK Land and Water Engineering for Adaptation - NL Climate Services - UK

33 33 Climate-KIC Innovation Project CIES - Climate Impact Expert System Partner: PIK; Wetter Online; Bayer CropScience (tbc); GIZ (tbc) Goal: development of a client- server based system, which couples actual climate and future climate scenarios with the resulting impacts in the fields of hydrology, agriculture, forestry, energy, health and tourism. Start: August 2011

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