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Investigations 3-5 Grading Rubric Gaston County Schools.

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Presentation on theme: "Investigations 3-5 Grading Rubric Gaston County Schools."— Presentation transcript:

1 Investigations 3-5 Grading Rubric Gaston County Schools

2 What is the Investigations 3-5 Grading Rubric? Gaston County Schools The Investigations 3-5 Grading Rubric is a tool teachers can use to convert the Investigations Assessments to a numerical grade for NC Wise.

3 How was the Rubric designed? Gaston County Schools The Rubric converts the Investigations scoring to NC Wise grades. Percentage numbers were determined by the quantitative values of an "A", "C" and "F" in NC Wise. o In NC Wise an "A" = 96%  In Investigations this will be called "Met" o In NC Wise a "C" = 80%  In Investigations this will be called "Partially Met" o In NC Wise an "F" = 60%  In Investigations this will be called "Not Met"

4 Gaston County Schools How do teachers use the Rubric? Open Microsoft Excel file "Investigations 3-5 Grading Rubric." This is what you will see. Note that all students will start with a grade of 100 prior to any data being entered.

5 Gaston County Schools How do teachers use the Rubric? Steps 1 - 3: o Determine a student's grade. Step 4: o Record the student's grade in NC Wise. 1 2 3 4

6 Gaston County Schools How do teachers use the Rubric? After completing steps 1 and 2 in your PLC, use the Microsoft Excel file to complete step 3. Enter the number of possibles first. Note the error message in red. This will appear until the total of M's, P's, and N's equal the number of possibles.

7 Gaston County Schools How do teachers use the Rubric? Enter number of: o M's (met) o P's (partially met) o N's (not met) The student's grade will be calculated and show here.

8 Example Step 1: PLC met and decided this assessment has 5 possibles. Step 2: The teacher marked student's work with M, P, or N to show whether student met, partially met, or did not meet the benchmark being assessed.

9 Gaston County Schools Example Step 3: The teacher entered the number of possibles and the number of M's, P's, and N's to calculate the student's grade.

10 Gaston County Schools The Rubric can be accessed in 3 places: o T drive at every school o GCS Principal's Playbook Wiki ( o GCS Teachers' Playbook Wiki ( Teachers may download the Microsoft Excel file to their documents, desktop, and/or home computer. Where can teachers access the Rubric?

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