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Lamar State College-Port Arthur February 16 & 17, 2011.

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2 Lamar State College-Port Arthur February 16 & 17, 2011

3 A rubric is a scoring tool that is used to evaluate student work or performance.

4  Complex products or behaviors can be examined efficiently  Developing a rubric helps to define precisely what outcomes are expected  Raters apply the same criteria and standards to student work  Rubrics are criterion-referenced rather than norm-referenced  Students can rate their own work using rubrics, or fellow students can use them for peer response

5  Institutional Level – Dr. Cammack could use a rubric to assess how well the Registrar’s office supports the mission of the college.  Program Level – All degree and certificate programs will use rubrics to assess the student learning outcomes of the program.  Curriculum Level – Together, the English faculty created rubrics for scoring essays to ensure that we all have the same learning outcomes for common assignments.

6 At the course level, rubrics can be used to score virtually any product or behavior, including  Essays, essay questions, short answer questions  Research reports, lab reports, scientific findings  Portfolios, cross-genre collections  Works of art, music, plays, paintings  Recitals, performances  Oral presentations, speeches  Demonstrations, hands-on experiences  Group activities Group product scoring Individual contribution scoring

7  Student Learning Objective – can be a change in knowledge, skills, values, or behavior  Scale for each level of achievement – three or four levels of accomplishment, each assigned a numerical value  Dimensions or elements of the activity  Success criteria - descriptions of each level of success

8 Remember, the Student Learning Objective is being assessed. 1. Identify what the student should learn: a.What should the student be expected to know? b.What should the student be expected to be able to do? c.How is a student expected to be able to think? 2. Keep the outcomes to a single, simple sentence 3. Be as specific as possible 4. Use active verbs that describe an observable or identifiable action (see Bloom’s Taxonomy)

9  Scale describes how well or poorly any given element or dimension of the SLO has been performed  The Program Student Learning Objective Rubrics use Accomplished (3), Competent (2), Developing (1), and Not Observed (0) as achievement levels.  When you create rubrics for your classroom use, you may use the PSLO levels, or you may create your own: ◦ Expert, Proficient, Apprentice, Novice ◦ Advanced, Proficient, Basic, Below Basic ◦ Exemplary, Acceptable, Needs Improvement, Below expectations

10  Dimensions or elements are the component parts of the overall Student Learning Objective If I were assessing the way someone changes a flat tire, I would look at a few elements: ability to use tools, application of safety procedures, knowledge of process.

11  Success Criteria are brief descriptions of the levels of achievement for each dimension or element of the SLO. ◦ At the highest level of success, determine what characteristics would be exemplary, that would exceed expectations, that would result if the student were an expert on the outcome being assessed ◦ At the lowest level, describe the characteristics of an unacceptable product, the worst product you could imagine, that would result if the student were very weak on the outcome being assessed

12 Accomplished (3) Competent (2) Developing (1) Not Observed (0) Element to be Scored Success Criteria Element to be Scored Success Criteria Element to be Scored Success Criteria Element to be Scored Success Criteria Objective: The student learning objective should go here.

13 Holistic rubrics– one global, holistic score for a product or behavior. Analytic rubrics – separate, holistic scoring of specified characteristics of a product or behavior.

14 Network Specialist Program Student Learning Outcomes Rubric



17  Write your student learning objective  Determine your scale (default is provided on handout)  Identify 3-4 dimensions or elements to be rated  Define your success criteria

18 SLO: Participates during in-class activities. Speaks with permission Asks relevant questions Volunteers ideas readily Takes notes Usually raises hand Sometimes raises hand Rarely raises hand Usually on topic Sometimes on topic Rarely on topic Usually contributes without prompting Sometimes contributes without prompting Rarely contributes without prompting Usually takes notes daily Sometimes takes notes Rarely takes notes


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