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Rubrics: From Creation to Use in John Thomson DoIT Academic Technology, Beth Fahlberg School of Nursing,

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Presentation on theme: "Rubrics: From Creation to Use in John Thomson DoIT Academic Technology, Beth Fahlberg School of Nursing,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Rubrics: From Creation to Use in Learn@UW John Thomson DoIT Academic Technology, Beth Fahlberg School of Nursing,

2 Introduction to rubrics 1.Examples, benefits, drawbacks 2.Electronic rubrics in D2L (Learn@UW) 3.Experiences in a teaching team 4.Group work 5.Quick demonstration

3 What is a rubric?

4 Traditional rubric used in grading

5 Benefits of using rubrics Provides direction for students before and after an assignment Facilitates feedback Promotes grading consistency

6 Drawbacks of traditional* rubrics * Paper or document file rubric Cumbersome & inefficient Process of grading using doc file rubrics 1.Open/ find student assignment 2.Open correct rubric file 3.Remember to save the rubric as a new file with the student's name in a place you can find it later 4.Grade assignment & enter feedback 5.Add up points 6.Enter grade in online gradebook 7.Upload correct file for correct student and assignment

7 Drawbacks of traditional* rubrics * Paper or document file rubric Possibility of error at several points Challenging to use information for assessment of learning outcomes

8 Paper Rubrics Such Fun!

9 WHAT IF??? Rubrics could be efficient as well as effective?

10 Rubrics in Learn@UW



13 Learn@UW Rubric- graded assignment

14 Learn@UW Rubric performance feedback

15 Grades & feedback easily edited & transferred from rubric to gradebook

16 Benefits of Learn@UW Rubrics Saves time!! Reduces error Promotes effective communication o Faculty-student o Faculty-faculty Ease of access & revision

17 Experiences of teaching team Barb King Paul Larson Fanglin Kuo Rubrics were efficient for grading papers Promoted consistency and communication between graders Nursing 433 Fall 2012

18 Clinical assessment rubric Document converted to online format, piloted with one group at two points in time Challenges: Making criteria specific enough Differentiating between each level Additional challenges with graded rubrics Ensuring assigned points are internally consistent with expectations and syllabus Nursing 319, Spring 2013

19 Experiences using L@UW rubric for clinical performance evaluation Observations of performance and learning easily entered: At clinical site Reading weekly journals Better & more frequent feedback for students Streamlined evaluation process

20 Rubric development in Learn@UW 1.Plan 2.Draft in D2L 3.Publish to grade student work

21 Rubric development in Learn@UW Lingo: Analytic vs Holistic Criteria & Levels Range Best used in: Dropbox Gradebook




25 Be sure to distinguish between different criteria




29 Group work: creating a rubric Find a partner! Using one of the example assignments, or one of your own, draft a rubric. Use the VALUE rubric as an example of good level definitions. Be ready to trade your rubric with another pair.

30 Resources VALUE rubrics from AACU - institutional rubrics for essential learning outcomes iRubric - example rubrics from a number of disciplines Rubrics orientation in Desire2Learn (Learn@UW) Creating & Editing a Rubric

31 Thanks! Q&A

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