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PRS & VOCAB WEEK 6. ACER, ACR = SHARP, BITTER acrimony - bitterness or harshness of manner or speech acerbic – sharp or bitter speech acrid – sharp or.

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Presentation on theme: "PRS & VOCAB WEEK 6. ACER, ACR = SHARP, BITTER acrimony - bitterness or harshness of manner or speech acerbic – sharp or bitter speech acrid – sharp or."— Presentation transcript:


2 ACER, ACR = SHARP, BITTER acrimony - bitterness or harshness of manner or speech acerbic – sharp or bitter speech acrid – sharp or bitter to the taste

3 ALTER = OTHER altruism – concern for the welfare of others alter ego – another aspect of oneself alternative – other options

4 AMBUL = WALK ambulatory – of or for walking ambulate – to walk about perambulate – to walk through

5 AMOR = LOVE amorous – full of love amiable – good natured friendly paramour – a lover or mistress

6 ANNU, ANNI = YEAR annual – yearly perennial – living more than two years anniversary – the date on which some event occurred in an earlier year

7 AQUA = WATER aquifer – underground layer of rock containing water aquarium – a tank for holding water aqueduct – large pipes for bringing water from distance sources

8 AUD, AUDIT = HEAR audition – a hearing to try out an actor or singer audit – a formal hearing or checking of accounts audiology – science or study of hearing defects

9 CAP = TAKE, HOLD capture – to take prisoner captivate – to hold the attention of or emotion of capsule – a soluble container to hold medicine

10 CAP, CAPT = HEAD captain – a chief; leader or head decapitate – to behead caption – a heading

11 CARN = FLESH carnivorous – flesh-eating carnage – extensive slaughter carnal – of the flesh; material; worldly; sensual or sexual

12 DILIGENT (ADJ.) – HARD-WORKING The diligent student maintained straight A’s for the entire school year. Other forms: diligently (adv) Similar to: careful thorough detailed Not Like: negligent careless indifferent

13 DISCORD (N) - DISAGREEMENT The discord between the rebellion and the empire caused Luke to blow up the Death Star. Other forms: discordant (adj) discordance (n) Similar to: strife conflict clash Not Like: harmony peace unity

14 PROVINCIAL (ADJ.) – NARROW MINDED; UNSOPHISTICATED The provincial parent could not comprehend her daughter’s desire for tattoos. Other forms: provincially (adv) Similar to: insular small-minded uninformed Not Like: sophisticated refined open-minded

15 REFUTE (V) – TO DISPROVE Scientists have refuted the claim that the world is flat. Other forms: refutable (adj) refutation (n) refutably (adv) refutes, refuted, refuting (v) Similar to: deny rebut (rebuttal) argue against Not Like: agree prove confirm

16 SERVILE (ADJ.) – OVERLY SUBMISSIVE, LIKE A SERVANT Teenagers often feel they play a servile role at home when parents require them to wash dishes, take out trash, and babysit their younger siblings. Other forms: servilely (adv) servileness (n) servility (n) Similar to: slavery grovelling fawning Not Like: independent disobedient

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