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I SRAEL ' S Y OUTH A T R ISK Jack Habib Director, Myers-JDC-Brookdale Institute December 9, 2013 M AKING A D IFFERENCE T HROUGH R ESEARCH.

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Presentation on theme: "I SRAEL ' S Y OUTH A T R ISK Jack Habib Director, Myers-JDC-Brookdale Institute December 9, 2013 M AKING A D IFFERENCE T HROUGH R ESEARCH."— Presentation transcript:

1 I SRAEL ' S Y OUTH A T R ISK Jack Habib Director, Myers-JDC-Brookdale Institute December 9, 2013 M AKING A D IFFERENCE T HROUGH R ESEARCH

2 Y OUTH A GE 12-17 IN I SRAEL (2011) 2 Making a Difference Through Research D ECEMBER 2013 760,000 youth between ages 12 and 17 in Israel 9% of the total population Source: The National Council for the Child. 2012. The State of the Child in Israel - 2012 (in Hebrew only). *Includes 3% Other

3 B ASIC D EMOGRAPHICS OF A LL C HILDREN AND Y OUTH TO A GE 17 (2011) 3 Making a Difference Through Research D ECEMBER 2013 17% of families have at 4+ children. 5% have 6+ children. Large families are common among the Haredim, Arab-Israelis, and Ethiopian immigrants  9% of children and youth live in single-parent families 9% are immigrants or were born in Israel to parents who immigrated since 1990 Source: The National Council for the Child. 2012. The State of the Child in Israel - 2012 (in Hebrew only).

4 C HILDREN AND Y OUTH TO A GE 17 IN P OVERTY, 1993-2011 ( IN %) 4 Making a Difference Through Research D ECEMBER 2013 Sources: Asher Ben-Arieh presentation. Children at Risk in Israel. 2013. Haruv Institute. National Insurance Institute. Report on Poverty in Israel. 2011. (Hebrew) (960,000 children and youth) Before taxes/ transfers After taxes/ transfers (860,000 children and youth)

5 C HILDREN AND Y OUTH TO A GE 17 IN P OVERTY *, BY P OPULATION, 2011 ( IN %) 5 Making a Difference Through Research D ECEMBER 2013 *After taxes and transfers Source: MJB Special Analysis of Israel Central Bureau of Statistics Income Survey.

6 C HILDREN AND Y OUTH IN THE C HILD W ELFARE S YSTEM 6 Making a Difference Through Research D ECEMBER 2013 17% of all children and youth were registered with municipal social service departments in 2012—up from 13% in 2001 About 50,000 suspected cases of violence or neglect against children were reported to the social welfare services in 2011 Rates of youth at risk living in out-of-home care settings have declined over time Therefore more youth at risk require care in the community Sources: Israel Central Bureau of Statistics. 2013 Statistical Abstract of Israel. Israel Central Bureau of Statistics. “Selected Data for the International Child Day” (press release, November 18, 2013)

7 N ATIONAL P ROGRAM FOR C HILDREN AND Y OUTH AT R ISK : 7 A REAS OF R ISK 7 Making a Difference Through Research D ECEMBER 2013 Education achievements Social integration Physical health/ development Emotional well-being Parental care Protection from others Protection from risk behaviors 

8 C HILDREN AND Y OUTH I DENTIFIED "A T R ISK " THROUGH THE N ATIONAL P ROGRAM (2009) 8 Making a Difference Through Research D ECEMBER 2013 No. of children in NP communities No. of children at risk % of children at risk* Total950,000156,00016 Age 12-17274,00048,000 17 Age 6-11324,00060,00018 Age 0-5352,00048,00014 Source: Based on data collected through the National Program for Children and Youth at Risk. Szabo-Lael, R. & Hasin, T. 2011. At Risk Children and Youth. Myers-JDC Brookdale Institute.

9 P ERCENTAGE OF Y OUTH A GES 12-17 WITH S PECIFIC R ISKS IN NP C OMMUNITIES (2009) 9 Making a Difference Through Research D ECEMBER 2013 4.6Physical health and development 12.8Parental care 11.9Educational achievements 8.8Emotional well-being 7.6Social integration 3.4Protection from others 4.2Protection from risk behaviors Source: Based on data collected through the National Program for Children and Youth at Risk. Szabo-Lael, R. & Hasin, T. 2011. At Risk Children and Youth. Myers-JDC Brookdale Institute.

