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Research directions under EFDA WP 2009/2010
Roman Zagórski EFDA Acknowledgements to EFDA CSU Garching, Task Forces and Topical Groups R.Zagórski, PWI Annual Meeting, 4-6 November 2009, Warsaw
EFDA structure & EFDA WP 2009/2010 EFDA Meetings HPC FF
OUTLINE: EFDA structure & EFDA WP 2009/2010 EFDA Meetings HPC FF R.Zagórski, PWI Annual Meeting, 4-6 November 2009, Warsaw
Coordination of R&D: EFDA Task Forces & Topical Groups
Task Forces under EFDA PWI Task Force: Leaders E.Tsitrone (CEA) and R.Neu (IPP) ITM Task Force: Leaders P.Strand (VR), R. Coelho (IST), LG Eriksson (CEA) Topical Groups under EFDA Transport Topical Group: Chairman C.Hidalgo (CIEMAT) H&CD Topical Group: Chairman A.Becoulet (CEA) Materials Topical Group: Chairmen S.Dudarev (UKAEA) (S.Gonzalez) M. Reith (FZK) Diagnostics Topical Group: Chairman T.Donné (FOM) MHD Topical Group: Chairman P.Martin (ENEA-RFX) Emerging Technologies & DEMO oriented activities (A.Malaquias) R.Zagórski, PWI Annual Meeting, 4-6 November 2009, Warsaw
European Charge: Integrated Modelling
Integrated Tokamak Modelling Task Force Co-ordinate the development of a coherent set of validated simulation tools for ITER exploitation Benchmark these tools on existing tokamak experiments Provide a comprehensive simulation package for ITER and DEMO plasmas. Coordinate the European Software developments with the aim to increase quality and reduce parallel efforts. (Streamline the code base) Support the development of ITER-relevant scenarios in current experiments. Development of the necessary standardized software tools EFDA SC (03)-21/4.9.2 (June 24th, 2003) IAEA-TM 2009, Aix en Provence, P. Strand R.Zagórski, PWI Annual Meeting, 4-6 November 2009, Warsaw
ITM Structure ISIP = Infrastructure and Software Integration Project
R.Zagórski, PWI Annual Meeting, 4-6 November 2009, Warsaw
ITM TF Work Programme 2009 Continuation of 2008 Work Programme Maintenance of installed software Continued development of new physics modules Continued activities on Code Platform Focus areas – Priority Support Areas Infrastructure and Software Integration Project Integration Team Coordination activities towards AMNS, EDRG European Transport Solver (ETS) Free boundary equilibrium code VDE’s 3d reflectometry modelling Next step of Integration (extended charge outside WP!) Providing tools and modules for use at Experiments and in Associates Atomic, Molecular, Nuclear & Surface Physics Data (AMNS) Experimentalists and Diagnosticians Resource Group (EDRG) R.Zagórski, PWI Annual Meeting, 4-6 November 2009, Warsaw
ITM TF - Work Programme 2010 ITM Call for participation to be launched soon (November) PWI related tasks Integration of edge codes (ERO, ASCOT, ASPOEL, ..) in the ITM structure: Development of relavant CPO’s, coupling with other codes (e.g. ETS + edge code (SOLPS)) R.Zagórski, PWI Annual Meeting, 4-6 November 2009, Warsaw
EFDA Transport Topical Group
Standard Tokamak operation relies on the H-mode where improved confinement comes from the edge pressure gradient Separatrix X-point Divertor distance from axis pedestal H-mode With additional power: Steep edge pressure gradient: H-mode scenario Most important physics questions revolve around the edge transport barrier pressure L-mode distance from axis R.Zagórski, PWI Annual Meeting, 4-6 November 2009, Warsaw
Example: turbulent transport simulation
EFDA Transport Topical Group Example: turbulent transport simulation Core Ion transport well understood from Ion Temperature gradients instabilities, Electron generated micro turbulence and related transport yet to be understood, Transport mechanisms in the H-mode pedestal not understood. Study the long wave correlations and turbulent transport in the pedestal Validate the measurements from invasive diagnostics with non-invasive methods Study the effect of rotation, impurities … on plasma transport R.Zagórski, PWI Annual Meeting, 4-6 November 2009, Warsaw
