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Guided Math C. Alejandra Bedoya J.J. Pickle Elementary Austin ISD.

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Presentation on theme: "Guided Math C. Alejandra Bedoya J.J. Pickle Elementary Austin ISD."— Presentation transcript:

1 Guided Math C. Alejandra Bedoya J.J. Pickle Elementary Austin ISD

2 Reading and Math Instruction What do you think of when you think of guided reading? What are some of the most important components? How are guided reading and guided math related?

3 What is Guided Math Students are grouped in small flexible groups – BOY – Friday assessments Objective based NOT grade on test Based on instructional level, students needs Students work in appropriate standards-based workstations / centers.

4 Guided math vs. Compacting vs. Whole Group Whole GroupCompactingGuided Math One standard Not differentiated One lesson After lesson, teacher must help 5-8 struggling kids Advanced kids speed through work and read when finished Not all kids have same understanding of different concepts Minimal discussion of thinking Not fully balanced instruction Possibly different standards Differentiated Based on percentage on IMI One lesson Even leveled kids have different needs based on different standards Kid stays with group through nine weeks or “unit” Minimal discussion of thinking Not fully balanced instruction One standard Differentiated Small group Based on need on individual standards (IMI and daily formative assessment) One tiered lesson Groups are flexible, change frequently No student is ever “finished” Balanced instruction Based on the resources provided by the Cobb County District

5 What does it look like? Students working in small groups on standards/based stations – Independent work – Group work – Work with teacher Teacher assess student progress formally and informally A part of everyday math instruction

6 Independent Work Different types of activities to maintain skills and/or to learn and practice new skills introduced early in the week – Work tubs – Tables Numerical fluency Games Journals Technology

7 Responsibilities During Guided Math Students Keep work in progress in a folder Keep record of stations they have completed if rotations take more than one day Producing quality work Teacher Set up standards – based stations Introduce and lead whole group discussion about stations Develop accountability system for the different stations

8 Grouping Misconceptions On current topic or recently taught Short time with students Can happen while working independently Overall Low Based of 1 st 9 weeks – Objective 1 Basic skills Formal group – larger than misconception Meet with the teacher regularly

9 Technology in the Classroom EnVision – Math Games – Quizz Show – Exam View – ETools Kidspiration – On new district image – On all laptops Brain Pop – Login: txau_campusname – Password: aisd Discovery Education – Personal teacher account – Library Account Atomic Learning – On-line training on software Login: txau_campusnme Password: aisd Discussion Forum – Username = Your regular AISD Network Login (short name for those that have been around for awhile, EID for the newer folks – PW = Exxxxxxx (Default is the EID number with a capital "E". Once logged in you can change your password. – Math group and Third grade group

10 Now What? Decide on rules and routines Use your data to set up groups Create a schedule Plan accountability system Design you stations

11 Math Websites 4/activities/functionmachine/functionmachine3_4.html 4/activities/functionmachine/functionmachine3_4.html Problem-Solving Printables by Grade Level (Shared by Jessica Miller):

12 ath/ ath/ /11/guided-math.html /11/guided-math.html

13 Extras



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