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Using Digital Recorders in 2 nd Grade Writing Maggie Harvin 22 April 2010.

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1 Using Digital Recorders in 2 nd Grade Writing Maggie Harvin 22 April 2010

2 Does the use of recording and playing back students’ own stories increase students’ writing fluency and use of details?

3 Theory Base Barone and Wright (2009) ‘New Literacies’ Labbo (2005) Implementing technology into teaching Fisher, Lapp, Flood (1999) Technology in writing Peterson-Karlan, Hourcarde, and Parette (2008) Writing process strategies

4 Studies in Writing and Technology Palak and Walls (2009) Student center learning in technology classrooms  Technology still used in highly-controlled teacher driven methods France (2003) Lack of interest and success in writing:  Motivation in writing  Complexity of writing process  Pressure in writing scores

5 Research Design Students: 20 second graders Length of Study: Three weeks Subject: Writer’s Workshop ▫ 4 days a week, 45 minute periods

6 Weeks of Study ‘Small Moment Stories’ Week One: ▫ No change in teaching Week Two: ▫ Students required to use recorders Week Three: ▫ Students could choose to use recorders

7 Student Writing Routine Create a plan for small moment story ▫ Beginning Middle End Told story to recorder from plan (at station) ▫ Could add details to the story as telling Listen to story (at station) ▫ Wrote in new words to plan as they heard them Wrote story from revised plan Revised stories

8 Instruments of Research Rubric (Week 1, Week 2, and Week 3) Student Attitudinal Surveys (Pre- and Post-) Anecdotal Records (Off Task Behaviors)

9 Results – Behavior

10 Results - Attitudes 8 of 20 showed an increase in enjoyment 8 of 20 showed a decrease in enjoyment

11 Results – Attitudes Student’s opinion on whether the recording device helped their writing.

12 Results – Attitude Comments Positive Comments ▫ Got to add really ‘cool words’ ‘good words’ ▫ Helped me add new things ▫ Helped to hear missing words and then write it down ▫ Made me start thinking about the storys more ▫ Telling me what I did rong ▫ Helped in my head what I was going to write Negative Comments ▫I liked the other way better ▫Made it harder to choose (between original plan and revised plan) ▫I didn’t understand it ▫It made me rush ▫Spelling the words was hard

13 Results – Rubric Grades 9 out of 20 students had more details in their stories after using the recorders

14 Results – Rubric Scores

15 Results – Rubric Grades 13 of 20 students increase their scores 6 of the 13 who increased their scores during week 2 with the recorder had a decrease in week 3 when they chose not to use the recorder

16 Results – Rubric Scores

17 Conclusions Student writing improved with the recording device especially in flow and details ▫ Being able to hear stories ▫ Talking to ‘someone’ Not all students realized the value of the recording device based on their responses Difficulty in grading writing as it is subjective ▫ Story topic may not lend to details ▫ Thinking about this is good for student B

18 Conclusions Some students really took to the recorder and used it as often as possible as a tool ▫ Enjoyed something new with writing ▫ Liked the extra attention Other students did not like the recorder ▫ Found it difficult to use ▫ Were confused ▫ Writing while listening was difficult

19 Changes for the Future Introduce the recording device more explicitly Lead a mini-lesson on how to work the recorder Be Consistent – even with the changes in scheduling

20 In the Future Begin using the recorders early in the school year ▫ Introduce with lessons on planning Possible extension study: using to revise story ▫ Students record stories after having a draft ▫ Circle areas that need more details or don’t flow

21 Thank You… Sarah Pruett and her classroom ▫ For allowing me to try something new with their writer’s workshop and teaching me it is ok to ‘adjust’ as things come up Nancy Ruppert ▫ For advice and direction throughout the research process and telling me we’ll make it through the snow! Ms. Barefoot ▫ For the recording device Fellow 396 and 496 Students ▫ For reading through my research papers and proposals and offering suggestions to improve my research

22 Bibliography Barone, D. & Wright, T. (2008). Literacy instruction with digital and media technologies. Reading teacher, 62(4). 292-302. Black, N., Brill, A., Eber, D., & Suomala, L. (2005). Using technology to compare the instructional effectiveness of read aloud and read along materials in an elementary classroom. Retrieved from ERIC. (ED496975) Fisher, D., Lapp, D., & Flood, J. (1999). Technology & literacy: Is there a positive relationship? The California reader, 32(4). 35-38. France, C. (2003). Improving student interest in writing through the integration of technology. Dissertation. Retrieved from ERIC database. (ED478462) Labbo, L. (2005). From morning message to digital morning message: Moving from the tried and true to the new. Reading teacher, 58(8). 782-785. McKenna, M. C., & Kear, D. J. (1990). Measuring attitude toward reading: A new tool for teachers. Reading teacher, 43(9). 626-639. Palak, D., & Walls, R.T. (2009). Teachers’ beliefs and technology practices: A mixed methods approach. Journal of research on technology in education,41(4), 417-441. Peterson-Karlan, G., Hourcarde, J. J., Parette, P. (2008). A Review of assistive technology and writing skills for students with physical and educational disabilities. Physical disabilities: Educational and related services, 26(2), 13-32. Warren, S., Dondlinger, M., & Barab, S. (2008). A MUVE towards PBL writing: Effects of a digital learning environment designed to improve elementary student writing. Journal of research on technology in education, 41(1), 113-140.

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