Call for Participation launched deadline for answers 20 November 2009
Transport TG – WP2010 Call for Participation launched deadline for answers 20 November 2009 Task Agreement WP10-TRA-01: L-H transition physics - L-H power threshold and ELM control techniques - Role of atomic physics mechanisms Task Agreement WP10-TRA-02: Turbulent electron transport Task Agreement WP10-TRA-03: Particle and impurity transport in standard and advanced tokamak scenarios - Experiments on impurity transport Task Agreement WP10-TRA-04: Role of neoclassical and turbulent mechanisms in plasma rotation Task Agreement WP10-TRA-05: Statistical properties of edge turbulent transport - Diagnostics for edge turbulence -Theory and modelling of edge turbulence R.Zagórski, PWI Annual Meeting, 4-6 November 2009, Warsaw 10
EFDA MHD Topical Group Top Priority: Avoidance and Mitigation of Disruptions “Disruptions”, abrupt termination of the plasma, need to be limited on ITER Why ? transient loads on plasma facing components (erosion/melting) forces on vessel and in-vessel components recovery from disruption (loss of availability for experimentation) How ? disruption avoidance (precursors) and mitigation operation away from stability limits (avoid too ambitious plasma operation) Infrared view of the vessel during a disruption at JET showing the thermal loads in the plasma facing components R.Zagórski, PWI Annual Meeting, 4-6 November 2009, Warsaw
EFDA MHD Topical Group Operation at high pressure requires qmin > 2 and active control of plasma instabilities. STABLE STABLE WITH CONTROL UNSTABLE MHD Topical groups addresses the performance limiting MHD instabilities: NTMs (Neoclassic Tearing Modes), RWM (Resistive Wall Modes) ELMs (Edge Localized Modes) Coils q=1 q=2 Study and develop active control of plasma instabilities R.Zagórski, PWI Annual Meeting, 4-6 November 2009, Warsaw
Call for Participation launched deadline for answers 20 November 2009
MHD TG – WP2010 Call for Participation launched deadline for answers 20 November 2009 Task Agreement WP10-MHD-01: Fast Particles Physics - Experiments on fast particle instabilities Assessment of ITER needs and feasibility studies Task Agreement WP10-MHD-02: Disruptions Runaway electrons - Electromagnetic forces Mitigation and avoidance Task Agreement WP10-MHD-03: Sawtooth and Tearing Modes (NTMs), Edge Localised Modes (ELMs) and Stability at high Beta (RWMs) - Sawtooth and Tearing Modes - Edge Localised Modes - Stability at high Beta R.Zagórski, PWI Annual Meeting, 4-6 November 2009, Warsaw 13
Heating & Current Drive Topical Group
Organised in 4 co-ordinating committees, corresponding to the 4 heating and current drive systems Neutral Beam Injection (NBI) Development of NNBI big technical challenge for ITER (h> 70%) Programme focuses on the development of NNBI advanced neutralizers Ion Cyclotron Resonant Heating (ICRH) Coupling in ELMy H-mode Arc detection for component protection Programme focuses on the development arc protection systems for ICRH R.Zagórski, PWI Annual Meeting, 4-6 November 2009, Warsaw
Heating & Current Drive Topical Group
Electron Cyclotron Resonant Heating (ECRH) Recent development of 1MW Gyrotrons for ITER Important for localized current drive for control Inefficient for bulk current drive Programme focuses on the Real-time Polarization Control of EC waves to avoid overheating of machine structures Lower Hybrid Current Drive (LHCD) Presently not credited in ITER baseline. Only system capable of efficient off-axis bulk current drive for the development of advanced scenarios. Programme focuses on the development of LHCD for ITER R.Zagórski, PWI Annual Meeting, 4-6 November 2009, Warsaw
Call for Participation launched deadline for answers 20 November 2009
