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Guide to Locating OER and Reviewing Quality Open Educational Resources Day January 28, 2013 Puget Sound Educational Service District Barbara Soots OER.

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Presentation on theme: "Guide to Locating OER and Reviewing Quality Open Educational Resources Day January 28, 2013 Puget Sound Educational Service District Barbara Soots OER."— Presentation transcript:

1 Guide to Locating OER and Reviewing Quality Open Educational Resources Day January 28, 2013 Puget Sound Educational Service District Barbara Soots OER Program Manager Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction Digital Learning Department

2 OER are teaching, learning, and research resources. CC BY -SA NH Dictionary by Manchester Library

3 Use FREE of charge Revise and distribute Modify without permission CC-BY Adapted from Traffic lights by Horia Varlan

4 OER Rules: Give proper attribution to the author Obey the licensing restrictions CC BY-SA Rules for the Teacher by Michael Stout

5 OER may be used as an entire course, full curricular units, lesson plan components, supplemental material, or multimedia building blocks for creating new works. l CC BY-SA Bruce Peru Brainstorming by jeferonix

6 CC BY-SA Confused by CollegeDegrees360

7 Where do you find OER? Results of 123 participants in OSPI OER Landscape survey 2012

8 Demo: Advanced search options CC BY Search Engine by Danard Vincente

9 “First-pass” look at resource should consider creator reputation, timeliness, license info, and accessibility. CC BY NC Detective by The Thinking Doll

10 Define parameters for the OER search. media ebook video/animation lesson plan/unit textbook/full course CC BY Adapted from Puzzle Path #1 by Magnus A

11 Building block OER includes music and sound effects, clip art, and photos. CC BY Adapted from Building Blocks by libertygrace0

12 Demo: Find CC licensed OER media elements.

13 E book OER includes both books in the public domain and openly licensed works. CC BY Books by shutterhacks

14 Interactives, videos, lesson plans, and units may be found in OER repositories and aggregated collections.

15 Demo: General OER repositories

16 Many states have existing OER repositories.

17 For specific subject areas, search content specific repositories

18 “Playlists” are becoming a popular way to curate OER

19 Full-course OER materials and textbooks are available to download and view online or print.

20 Tools to Evaluate Quality Publisher’s Criteria Tri-State/EQuIP Rubrics OER Rubrics

21 Achieve OER Rubrics Determine the extent to which an open resource matches the cognitive and performance demands of a particular standard Sort OER by the quality of various resource attributes

22 Rubric I. Degree of Alignment to Standards Rubric II. Quality of Explanation of Subject Matter Rubric III. Utility of Materials Designed to Support Teaching Rubric IV. Quality of Assessment Rubric V. Degree of Technological Interactivity Rubric VI. Quality of Instructional Tasks and Practice Exercises Rubric VII. Opportunity for Deeper Learning NOTE: Sometimes one or more of the rubrics may not be relevant to a particular object. The Achieve OER Rubrics

23 Demo: OER Rubric in action

24 Tri-State Quality Review Rubrics The Tri-State Quality Review Rubric is designed to evaluate: Lessons that include instructional activities and assessments aligned to the CCSS that may extend over a few class periods or days. Units that include integrated and focused lessons aligned to the CCSS that extend over a longer period of time.


26 Publishers’ Criteria designed to guide instructional materials developers as they work to ensure alignment with the Common Core state standards developed in collaboration with teachers, school administrators, and experts to provide a clear and consistent framework to prepare students for college and the workforce. Math_Publishers_Criteria_K- 8_Summer%202012_FINAL.pdf Publishers_Criteria_for_K-2.pdf Publishers_Criteria_for_3-12.pdf

27 Rubric Options Achieve OER Rubrics Evaluate individual OER “building block” assets Any combination of 8 rubrics may be used Online evaluation tool in line with Learning Registry Tri-State Quality Review Rubric Evaluate complete unit/lesson Would not capture some of the richness of smaller stand-alone OER assets never created to address all the rubric dimensions of a full lesson CCSS Publisher’s Criteria Rubric is written in broader strokes and might be better to evaluate full curriculum. Criteria is written for developers of CCSS materials so published material and full OER courses could be evaluated side-by-side Individual Asset Unit / Lesson Plan Full Curriculum

28 1.Creation of a review process for OER material useful to districts and sustainable over time 2.Development of a vetted list of full-curriculum OER 3. OER awareness campaign directed toward district curriculum adopter decision-makers Important OSPI is NOT creating new OER content from scratch. OSPI is providing review of standards alignment and identification of potential resources – not an adoption mandate All materials OSPI builds, as part of this project, will be licensed CC BY WA OER Project Phase 1

29 OER Project Website

30 Website: Twitter: waOSPI_OER Email: Stay involved with the OER Project

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