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The New Millennium Learners Francesc Pedró. Contents Why is this project relevant? Why is this project relevant? Main research questions Main research.

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Presentation on theme: "The New Millennium Learners Francesc Pedró. Contents Why is this project relevant? Why is this project relevant? Main research questions Main research."— Presentation transcript:

1 The New Millennium Learners Francesc Pedró

2 Contents Why is this project relevant? Why is this project relevant? Main research questions Main research questions Some preliminary findings Some preliminary findings Still pending Still pending Planned outputs in 2008 Planned outputs in 2008

3 Overarching issues 3 1.Are the NML a relevant phenomenon for educational policy-making? 2.Are our claims and analysis based on evidence?

4 The relevance of NML Technology is shaping learners lives, …Technology is shaping learners lives, …

5 The relevance of NML …, except in education.…, except in education. Teachers and pupils in compulsory education who have not used a computer in the classroom in the past 12 months (2006). Source: Empirica, 2007. Broadband in primary and secondary schools of OECD countries, 2006 or latest available year, in per cent. Source: National statistical office, Eurostat, US Department of Education (value for 2005).

6 Main research questions

7 Two phases 7 Demand side (current biennium): Demand side (current biennium): Define and observe what and who NML are Define and observe what and who NML are Compare their emergence in OECD countries Compare their emergence in OECD countries Analyse the educational challenges NML pose Analyse the educational challenges NML pose Supply side (suggested second phase): Supply side (suggested second phase): Collect evidence on educational innovations Collect evidence on educational innovations Discuss policy responses Discuss policy responses

8 Are NML a case? Gender divide:Gender divide: –Stereotypes –Do girls really fall behind? Matthew effect:Matthew effect: –A second digital divide

9 *Significant relationships are marked in bolds. Inequalities in internet use The more frequent users their parents are, the greater the likelihood of young people using the internet for educational purposes

10 Are NML a case? Gender divide:Gender divide: –Stereotypes –Do girls really fall behind? Matthew effect:Matthew effect: –A second digital divide Neither of them in current researchNeither of them in current research


12 12 Cognitive skills development Social values and lifestyles Educational achievement Visual-spatial skills Non verbal intelligence Lack of evidence in other areas Media competition Socialisation in the third space Importance of videogames as threshold lowerers: Stereotypes Violence/agression/authority?


14 It goes beyond safety

15 15 Cognitive skills development Social values and lifestyles Educational achievement Visual-spatial skills Non verbal intelligence Lack of evidence in other areas Media competition Socialisation in the third space Importance of videogames as threshold lowerers: Stereotypes Violence/agression/authority? No conclusive evidence Lack of appropriate methodologies: Large longitudinal studies Large-scale experiments Unexplained phenomena



18 Outputs in 2008 Four main reports:Four main reports: –Connected minds –Serious playing –Looking for the invisible –PISA 2006 on technology and performance International dissemination conferenceInternational dissemination conference

19 Still pending 2008 The gender issue, June 2-3 Oslo (Norway)The gender issue, June 2-3 Oslo (Norway) The second digital divide in education, ??The second digital divide in education, ??

20 Possible second phase Focus on a (very) limited number of outputsFocus on a (very) limited number of outputs 20092009 –Report on Technology in initial teacher training –International conference on 1-to-1 20102010 –Report on PISA 2009 –Bringing in learners voices?

21 Common classroom activities 52% 29% 25% 22% 17% 16% 10% 9% 8% 7% 4% 3% Copy from the board or a book Listen to a teacher talking for a long time Have a class discussion Take notes while my teacher talks Work in small groups to solve a problem Have a drink of water when I need it Work on a computer Listen to background music Have some activities that allow me to move around Create pictures or maps to help me remember Have a change of activity to help focus Q Which three of the following do you do most often in class? Spend time thinking quietly on my own Talk about my work with a teacher Learn things that relate to the real world Teach my classmates about something Base:All pupils (2,417)Source: Ipsos MORI Have people from outside to help me learn Learn outside in my schools grounds 33%

22 Most preferred ways to learn 55% 39% 35% 31% 21% 19% 16% 14% 12% 9% 8% 5% 6% 3% 1% In groups By doing practical things With friends By using computers Alone From friends With your parents By practising By copying By thinking for yourself Other From others In which three of the following ways do you prefer to learn? From teachers By seeing things done In silence At a museum or library Base:All pupils (2,417)Source: Ipsos MORI

23 Lessons learned Missing relevant research, not cumulativeMissing relevant research, not cumulative Empirical research focused on the negativesEmpirical research focused on the negatives Lack of large-scale experiments and longitudinal studiesLack of large-scale experiments and longitudinal studies What research is telling, does not get to teachers or parentsWhat research is telling, does not get to teachers or parents

24 Drawing on evidence

25 Thank you

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