H&CD TG – WP2010 Call for Participation launched deadline for answers 20 November 2009 HCD-01-01: Experimental simulation of non-linear burning plasma HCD-01-02: Reliability of Plasma Operation (conditioning and initiation) ICRF assisted wall conditioning: Perform experimental and modelling studies to assess the quality of the RF-produced plasma and the efficiency of the wall conditioning actions. Identify the necessary code developments and implement them. HCD-01-03: Reliability of ICRH and LHCD Neutral Pressure in front of RF antennas Edge plasma modelling HCD-01-04: Reliability of ECH and ECCD HCD-01-05: Specific H&CD physics for ITER HCD-01-06: Off-axis Current Drive and rotation HCD-01-07: Fuelling Physics Integration of particle control in ITER plasma scenarios simulations Reinforce the activities on integration of particle control in ITER plasma scenarios simulations. Develop predictive modelling for gas flow coupling the divertor, pumping, and duct systems. R.Zagórski, PWI Annual Meeting, 4-6 November 2009, Warsaw 16
Call for Participation launched deadline for answers 20 November 2009
H&CD TG – WP2010 Call for Participation launched deadline for answers 20 November 2009 Task Agreement HCD-02-01: Support to European Facilities and ITER (LHCD) Task Agreement HCD-02-02: Reliability of Neutral Beam Advanced Technologies Task Agreement HCD-02-03: Fuelling Technologies Pumps Systems ·Assess the ITER solutions for pumping & fuelling and derive requirements for these systems under various DEMO configuration options (outline R&D needs, identify immediate and longer term actions) ·Review status of pump development of interest for DEMO. ·Initiate work in the area of steady-state, tritium-compatible rough pumping. R.Zagórski, PWI Annual Meeting, 4-6 November 2009, Warsaw 17
Diagnostics Topical Group
New or improved techniques for measuring key parameters required for operation of future devices ITER/DEMO (for the machine protection, infer physical processes and parameters; and for plasma control). Ex. Plasma flows in divertor, isotope plasma composition, confined alpha particles. Measurements for physics studies, in order to improve understanding with experiments in present devices in key physics issues for ITER and DEMO. Turbulence measurements of the pedestal plasma ITER and DEMO present a culture change due to the harsh environment for diagnostics in terms of heat and neutron fluencies; difficult/no access for maintenance and repairs. R.Zagórski, PWI Annual Meeting, 4-6 November 2009, Warsaw
Tasks WP2008-2009 Diagnostics Topical Group
DTG Tasks WP Diagnostics Topical Group Task ITPA HP ITER HP EFPW MHD Trans H&CD DIAG PWI Plasma position reflectometry X Escaping fast alphas Fuel ion ratio Neutron based diagnostics Measurement of confined alphas Development of edge current measurements Long range correlations in edge transport barriers Heat load control Material deposition and composition of walls DEMO specific diagnostics constraints (WG) Feedback control (WG) Data analysis and calibration (WG) The annual meeting of DTG was held on April 1st and 2nd, where preliminary progresses of these tasks were discussed together with proposals for WP 2010 R.Zagórski, PWI Annual Meeting, 4-6 November 2009, Warsaw
DTG Tasks DTG WP2008-2009 of interest for PWI Heat load control
First robust and fast algorithms need to be developed for the identification of patterns in the IR images that are useful for the control objectives at hand. Optimization of the implementation of the algorithms to meet the speed requirements needed for the real time applications. This task is assigned to ENEA-RFX (recognition algorithms) Material deposition and composition of walls Comparative experiments on laser-induced breakdown system (LIBS) to define the optimized parameters for a future implementation of a LIBS device on a tokamak This task is assigned to ENEA (LIBS) TARTU, CEA MEdC (tiles with coating to test LIBS) IPPLM R.Zagórski, PWI Annual Meeting, 4-6 November 2009, Warsaw
DTG Tasks WP2010 Diagnostics Topical Group
