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1 Unit Title: Industrialization, Urbanization, Immigration, and Progressivism Teachers: Course: U.S. History Grade: 11 th Grade.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Unit Title: Industrialization, Urbanization, Immigration, and Progressivism Teachers: Course: U.S. History Grade: 11 th Grade."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Unit Title: Industrialization, Urbanization, Immigration, and Progressivism Teachers: Course: U.S. History Grade: 11 th Grade

2 2 Enduring Understanding(s): Students will understand how the forces of industrialization, immigration, and urbanization, transformed the United States from an agrarian society to a modern industrial nation and the problems and reforms that followed that transformation.

3 3 Essential Question(s): 1.How did America become modern? 2.How did America Change? (Socially and Technologically) 3.How have the forces of industrialization, immigration, and urbanization, transformed the United States from an agrarian society to a modern industrial nation and what are the problems and reforms that have followed that transformation?

4 4 Summative Assessment: Option #1 – “Our Candidate for Governor” In a group, students will create a candidate for governor and write a party platform based on a social issue. Students must trace the historical roots of the issue to progressivism. Your campaign will include a presentation of your party platform that may be done in on following two ways: A speech with a campaign poster Video campaign commercial and outline Make sure to include the following: 1. Define the problem or issue and its importance to the progressive era and today 2. Outline your solutions or what should be changed or what you would like to see happen 3. So what? Explain why this is important. 4. Your vision? Explain how this would make life better. 5. Support your argument or position with evidence. 6. Last, but not least be creative! Have fun and enjoy expressing your voice! Option #2 – “My Favorite Invention” Individually, students can choose one invention from the industrial revolution and explain how it was created and analyze its effect on the American society. Students will compare the invention to a modern equivalent or create a new invention that illustrates the invention’s use and impact. Students must demonstrate how the invention was originally created using a poster or model and must include a written analysis of its impact on our society. Make sure to include the following: 1. Explanation of what the invention is and how it works 2. A model or poster board displaying the invention 3. Analysis and explanation of the invention’s importance 4. Explanation of how the invention changed people’s lives and what the world would be like if it was not made. 5. Last, but not least be creative! Have fun! Total Points: 100

5 5 Summative Assessment Criteria/Rubric: Rubric – “IIUP” Summative Assessment Rubric 100 points Total Points Earned:______________ The summative project for the industrialization, immigration, and progressivism has the following rubric: A.Part 1 – Creativity Presentation or invention is creatively displayed. Great Good Not Yet Topic or invention is original. Great Good Not Yet Presentation or display illustrates topic in a unique way with a strong sense of originality. Good Great Not Yet Presentation or display is stimulating and entertaining and connects with the audience. Good Great Not Yet Total for this Part: 20 – 18 17 – 14 Re-Do B.Part 2 – Display or Presentation (Commercial or Poster) Display offers an in depth discussion of the topic. Great Good Not Yet Commercial or poster makes a compelling and convincing argument. Great Good Not Yet Display or presentation is neat and organized. Great Good Not Yet Presentation or display is enjoyable to look at or watch. Great Good Not Yet Total for this Part: 40 – 36 35 – 28 Re-Do C.Part 3 – Content and Analysis Project gives historical context to the issue or invention by making sure that it connects with actual history Arguments from display, presentation, and paper leave the audience with something to think about. Importance of invention or issue and its impact is evaluated. Great Good Not Yet Arguments from display, presentation, and paper are supported with evidence. Great Good Not Yet Arguments or information is presented in a logical, clear, and organized manner. Great Good Not Yet Campaign commercial outline or paper is well written with few errors. Great Good Not Yet Total for this Part: 40 – 36 35 – 28 Re-Do Comments:

6 6

7 7 Unit Chunks: ChunkMethodDays Introduction to Unit: Present UBD plan to students, KWL, and Focus Questions: What does it mean to be industrial? What are the effects of the I.R.? Discussion/Lecture1 Natural Resources and InventionsBook Questions2 Is this Progress? Industrialization, and the Environment, Unions, and Big Business Chart Costs and Benefits “Roger and Me” American Issues Chapter 17 5 ImmigrationPaideia Seminar “Policy”, “The New Americans” Video, Push/Pull Theory, “Treacherous Crossing”, Ellis Island Artifacts, “El Norte” 8 Growth of Cities and UrbanizationBook Questions1 Politics, the Political Machine, and the Gilded Age Book Questions and Cartoons1 Segregation, Discrimination, and RacismDuBois vs. Washington Articles2

8 8 Unit Chunks Continued: ChunkMethodDays The Origins of ProgressivismGraphic Organizer Triangle Shirtwaist Company Fire The Jungle Fast Food Nation 3 Women and the Progressive Movement“Senaca Falls” Declaration1 Children and the Progressive MovementPrimary Sources – “Children in the Mines” 1 Teddy Roosevelt and the Square Deal“Progressivism and the Republican Roosevelt” PBS Video – “Teddy Roosevelt” 2 Summative AssessmentStudent Research and Presentations 7

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