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EQUITABLE CLASSROOM PRACTICES and STRATEGIES for STEM EDUCATION Blanca Miller, B.S. Equity and Diversity Specialist Washoe County School District.

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Presentation on theme: "EQUITABLE CLASSROOM PRACTICES and STRATEGIES for STEM EDUCATION Blanca Miller, B.S. Equity and Diversity Specialist Washoe County School District."— Presentation transcript:

1 EQUITABLE CLASSROOM PRACTICES and STRATEGIES for STEM EDUCATION Blanca Miller, B.S. Equity and Diversity Specialist Washoe County School District

2 Mission Statement The equity and diversity department…. Equity & Diversity Department

3 What Research Tells Us Why equity? Why underrepresented groups in STEM? What are equitable school and classroom practices? What causes higher achievement for all students in STEM? What motivates students in the classroom? Cubic Expression & Murray’s Law Lesson.

4 Why Equity Equity means that every student is provided the support and resources they individually need to accomplish the same end-goal ; graduation, and college- and career-readiness. The end-goal for all students is the same, but the process to get there differs.

5 Equitable Framework: School & Classroom Practices 1. Expectations: a culture of high expectations for every student, because every student is capable of learning. 2. Rigor: high caliber skills and learning take place to achieve high academic success. 3. Relevancy: curriculum is delivered by familiar and interesting content, so students are motivated to engage in the learning. 4. Relationships: to motivate students through connections of respect & understanding. Discuss : how are these 4 practices incorporated into your classroom? How do your students know?

6 Warm-up with Kahoot! 1. Download Kahoot! App 2. Open Kahoot! 3. Game Pin: 539970 Discuss: How is this activity equitable? How can you incorporate this, or something similar, into your classroom? Is there something like this you already use in your classroom? Kahoot! : Create Quizzes, Discussions, and Surveys

7 In your groups discuss: 1. What is a cubed root? Examples 2. What is Murray’s Law? The principle that relates the radii of daughter branches to the radii of parent branches. Examples: Circulatory(blood), respiratory/breathing), and water transport systems(nature). Cubic Expressions & Murray’s Law

8 Construction, Coloring, & Activity Sheet: Murray’s Law for the 4 Areas Clay & Pipe Cleaners Murray’s Law : when a parent blood vessel branches into daughter vessels, the cube of the radius of the parent vessel is equal to the sum of the cubes of the radii of daughter blood vessels. Discuss: How does this lesson reflect our equity framework? How would our students benefit? Cubic Expressions & Murray’s Law

9 Underrepresented Groups in STEM Minorities, Females, & Low-Socioeconomic Students: Secondary STEM courses see significant disproportionality in enrollment and achievement. Females, on average, participate less in class than their male counterparts. College-level hard science degrees have seen little shift/increase in enrollment for underrepresented groups; females, minorities, and low-socioeconomic. Significant disproportionality In STEM industry, especially hard science fields like physics, engineering, and computer science.

10 Minority Disproportionality

11 Gender Disproportionality

12 2013 SAT data reflects a direct relationship between income and score. The greater the family income, the higher the SAT Math Score. Socioeconomic Disproportionality

13 STEM Higher Achievement & Motivation Student centered activities provoke the higher achievement and motivation of all students, but most notably, underrepresented groups. Hands-on Material/Manipulatives: significant contributions have been found for all students’ math achievement, but most notably for females. Co-Operative Project-Based Activities: this supported both math and science achievement. Computers & Calculators: a significant contributor to science achievement for minority male and female students.

14 STEM Higher Achievement & Motivation Student centered activities provoke the higher achievement and motivation of all students, but most notably, underrepresented groups. Self-Assessment: all students showed improvement in science achievement, but most notably, minorities and females benefited from the use of self-assessments. Interdisciplinary: science, technology, engineering, and math share common curricular goals. Integration motivates and helps students process information in a more comprehensive way.

15 How do these elements work together to produce classrooms characterized by equitable practices, high STEM achievement, and students that are motivated to learn? Conclusion

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