Call for proposals launched on October 15th , deadline November 20th Tasks of interest for PWI Diagnostics for protection of plasma facing components Next annual meeting: Garching, March Reporting tasks WP08-09 and kick-off WP2010 R.Zagórski, PWI Annual Meeting, 4-6 November 2009, Warsaw
EFDA Meetings 2009 EFDA meeting on Fuelling and Particle Control Garching March 2009 EFDA Workshop on Diagnostics Garching 1-2 April 2009 EFDA Technical Meeting on PSI Facilities Garching 18 June 2009 (R..Neu) ITM Taskforce Task Force Project Leaders and General Annual Meeting FZJ, Juelich 6-11 September 2009 Transport Topical Group 2nd Annual meeting UKAEA, Culham September 2009 EFDA Technical Meeting: status of DEMO achievements under EFDA Garching September 2009 17th European Fusion Physics Workshop 7-9 December 2009 , Velence, Hungary R.Zagórski, PWI Annual Meeting, 4-6 November 2009, Warsaw 22
← Sessions Fuelling Meeting, 19-20 March 2009
“Fuelling/Pumping or Particle Control” Transversal activity across TG and TF Fuelling, Particle Control and Tritium economy in future devices Burn and Particle Control Pumping, divertor operation and SOL physics Fuelling and Pumping Technologies Fuelling and H&CD Other fuelling applications ← Sessions R.Zagórski, PWI Annual Meeting, 4-6 November 2009, Warsaw
EFDA WP Programme 2010: Fuelling physics
1- Pellet fuelling experiments to validate ITER scenarios. Assist in pellet fuelling database for extrapolation to ITER 2- Modelling of pellet physics: drift, dispersion and evaporation in particular in the pedestal, as well as impact on the plasma such as the L-H power threshold, ELM triggering. 3- Reinforced activity on integration of particle control in ITER plasma scenarios simulations: - Analysis of the consequences of slow ITER pumping rate on wall conditioning (GDC and RF) and on scenarios (compatibility with radiative divertor). - Predictive modelling for gas flow coupling the divertor, pumping, and duct systems (also for DEMO) (detailing leaks -> pumping efficiency per species). R.Zagórski, PWI Annual Meeting, 4-6 November 2009, Warsaw
DEMO Meeting, 29- 30 September 2009
Aim of the meeting: Make the point of the progress achieved under EFDA in the main issues for DEMO as an integrated system Give an input to the DEMO working group recently established by CCE-FU/F4E, for a unified EU approach the next R&D activity Sessions: 1) Introduction - Physical assumption 2) DEMO as a complex system (D. Maissonier) 3) Reliability and control (safety, availability, plasma control and performance, diagnostics) (K. Lackner) 4) Power handling (walls / divertor) (P. Lorenzetto) 5) Maintenance (Tritium & dust removal, remote handling) (A. Tesini) 6) Tritium self-sufficiency (M. Gasparotto) 7) Round table: General discussion and possible input for the CCE-FU/F4E DEMO working group R.Zagórski, PWI Annual Meeting, 4-6 November 2009, Warsaw 25
Need for a more integrated approach
Conclusion Need for a more integrated approach DEMO as a complex system requires many problems, technical and physical, to be tackled consistently respect to each other Physics R&D: it is essential to have an accompanying tokamak -- answers from ITER too late for the “fast track”-- Technology R&D: more effort to be put on - materials sciences (+ IFMIF construction) - development of the fundamental subsystems # breeding blanket for the T self-sufficiency # H&CD for profile control # high T cooling for efficient thermal energy conversion etc... Trade-off performance for reliability The performance parameters cannot be independently optimized, large limitation coming from power handling and control Important questions: Quasi-continuous or Steady State? Electricity Production - Amount and efficiency? H&CD systems – how many? R.Zagórski, PWI Annual Meeting, 4-6 November 2009, Warsaw 26
Need for testing and developing advanced concepts:
