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HMP- composting quiz Question 1. Which of the following should not be put into a compost pile Mango, melon, milk, corn, grass, meat, coconut shell and.

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Presentation on theme: "HMP- composting quiz Question 1. Which of the following should not be put into a compost pile Mango, melon, milk, corn, grass, meat, coconut shell and."— Presentation transcript:

1 HMP- composting quiz Question 1. Which of the following should not be put into a compost pile Mango, melon, milk, corn, grass, meat, coconut shell and rice.

2 Answer 2  Milk  Meat  Coconut shell

3 Question 2 What are the three essential ingredients for the survival of a compost pile.

4 Answer 2  Air  Water  food

5 Question 3  How often should a compost pile be wet.  Once a week  Once Every day  Once every six months  Three times a day  when there is no rain

6 Answer 3 Once every day

7 Question 4  Which of the following would cause a compost to give off leachate  Too much sawdust  Too much water  Too much air  Too much dried leaves

8 Answer 4 Too much water

9 Question 5. Ready to use compost looks like which of the following  a Black and hot  b Dark brown and crumbly  c Sticky and brown  d yellowish brown and hot

10 Answer 5. B Dark brown and crumbly

11 True or false 1.  Keeping your compost properly sealed and not opening it for some months will help your compost to breakdown faster.

12 Answer. 1. False A compose pile should not be sealed. Micro-organisms need air to survive. You will also have to open it to supply water & food.

13 2. Which of the following will tell you that your compost is breaking down well a. the presence of centipedes and worms b. cold temperature in the centre of the compost c. Incineration

14 2 answer A. The presence of centipedes and worms

15 Question 3  Which process best describes incineration.  A. Fogging  B. Spraying  C. Adding fertilizers  D. Burning

16 Answer 3 A. Burning

17 Question 4.Which of the following 2 does compost help to do a. Add nutrients to the soil b. Add essential chemicals to the soil c. Prevent soil erosion d. Prevent worms in the garden

18 Answer 4 A and c A. Add Nutrients C.Prevent soil erosion

19 Question 5. True or false It is OK to add news paper to a compost pile

20 Answer 5 false Newspaper ink contain chemicals and should be kept out of a compost

21 Question 6 What is the meaning of GSWMA  A. Grenada Solid Water Management Association.  B. Grenada sewerage and waste authority  C. Grenada Solid Waste Management Authority

22 Answer 6. C Grenada Solid Waste Management Authority

23 Question7.What is the name of the endangered bird living near the Perseverance landfill A The parrot B The connie C Grenada Dove D The Pigeon

24 7. Answer C. The Grenada Dove

25 Question 8. Compost piles heat up because: A. They concentrate on the sun’s energy B. Farmers set them on fire C. Of the activity of micro-organisms present in the compost. D. All of the above.

26 Answer 8. C. Compost piles heat up because of the activity of micro-organisms present in the compost.

27 Question 9. Compost in a pile is finished when: A. The pile no longer heats up after turning it over B. The material is rich crumbly brown C. The odour of the material is a sweet earthy smell D. All of the above.

28 Answer 9: D. All of the above

29 Question 10. Which of the following best describes composting? A. The creation of fertilizer B. Recycling of waste C. The natural process of decomposition and recycling of organic material D. The adding of mulch around trees

30 Answer 10 C. The natural process of decomposition and recycling of organic material.

31 Question 11. Which of the following will slow down decomposition in a compost? A. Lawn grass clippings B. Bamboo C. Shrubs D. Saw dust

32 Answer:11 B. Bamboo

33 Question 12. How often should your compost be turned? A. Once a week B. Every day C. Every other day D. Once per month

34 Answer 12: A. Once a week

35 Question 13. A compost pile should be kept A. burning B. Wet C. Soggy D. Moist

36 Answer 13: D. Moist

37 Q. 14. What percentage of waste generated by households in Grenada is organic? A. 15- 20% B. 25-30% C. 45-50% D. 75-90%

38 Answer 14 ; C. 45-50%

39 Q. 15 Compost serves to benefit The soil in all the following ways except one. Name that one. A. Soil Texture B. Moisture content C. Nutrient Balance D. Preventing Evaporation E. Sugar content.

40 Answer 15. E Sugar content

41 Question 16 Which of the following two will cause a compost pile to give off a bad smell? A. Meat B. Green grass C. Too much water D. Too little water

42 Answer 16: A. Meat & C Too much water

43 Question 17. Green material and kitchen waste in a compost is needed for which of the following? A. To speed up the breaking down process of organic material B. To keep down dried bush in the pile C. To help lower the dark colour in the compost pile D. To create the dark colour in the compost pile

44 Answer 17: A. To speed up the breaking down process of organic material.

45 Question 18. Compost can be used for all of the following,except which? A. For potted plants B. Around flowers C. Hatching tissue-culture plants D. Feeding animals

46 Answer 18. D.

47 TRUE OR FALSE SECTION Answer True or False for the following Twenty Questions.

48 Composting is a form of recycling.

49 True

50 Compost is very hot when ready to use.

51 False

52 Ready-to-use compost feels sandy.

53 false

54 Soaking lumber before adding it to a compost regularly helps it to breakdown faster.

55 False Wood should not be added to a compost.

56 If properly covered, compost will take a year to be ready.

57 False

58 Plastics should not be added to a compost.

59 True

60 It is a must that compost should be sifted before adding it to soil.

61 False

62 Compost helps to bind clay and loosen sandy soil.

63 False it is the opposite.

64 It is typical to have insects in a compost.

65 True

66 Compost increases plants water requirements.

67 False. It lowers the need for water as it retains water

68 Overloading a field with compost causes dryness.

69 False

70 Preparing a compost pile with dried soil is harmful to a compost.

71 False

72 Inorganic fertilizer in a compost is not recommended.

73 True

74 FILL IN THE SPACES WITH THE CORRECT ANSWER. Put in the correct words in the following sentences. ( Suggested answers in the brackets )‏

75 1. Your compost is ready when the pile has been transformed and blended into a ……soil texture. ( crumbly, Jelly –like)‏ Compost helps plants to survive in… conditions.( dry, damp )‏

76 1. Crumbly.

77 2. Compost helps plants to survive in ……. Weather conditions. ( Wet, Hot,)‏

78 2. Hot.

79 3.  Keeping a compost……will help prevent evaporation. (covered, wet)‏

80 3. covered

81 4.  Compost helps soil to retain …(Moisture, heat)‏

82 4. Moisture.

83 5 Small branches should be…….if they are to be placed in a compost. (broken up, dampened, burned

84 5. Broken up

85 True or false

86 6.The compost must be sprayed for harmful insects during the breaking down process.

87 6. False

88 7.A moist compost provides a safe environment for micro- organisms.

89 7. True

90 8. Bacteria and fungi are helpful in a compost.

91 True

92 Turning your compost regularly will help to alleviate odours.

93 True

94 The group with the most points at this stage has won the competition.


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