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Leadership Academy May 30 / 31.

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1 Leadership Academy May 30 / 31

2 Today’s Objective The instructional leaders of SUSD will review, observe, and identify components of a standard SUSD model of the implementation of DII based on the Blueprint for Student Achievement. Kirk (1 min)

3 Agenda Review the Blueprint for Student Achievement
Review the components of DII “Game Film” Analysis Practice application of Implementation Form and Rubric Kirk (1 min)

4 Blueprint for Student Achievement
Kirk (8 min)

5 High Performing Districts Believe…
All students can learn Reversing the paradigm Success breeds success Successful students are rewarded through successful instruction Student Achievement Data as a result of DII We control the conditions of success Redefining the District instructional standard Kirk (2 min) first two bullets only

6 2010 2011 An SUSD teacher 31 3 17 11 2 1 ELA CST # Total Students
# of Advanced Students # of Proficient Students # of Basic Below Basic Students # of Far 31 3 (1)7(6) (5)11(5)(1) (2)6(4) (1)(1)(1)(1)4 2011 Kirk (5 min) 17 11 2 1

7 Norms Reward the “Risk-Takers”
Actively Participate – be open-minded, engage within group discussions (silently or verbally) Practice Collegial Respect – different opinions from today are heard and respected Demonstrate Professionalism – limited/no side conversations, actively listening, phones silent/off (no texting) Assume positive intent by avoiding the deficit model Parking Lot Kirk (2 min)

8 Components of DII As a table group, complete the handout
List the 4 components of DII. Explain each component. Identify what the 4 circles in the middle represent. Discuss as a table group, how the circles and the components impact the Success Rate. 5 minute activity Dan (2 min) Handout – Blank DII 4-square Participants have 5 minutes to complete as a table group

9 Standards & Measurable Objectives
3 C’s – content, context, competence Posted and referenced throughout the lesson Students can restate and explain how they will demonstrate their learning Student work is posted and reflects standards, difficulty, and complexity Core curriculum is used appropriately Dan (2 min) Hear from a participant walk through bullet points

10 Lesson Structure and Sequence
Lesson is “chunked” Lesson proceeds sequentially Activate prior knowledge Input/Model – I do Structured Practice – We do Guided Practice – You do with support Independent Practice – You do Closure Students demonstrate their learning at the end of the lesson Dan (2 min) Hear from a participant walk through bullet points

11 Proactive Classroom Management
Minimal “stop-start”, smooth transitions Frequent lesson orientation and alerts to next steps Low profile controls Praise-prompt-leave Frequent physical proximity and eye contact maintained with all students. Dan (2 min) Hear from a participant walk through bullet points

12 Student Engagement, Correctives, and Feedback
Continuous multi-level feedback Pre-correctives are utilized A variety of interaction strategies are used Leveled questions are employed All students are continuously and intentially engaged Dan (2 min) Hear from a participant walk through bullet points

13 Direct Interactive Instruction
Standards and Measurable Objectives Lesson Structure and Sequence AvailableTime Allocated Time Engagement Rate Direct Interactive Instruction Success Rate Dan (2 min) Hear from a participant walk circles Student Engagement, Correctives, and Feedback Proactive Classroom Management Adapted from ALS – DII Day

14 Dan (2 min) How will we use this tool to change reality?

15 Rubric & Implementation Tools for Today
Mark & Michele (1 min) Handout: DII Character Rubric

16 Rubric & Implementation Tools for Today
Mark & Michele (1 min) Handouts: DII Implementation Tools Packet

17 Standards & Measurable Objectives
Review the rubric for Standards & Measurable Objectives Use the DII Implementation Tool Record evidence that shows what the teacher and students are doing. Mark & Michele (1 min) Reference Poster

18 Standards & Measurable Objectives
Gordon Mark & Michele

19 Standards & Measurable Objectives
Discussion Is this piece of the lesson considered a 3 or 4 on the rubric scale? What evidence supports the score? Mark & Michele (5 min) Hear from participants and validate

20 Lesson Structure & Sequence
Review the rubric for Lesson Structure and Sequence Use the DII Implementation Tool Record evidence that shows what the teacher and students are doing Kirk & Eba (1 min) Reference Poster

21 Lesson Structure & Sequence
Discussion Is this piece of the lesson considered a 3 or 4 on the rubric scale? What evidence supports the score? Kirk & Eba (5 min) Hear from participants and validate

22 Student Engagement, Feedback, and Correctives
Review the rubric for Student Engagement, Feedback, and Correctives. Use the DII Implementation Tool Record evidence that shows what the teacher and students are doing Nancy (1 min) Reference Poster

23 Student Engagement, Feedback, and Correctives
Discussion Is this piece of the lesson considered a 3 or 4 on the rubric scale? What evidence supports the score? Nancy (5 min) Hear from participants and validate

24 Proactive Classroom Management
Review the rubric for Proactive Classroom Management. Use the DII Implementation Tool Record evidence that shows what the teacher and students are doing Robert (1 min) Reference Poster

25 Proactive Classroom Management
Discussion Is this piece of the lesson considered a 3 or 4 on the rubric scale? What evidence supports the score? Robert (5 min) Hear from participants and validate

26 Your Turn Video of DII Implementation tool to observe lesson through the lens of DII One component for each table Record evidence that supports why this lesson receives a rubric score of 3 or 4. Mark (5min) Assign rows to different components Ensure that groups know the task at hand

27 Reflect/Discuss 5 minutes to discuss evidence with your table
Share out 1 or 2 pieces of evidence that represents a rubric score of 3 or 4 Standards & Measureable Objectives Lesson Structure & Sequence Student Engagement, Correctives, and Feedback Proactive Classroom Management Mark (15 min) 5 min to talk as tables and share notes 2 min to hear from each group

28 Today’s Objective Revisited
The instructional leaders of SUSD will review, observe, and identify components of a standard SUSD model of the implementation of DII based on the Blueprint for Student Achievement. Kirk (1 min) What we set out to do today was this…

29 High Performing Districts Believe…
All students can learn Success breeds success We control the conditions of success Kirk (2 min)

30 Closure & Next Steps.. A year in review
August 1 & 2 - Principal & AP Advance Topics: Blueprint DII & Implementation Systematic Monitoring Observation and Evaluation Motivational Video Kirk (2 min)

31 Go Forth and Change the World

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