Conclusion Critical Issues: Divertor and PFC Divertor is a (THE) major component impacting on plasma scenarios and physics: a realistic technological limit on power handling is a key ingredient for DEMO specifications (< 20 MW/m2??) Need for testing and developing advanced concepts: Configurations for increased flux expansion, Super X Tungsten: still some crucial issues: “fuzz” production; sputtering due to impurities (high radiating plasmas), erosion. Recycling Liquid metals: attractive (unaffected by disruption) but very limited experience Remote Handling Fuel Cycle – Tritium self-sufficiency (TBR > 1.18) EFDA WP for DEMO to be developed soon!!! R.Zagórski, PWI Annual Meeting, 4-6 November 2009, Warsaw 27
17th European Fusion Physics Workshop 7th - 9th December 2009
Use of Tungsten in fusion devices Sessions: Chairs: Specifications for tungsten as plasma facing material V.Philips (FZJ) and as structural material Status of W technologies M.Rieth (FZK) Status on the scientific understanding of S.L. Dudarev (UKAEA) W and W-alloys material properties W as a plasma facing component (PSI issues) R. Neu (IPP) Development of integrated tokamak operating E. Joffrin (JET-EFDA) scenarios compatible with W PFCs R.Zagórski, PWI Annual Meeting, 4-6 November 2009, Warsaw
HPC-FF High Performance Computer for Fusion Applications
Located in the Jülich Supercomputing Centre 1080 compute nodes: Bull NovaScale R422-E2 20 racks with 54 nodes each Processor: Intel Xeon X5570 (Nehalem-EP) quad-core, 2.93 GHz Memory: ~250 TB Peak theoretical performance: ~ 100 TFlop/s Achieved efficiency % (Linpack test) Operating since – 6 August 2009 R.Zagórski, PWI Annual Meeting, 4-6 November 2009, Warsaw
HPC board allocation of resources (CPU time and high level support)
Selected by EFDA SC ( 2 year mandate) with the following obligations: allocation of resources (CPU time and high level support) chooses HLST team members monitors operation and exploitation of facility annual work programme for STAC approval user representation, meetings …. S. Günter (IPP; chair), N. Baluc (CRPP), X. Garbet (CEA), R. Giannella (EU), T. Hender (UKAEA), F. Iannone (ENEA), S. Potempski, P. Strand (Chalmers), R. Zagorski (EFDA; secretary), (K. Wolkersdorfer (FZJ)) R.Zagórski, PWI Annual Meeting, 4-6 November 2009, Warsaw
Call for proposals 2009 End of 2008: call for proposals for the usage of HPC-FF in 2009 45 proposals received requesting a total of 53 MCPU hours (20 MCPU hours allocated for projects) Associations involved: CEA, VR, CRPP, Denmark, FZJ, IPP, Latvia, OAW, UKAEA Call still open …(new proposal from TEKES) Proposals refereed by members of the HPC board , criteria: Relevance for Fusion HPC compatibility Scientific Excellence EU collaborations 85% CPU hours = 25 MCPU hours for projects 10% HLST 5% guaranteed access by associations 2010 Call for proposals for the usage of HPC-FF in 2010 - Launched on 27th October -Deadline: 31st December (external referees) projects to be found on R.Zagórski, PWI Annual Meeting, 4-6 November 2009, Warsaw
High level support team
Composed of (12 members): Core Team (IPP) -5 members (5ppy) + 7 members (4 ppy) in other Associations Main aims: • Parallelise and optimise codes • Improve the performance of existing codes • Initiate the transfer of other codes to multiprocessors platforms • Make existing codes into community tools and merge codes if needed; • Choose algorithms, mathematical library routine to adapt applications to the computer architectures • Train young scientists to the use of HPC systems • Provide consultancy to existing HPC specialists in the Associations; 2008/2009 Call for participation in the HLST (reopened in June 2009) Advertisement for Positions in the Core Team in Garching Call for use of the HLST resources (5 (of 10) projects selected) 2009/2010 Call for proposals for the support from HLST in 2010 - Launched on 27th October -Deadline: 31st December 2009 R.Zagórski, PWI Annual Meeting, 4-6 November 2009, Warsaw
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