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Presentation on theme: "EVALUATION OF SEXUAL DYSFUNCTION IN WOMEN USING THE FEMALE SEXUAL FUNCTION INDEX (FSFI) Dayana Maia Saboia Ana Carolina Maria Araújo Chagas Ana Rita Pimentel."— Presentation transcript:

1 EVALUATION OF SEXUAL DYSFUNCTION IN WOMEN USING THE FEMALE SEXUAL FUNCTION INDEX (FSFI) Dayana Maia Saboia Ana Carolina Maria Araújo Chagas Ana Rita Pimentel Castelo Danielle Rosa Evangelista Eugênio Santana Franco Mônica Oliveira Batista Oriá

2 INTRODUCTION 1984 - William Masters and Virginia Johnson ExcitementPlateauOrgasmResolution erection in men and by vasocongestion of the vagina and vulva in women most advanced state of arousal, prior to orgasm most intense pleasure of sexual feeling body returns to baseline habitual emotional and physical conditions Masters WH, Johnson VE; 1984.

3 INTRODUCTION Failure physiological mechanism Sexual dysfunctions The prevalence of sexual dysfunctions in the female population focuses on 20 to 50%. ◦ Hong Kong: 37.9% ◦ India: 72.3% ◦ Brazil: 20 – 23% Bancroft, Loftus, Long;2003 Zhang, Yip; 2012 Singh et al; 2009 Mendonça et al; 2012 Prado, Mota, Lima; 2010

4 INTRODUCTION Main complaints among women: Considering the need for expert assistance toward this clientele: Studies contributes to the promotion of sexual and reproductive health hypoactive sexual desire dysfunction of arousal AnorgasmiaDyspareuni a Hayes et al, 2008.

5 OBJECTIVE Apply the Female Sexual Function Index (FSFI) in women attending a health service Fortaleza, listing the scores of the domains of sexual function with socioeconomic, cultural and clinical profile of women.

6 MATERIALS AND METHOD Descriptive Exploratory Type House Natural Childbirth Fortaleza,Ce - Brazil Local September to October 2011 Time

7 MATERIALS AND METHOD Women with gynecological diseases, genital malformations, pregnant women, postpartum women, infertile women were excluded or treatment to get pregnant and women taking medications that interfere with sexual function, such as some antidepressants and antihypertensive drugs. Sample: 73 women aged 18 to 49

8 MATERIALS AND METHOD Ethics Committee in Research of the Federal University of Ceará (Protocol No. 186/11) gynecologic / family planning consultation structured questionnaire (socio- economic, cultural and gynecological- obstetric) FSFI 19 questions; Grouped into six domains; Last 4 weeks.

9 RESULTS 32.29 years (± 8.59) 37% 1 and 2 salaries 38.4% stable relationship 78.1% five and eleven years of study 76.6% employment 67.1% Catholic Minimum wage at the time of the study: US$ 320 monthly

10 RESULTS gynecological and obstetric history sexual behavior Menarche: 9 and 12 years;of sexual partners: 0 to 13; 79.5% first sexual intercourse in adolescence (twelve to eighteen years); 28.8% reported only one partner; 69.9% reported two or more partners; 46.6% had only vaginal parturition; last three months: 82.2% reported one partner 68.5% to four pregnancies. 65.8% reported having more than three sexual intercourses per week.

11 RESULTS FSFI Total scores:3.6 to 35.4 (mean = 24 SD = ± 9.69) Prevalence of sexual dysfunctions:27.39% DomainFamily IncomeNo. of partners (3 months) No. sexual relations / weekly Desire 0,24 (p<0,05)0,26(p<0,0)0,38(p<0,01) Excitation 0,22*0,59(p<0,0)0,61(p<0,01) Lubrication 0,23(p<0,05)0,57(p<0,0)0,59(p<0,01) Orgasm 0,21*0,49(p<0,0)0,51(p<0,01) Satisfaction 0,22*0,45(p<0,0)0,57(p<0,01) Pain 0,23(p<0,05)0,65(p<0,0)0,58(p<0,01) Table 2 – Association of fields of FSFI with family income, number of partners in the last 3 months and number of sexual activity per week. Fortaleza, 2011. n = 73. * Statistically not significant.

12 RESULTS No significant differences were found when comparing the total score with some sociodemographic data (age, marital status, education, employment, religion, age at menarche and first sexual intercourse) and gynecological history.

13 DISCUSSION Prevalence of sexual dysfunction: studies carried out in Brazil also find approximate values, such as 21.9% and 36%. The literature is not unanimous about the association between socioeconomic status and sexual dysfunction. ◦ Study(American women): economic position increased risk for all categories of female sexual dysfunction Ferreira, Souza, Amorim; 2007 Prado, Mota, Lima; 2010 Laumann, Paik, Rosen; 1999

14 DISCUSSION Association between socioeconomic status and sexual dysfunction: ◦ It was shown an inverse association between paid work and the occurrence of sexual dysfunction. Nazareth, Boyton, King; 2003

15 DISCUSSION The literature is discordant when considering schooling and sexual dysfunctions. ◦ Found no association of educational level with sexual dysfunctions, value of total FSFI score or outliers of each domain of the questionnaire. ◦ In Ribeirão Preto (São Paulo), was identified that sexual dysfunctions are more common in women with lower educational level. Pacagnella, Martinez, Vieira; 2009 Prado, Mota, Lima; 2010

16 DISCUSSION Number of sexual partners in the last three months increase the total FSFI score: ◦ Recife (Br): for women with a history of only one sexual partner were less likely to develop sexual dysfunctions. Total score increased in women with a higher number of sexual contacts per week: ◦ Recife (Br): positive association of sexual dysfunction with the frequency of only one sex or less per week. Ferreira, Souza, Amorim; 2007

17 FINAL CONSIDERATIONS FINAL CONSIDERATIONS The high prevalence of sexual dysfunction evidenced in this study justifies the relevance of the subject. FSFI: ◦ Women have sexual dysfunction and the risk of developing them; ◦ Qualify nursing care.

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