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Introduction to Canada - Part 2. The Prairies.

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1 Introduction to Canada - Part 2








9 The Prairies

10 Canadian Shield

11 Western Cordillera

12 Innuitian Mountains

13 Hudson Bay Lowlands

14 Appalachians

15 Great Lakes - St. Lawrence Lowlands















30 Regina Winnipeg Vancouver Victoria

31 Yellowknife Whitehorse Iqaluit Calgary

32 Edmonton Montreal Ottawa Toronto

33 St. John’s Charlottetown Fredericton Halifax

34 Hamilton Quebec City Saskatoon London



37 The total land area of Canada is 9,984,670 square kilometres (km). It is the second largest country in the world. The longest distance north to south (on land) is 4,634 km, from Nunavut to Ontario. The longest distance east to west is 5,514 km from Newfoundland and Labrador to the Yukon Territory where it borders with Alaska. To put these distances in perspective: it takes seven days to drive from Halifax, Nova Scotia to Vancouver, British Columbia. Flying from Halifax to Vancouver takes seven hours.

38 Canada has six different time zones: Newfoundland, Atlantic, Eastern, Central, Mountain, and Pacific.

39 Canada's natural wealth of forests, wildlife, protected areas and water is world-renowned. Canada has: More than 71,500 known species of plants and wild animals. 20 per cent of the world's remaining wilderness 7 per cent of the world's renewable freshwater supply 25 per cent of the world's wetlands 10 per cent of the world's forests The longest coastline in the world

40 There are approximately 34 (2011) million people in Canada. Canada ranks 33rd in population in the world. More than 80 per cent of Canadians live in towns and cities in the southern areas within 250 kilometres of the United States border. There are 25 cities of over 100,000 people in Canada. These cities represent only 0.79 per cent of the country's total area.

41 The following is a description of Canada’s weather on a tourist site: “In Canada, there are four different seasons: spring, summer, autumn (fall), and winter. In the winter, the days are shorter and colder. When outdoors, people wear mitts or gloves, scarves, hats, warm coats, and insulated boots. In the summer, the days are longer and warmer.” Overall, the climate varies dramatically across Canada. Many factors influence climate, such as distance from large bodies of water, latitude, elevation, and prevailing winds.

42 Geography of Canada What is Geography?

43 Introduction to Geography Quiz What province or territory has one of the world’s greatest stores of dinosaur bones? The area near Drumheller, Alberta, is the best place to look for dinosaur bones in Canada.

44 Introduction to Geography Quiz In 2004, the CBC ran a series of television programs that asked Canadians to choose the Greatest Canadian of all time. Who was chosen for this honour? Former premier of Saskatchewan Tommy Douglas was chosen for his role in establishing medicare.

45 Introduction to Geography Quiz Canada is the second largest country in the world. What country is larger in area than Canada? Russia is about as big as Canada and Australia combined. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

46 Introduction to Geography Quiz Which hockey team has won the Stanley Cup most often? The Montreal Canadiens have won the Stanley Cup 24 times, making them the winningest team in sports history.

47 Introduction to Geography Quiz In 2004, Canada’s foreign trade was approximately… –$90 million per hour –$90 million per day –$90 million per week –$90 million per month –$90 million per year $90 million per hour!

48 Introduction to Geography Quiz Which prime minister has been in power for the longest period of time? The Right Honourable William Lyon Mackenzie King was Prime Minister for almost 22 years.

49 Introduction to Geography Quiz Which of these materials is not mined in Canada? –gold –copper –diamonds –tin –coal Tin is not mined in Canada.

50 Introduction to Geography Quiz What is the name of Canada’s newest territory and its capital city? In 1999, the Territory of Nunavut was created, and Iqaluit was chosen as its capital city.

51 Introduction to Geography Quiz Which of these people is not Canadian? –actor Kiefer Sutherland –singer Shania Twain –actor Angelina Jolie –golfer Mike Weir –singer Avril Lavigne Despite her French name, Angelina Jolie was born in Los Angeles, USA.

52 Introduction to Geography Quiz Which province joined Canada in 1949? Newfoundland joined Canada in 1949. In 2001, the province’s name was officially changed to Newfoundland and Labrador. and LABRADOR

53 Introduction to Geography Quiz What is the name of the highest award that Canada gives for outstanding achievement and service to the country? The Order of Canada has three levels: Member (CM), Officer (OC), and Companion (CC).

54 Introduction to Geography Quiz What is the name of the longest river in Canada? The Mackenzie River in the Northwest Territories is 4241 km long.

55 Introduction to Geography Quiz Other than the United Kingdom and France, what country is the origin of the greatest number of Canadian residents? Many people are surprised to find that Germany is the third largest source of Canadians.

56 Introduction to Geography Quiz In terms of value, what is Canada’s most important export commodity? Cars, trucks, and auto parts are our most important exports. In 2004, we sold more than $90 billion worth— primarily to the United States.

57 Introduction to Geography Quiz Mount Logan is in Yukon Territory and stands an impressive 5959 metres above sea level.

58 Introduction to Geography Quiz One of the celebrities mentioned in Question #9 is a relative of the person chosen as the Greatest Canadian (Question #2). Which celebrity is it, and what is their relationship? Kiefer Sutherland is Tommy Douglas’s grandson. Kiefer’s parents, both actors, are Shirley Douglas (Tommy’s daughter) and Donald Sutherland.

59 Mind Map of Canada On a blank sheet of paper, draw a map of Canada as close to reality as possible. Do this on your own – without looking at other people’s maps or any reference material such as an atlas. On your map, roughly draw in the provincial boundaries and then label the provinces and territories, then place and label their capitals.

60 Mind Map of Canada 1.Which parts of Canada do you know best? 2.Which parts of your map are most incomplete? 3.Do you feel it is important to know where places are in Canada? Explain.

61 Canadian Quizzes: Click on the link and take the Quizz! s/index.html

62 The End

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