10 N UMBER OF A REAS OF R ISK AMONG C HILDREN I DENTIFIED AT R ISK (2009) 10 Making a Difference Through Research D ECEMBER 2013 Areas: Parental care School/Developmental Emotional/Social/Behavioral Youth (age 12 to 17) Source: Based on data collected through the National Program for Children and Youth at Risk. Szabo-Lael, R. & Hasin, T. 2011. At Risk Children and Youth. Myers-JDC Brookdale Institute. Children (birth to 11)

11 H IGH R ISK B EHAVIOR : A LCOHOL & V IOLENCE (2010) 11 Making a Difference Through Research D ECEMBER 2013 Sources: Special analysis of HBSC 2010-11 survey data by Myers-JDC-Brookdale Institute; P. Kahan-Strawczynski, Amiel S., Levi D., Konstantinov V. 2012. Boys = 31% Girls = 15%

12 H IGH R ISK B EHAVIOR : I MMIGRANT Y OUTH (2012) 12 Making a Difference Through Research D ECEMBER 2013 Source: P. Kahan-Strawczynski, Amiel S., Levi D., Konstantinov V. 2012. The Integration of First and Second Generations of Immigrant Youth from Ethiopia and the Former Soviet Union. Myers-JDC-Brookdale Institute. Higher rates of alcohol use among: 1st- and 2nd-generation youth from FSU 2nd-generation Ethiopian-Israelis

13 I SRAELI S CORES ON I NTERNATIONAL PISA T ESTS 13 Making a Difference Through Research D ECEMBER 2013 Sources: RAMA: The National Authority for Measurement and Evaluation in Education. 2011. Main Findings from the TIMSS 2011 Study: ‎Mathematics and Science Achievements Among Eighth Graders in Israel; “Education Survey: Israel Schoolchildren Behind OECD Average.”. 4 December 2013.,7340,L-4460857,00.html Israel's rankings on various international tests have raised major concerns, but recently released newer findings have indicated improvement. 2011 TIMSS: 7th out of 42 countries in mathematics and 13th in science 2012 PISA: 33rd out of 58 countries on reading, and 40th on math and science tests

14 Y OUTH N OT C OMPLETING H IGH S CHOOL (%, 2000 TO 2012) 14 Making a Difference Through Research D ECEMBER 2013 Even very high-risk youth remain in high school in Israel, requiring special support All youth Jews Arab-Israelis Source: Israel Central Bureau of Statistics. 2013 Statistical Abstract of Israel. 14 29 10 13

15 M ATRICULATION R ATES (%, 2000-2011) 15 Making a Difference Through Research D ECEMBER 2013 55 44 59 49 Source: Israel Central Bureau of Statistics. 2013 Statistical Abstract of Israel. Some improvement over the decade, but less than half receive a matriculation diploma.

16 E DUCATIONAL G APS : U NIVERSITY - ELIGIBLE MATRICULATION (%, 2012) 16 Making a Difference Through Research D ECEMBER 2013 Socio-economic level of community (Jewish students) Population Source: Israel Central Bureau of Statistics. 2013 Statistical Abstract of Israel. Very significant educational gaps.

17 S OCIOECONOMIC G APS : T EST S CORES 17 Making a Difference Through Research D ECEMBER 2013 Significant socioeconomic gaps on: Meitzav Israeli national educational tests TIMSS and PISA international tests in literacy, mathematics, and science Israel’s socioeconomic gaps in achievements on international tests have remained among the largest in the world

18 P ROBLEMS IN S CHOOL AND S PECIAL N EEDS, J UNIOR H IGH AND H IGH S CHOOL (%) 18 Making a Difference Through Research D ECEMBER 2013 Source: Ben-Rabi D., Baruj-Kovarsky R., Konstantinov V., Rotem R., and Cohen-Navot M. 2012. Second National Study of Elementary and Junior High School Practices to Advance Students With Difficulties. Myers-JDC-Brookdale Institute. * Junior high and high school ** Junior high school only

19 A DEQUACY OF S UPPORT FOR S TUDENTS WITH D IFFICULTIES IN J UNIOR H IGH S CHOOL 19 Making a Difference Through Research D ECEMBER 2013 Important types of support are not available in many classes (extra learning support within the class, mentoring and working with parents) Close to half of teachers assess that the primary types of support are insufficiently effective Most teachers think that almost half of students with difficulties do not receive the support they need Source: Ben-Rabi D., Baruj-Kovarsky R., Konstantinov V., Rotem R., and Cohen-Navot M. 2012. Second National Study of Elementary and Junior High School Practices to Advance Students With Difficulties. Myers-JDC-Brookdale Institute.

20 R ECENT P OLICY D EVELOPMENTS 20 Making a Difference Through Research D ECEMBER 2013 National Program for Children and Youth at Risk Reforms of the Educational System “Towards the Community” reform in child welfare Legislation Special education law Compulsory education to age 18

21 S OME K EY S UBSTANTIVE C HALLENGES 21 Making a Difference Through Research D ECEMBER 2013 1.Prevention 2.Inclusiveness in the schools 3.Alternative educational frameworks (vocational/technical education) 4.High-end risk 5.Transitions to adulthood 6.Enhancing our understanding of the needs and of program effectiveness

22 I SRAELI S CORES ON I NTERNATIONAL PISA T ESTS 22 Making a Difference Through Research D ECEMBER 2013 2006 2009 2012 Source: PISA 2012.

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