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Rubrics YOU can do this!. Rubric Achievement relative to a level of mastery (criteria) is compared  Need to know the criteria ahead of time  Need to.

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Presentation on theme: "Rubrics YOU can do this!. Rubric Achievement relative to a level of mastery (criteria) is compared  Need to know the criteria ahead of time  Need to."— Presentation transcript:

1 Rubrics YOU can do this!

2 Rubric Achievement relative to a level of mastery (criteria) is compared  Need to know the criteria ahead of time  Need to consider a method of scoring Rubrics  Guide to assess a students work  State expectations in a clear and fair manner  Checklist or Rating Scale

3 Developing a Rubric Determine the content being taught Identify essential elements of the task  Describe performance indicators (ex: task analysis) Articulate criteria and levels of quality  Clear description  Criteria for each performance level Try it out Revise Task Analysis - Overhand Throw Side to target Arm back swing Step with opposite foot Follow through

4 Guidelines for Rating Scale Rely on descriptive language rather than comparative language  Don’t use phrases like “somewhat better” Provide useful discrimination Emphasize the finished product

5 Instructional Rubric for Gymnastics Routine Rarely (1) Occasionally (2) Frequently (3) Consistently (4) Demonstrates good forms including starts, balances, and ends Movements flow smoothly and show natural transitions between movements Included necessary elements (two different locomotor skills and one rolling movement) Performs creatively and aesthetically pleasing routine

6 Instructional Rubric Gross Motor Skills 1-PRECONTROL2-CONTROL3-UTILIZATION4-PROFICIENCY Looks awkwardRepetitions are more correct Replicates with correctness Skill is automatic Each repetition looks different Repetitions are similar; student can replicate Needs concentration to succeed Looks effortless Adds extraneous and inefficient movements in situations Skill correctness and quality decrease when sequenced or with a partner Shows control in unpredictable situations Refinement shown Quality remains in unplanned situations

7 Instructional Rubric Affective Domain CriteriaA Real SportOn TargetSend Help Respect for the RulesConsistently follows the rules Helps to establish fair rules are followed Usually follows the rules Helps to see that rules are followed Little respect or regard For rules "Rules are to be broken" Respect for OthersConsistent kindness and respect to others Helpful, terrific team person Usually shows kindness and respect to others Disrespectful Uses "put downs," name calling Equal Opportunity Excellent at sharing equipment, playing time, and giving everyone a chance Helps to ensure everyone gets their turn and equipment Looks after #1 "me first" " Frequently a "ball hog," court hog Self-controlExcellent control of body and feelings Usually controls body And feelings Great difficulty controlling body and feelings Hits others, angry, aggressive

8 Affective Learning Beginning (1) Developing (2) Focused (3) Exemplary (4) Abides by the rules and decisions made by the teacher Uses equipment and space safely and properly Plays and cooperates with other children regardless of differences Expresses enjoyment of practice activity Interacts with other children in classes

9 Instructional Rubric Affective Domain Ultimate Team Player Doing the JobOn The CourtOn Another Court Was ready and prepared to participate Showed utmost respect to my classmates and teacher Gave maximum effort * Displayed ideal fair play and leadership skills Possessed a positive attitude towards the activity Was ready and prepared to participate Going consistently showed respect to my classmates and teacher Gave good effort throughout Displayed good fair play and leadership skills Possessed a positive attitude towards the activity Was ready to participate Periodically showed respect to my classmates and teacher Gave an average effort Displayed some fair play and leadership skills Possessed an average attitude towards the activity Was not ready or prepared to participate Showed little or no respect to my classmates and teacher Gave minimal effort Displayed poor fair play and leadership skills Possessed a negative attitude towards the activity

10 Instructional Rubric Tennis Self Evaluation What’s your levelBe the UmpireHow’s your Tennis PlayMake Comments Ace? / was on time and dressed appropriately I played by the rules and encouraged fair play / always encouraged and supported my classmates / was always on task and worked well with others Your Comments Teachers Comments Your Advantage / was on time and dressed appropriately I played by the rules and regularly encouraged fair play I made an effort to encourage support for my classmates / was regularly on task and worked well with others Your Comments Teachers Comments Deuce / was on time and dressed appropriately / usually played by the rules and encouraged fair play / adequately encouraged and supported others / was usually on task and worked well with others Your Comments Teachers Comments Fault / was late and/or inappropriately dressed / rarely played by the rules or etncouraged fair play I rarely encouraged and supported others / was rarely on task and failed to work well with others Your Comments Teachers Comments

11 Checklist Used to detect the presence or absence of a desired behavior  Decide on the behavior to be assessed  Determine how many elements to include  Use vivid language to list each element  Determine the order of listed elements  Use parallel language to describe the elements  Pilot the checklist  Revise

12 Now you try! Determine the number of performance levels Write the minimum standard first  List of performance indicators (ex: task analysis) Simple and specific language  Action verbs Use catchy terminology  Language easy to remember and discuss Visible and available Revise

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