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TVCA Assessment Workshop Series: Understanding the THINK Rubric Celine Kavalec-Miller Jenny Britton Learning Evidence Team Valencia Community College.

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Presentation on theme: "TVCA Assessment Workshop Series: Understanding the THINK Rubric Celine Kavalec-Miller Jenny Britton Learning Evidence Team Valencia Community College."— Presentation transcript:

1 TVCA Assessment Workshop Series: Understanding the THINK Rubric Celine Kavalec-Miller Jenny Britton Learning Evidence Team Valencia Community College

2 2 Preview of Workshop  Review assessment background  Examine the THINK rubric through application  Field test the THINK rubric

3 3 Ice Breaker  Write down your answers to these questions. l How would collecting student evidence help you as a teacher? l What is your experience with holistic scoring and using rubrics? l Why did you want to attend this workshop?.

4 4 Ice Breaker (cont.)  In small group, share your answers.  In the whole group: What kinds of things are we thinking about as a group?

5 5 Why Should We Collect Evidence of Student Learning?  Improve student learning  Identify patterns of strength and weakness in student performance  Use what we learn to re-design teaching/advising  Verify to various audiences that Valencia “adds value” to students and community

6 6 Mission/Purposes Learning Outcomes How well do we achieve our outcomes? Gather Evidence Interpret Evidence Enhance teaching/ learning; inform institutional decision- making, planning, budgeting Peggy Maki

7 7

8 8 Challenges of implementing large scale assessment  Creating a logistically fluid model  Ensuring creativity in assignment choice  Ensuring assessment data is not used inappropriately  Ensuring consistency

9 9 Benefits of Using Rubrics  Establishes clear expectations for students and assessors  Provides objective assessment of work by instructor and students  Ensures consistency in assessing and evaluating  Allows more accurate peer review and self- review

10 10 Becoming familiar with the THINK rubric  Two forms l Analytic (multicolored/landscape) Dimensions of quality/criteria (emphasis) Levels of achievement/scale l Holistic (orange/portrait) Levels of achievement/scale (emphasis) Dimension of quality /criteria

11 11 Working with the Analytic Rubric  Method l We will work with each criteria separately. l Locate the rubric, paragraphs, and the 5 criteria worksheets. Les Demoiselles d'Avignon by Pablo Picasso

12 12 The Five Criteria/Dimensions (THINK indicators) Analyzing data, ideas, principles and perspectives Applying facts, formulas, procedures and concepts Presenting multiple points of view Drawing well supported conclusions Synthesizing ideas into a coherent whole

13 13 Analyzing Data (green)  Read all criteria statements for this criteria.  Read the four paragraphs.  Rank each paragraph on your worksheet in the appropriate column, using1-4.  Provide a brief written explanation for your rank.

14 14 Applying Facts (Tan)  Read all criteria statements for the criteria.  Read the four paragraphs.  Rank each paragraph on your worksheet in the appropriate column, using 1-4.  Provide a brief written explanation for your rank.

15 15 Presenting Multiple Points of View (Blue)  Read all criteria statements for the criteria.  Read the four paragraphs.  Rank each paragraph on your worksheet in the appropriate column, using 1-4.  Provide a brief written explanation for your rank.

16 16 Drawing Conclusions (Yellow)  Read all criteria statements for the criteria.  Read the four paragraphs.  Rank each paragraph on your worksheet in the appropriate column, using 1-4.  Provide a brief written explanation for your rank.

17 17 Synthesizing Ideas (Pink)  Read all criteria statements for the criteria.  Read the four paragraphs.  Rank each paragraph on your worksheet in the appropriate column, using 1-4.  Provide a brief written explanation for your rank.

18 18 Why holistic scoring?  Writing is evidence of thinking (even in mathematics)  Holistic scoring offers a method that is: l Valid l Quick l Reliable (if trained)

19 19 Holistic Scoring: General Principles  Consider how the elements work together to form a total impression  Adopt the criteria of the think rubric to measure a performance, achieving consistency  Recognize that the rubric defines a range of performances (use full range)

20 20 Holistic Scoring: A Field Test l Read each paper once, quickly and thoroughly l Assign a score of 1-4 (one of each) Upper (3&4) or lower (1&2) Rank from lowest to highest

21 21 Holistic Scoring: A Field Test (cont.) l Do not mark on papers Saves time May prejudice a second reader l Comment on scoring sheet (purple) l When finished, wait quietly for others to finish

22 Discuss the range

23 23 Developing Expertise with the THINK Rubric  No experts exist on applying the THINK rubric  Expertise develops with use of the rubric  We need to be patient l with this process l with ourselves

24 24 Today’s Workshop  Reviewed assessment background  Examined the THINK rubric through application  Field tested the THINK rubric

25 25 Next THINK Workshop Building Powerful Critical Thinking Assignments East, Tues., Feb. 28, 8-105D West, Wed., March 1, 6-202 Osceola, Friday, March 3, 1-171 All workshops from 2-4 pm

26 Thank you for participating. Please fill out the workshop evaluation form.

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