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Phot/phos = light (Greek– light) phototrophic phosphorescent photogenic photograph, photogenic, photosynthesis.

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Presentation on theme: "Phot/phos = light (Greek– light) phototrophic phosphorescent photogenic photograph, photogenic, photosynthesis."— Presentation transcript:

1 phot/phos = light (Greek– light) phototrophic phosphorescent photogenic photograph, photogenic, photosynthesis

2 luc = light (Latin– light) lucid elucidate translucent luster, luna

3 spec/spect = to look at (Latin– to look at) circumspect prospect specter specimen, spectator, aspect, conspicuous

4 vid/vis = to see, to look (Latin– to see, to look) invidious providential improvise video, visit, vision, vista

5 nunc/nounc (Latin to announce) enunciate renounce pronouncement announce

6 voc/vok (Latin to call) invoke provocative revoke vocal

7 fa (Latin to speak) ineffable infantile affable fame

8 dic/dict (Latin to say, to tell) edict indict dictum dictionary

9 hib/hab (Latin to have, to hold) prohibit inhibit

10 fus/found (Latin to pour out) suffuse confound infuse

11 ten/tain/tin (Latin to hold) sustain abstain tenacious retinue

12 ple (Latin to fill) replete implement deplete

13 form (Latin to form, to establish) misinformation reform formative

14 apt/ept (Latin to fit) inept adept aptitude

15 pos/pon (Latin to put, to place) posit impose disposition

16 fig (Latin to shape) figment effigy prefigure

17 LEGA Latin-to appoint, to send on a mission, to charge with legacy, delegate

18 ACT/AG Latin-to do, act agenda, proactive, exacting

19 PULS/PEL Latin-to push repulsion, dispel, propel

20 LAT Latin-brought, carried relative, superlative, dilate

21 CHANT/CANT Latin-to sing, to call recant, incantation, disenchanted

22 AUD Latin-to hear inaudible, auditory, audit

23 SON Latin-to sound dissonance, assonance, resonant

24 LOG Latin-to speak, to reason analogous, dialogue, prologue

25 BELL Latin-war bellicose, antebellum, belligerence

26 AM Latin-love, friend enamored, amiable, amicable

27 AGON Greek- contest, struggle antagonize, protagonist, antagonist

28 PHIL Greek – love philosophical, philanthropy, bibliophile

29 PED Latin- foot impediment, expedient, pedestrian

30 PED Greek-child pedant, pedagogue

31 VEST Latin- clothing travesty, vested, vestment, divest

32 CORPOR/CORPU Latin- body corporeal, corpulent, incorporate

33 UNI Latin-one uniform, unison, unanimous

34 MONO Greek-one monologue, monopolize, monogamy, monolithic

35 HOMO Greek-the same homonym, homogenized

36 EQUI Latin-equal, even equitable, equilibrium, iniquity

37 BEN Latin-well, good benevolent, benefactor, benign

38 CORD Latin-heart accord, discord, cordial

39 ANIM Latin-spirit animosity, equanimity, magnanimous

40 MAL Latin-bad dismal, malevolent, malicious

41 JUR Latin-to swear, to vow perjury, abjure, conjure

42 DOMIN Latin-to rule, to dominate predominant, domineering, indomitable

43 CRAT/CRAC Latin-to rule/power aristocracy, theocracy, bureaucrat

44 LEG Latin-law legitimize, privileged, legislative

45 RAP Latin-to snatch, greedy, devouring rapacious, rapt, surreptitious

46 CEP Latin-seize, take perceptible, susceptible, precept

47 VOR Latin-to eat voracious, omnivorous, herbivorous

48 CAS/CAD Latin-to fall decadent, cadence, casualty

49 FLU Latin-to flow affluent, superflous, mellifluous

50 LEV Latin-light leaven, levity, allbeviate

51 LAPS Latin-slip, slide elapse, collapse, relapse

52 CED Latin-to move along, to go recede, concession, cede

53 SEQUI/SEC Latin-to follow inconsequential, consecutive, execution

54 CUR/COUR Latin-to run courier, incur, recurrent

55 GRAD Latin-to step gradualism, regress, digress

56 AMBL/AMBUL Latin-to walk amble, ambulatory, preamble

57 JUNCT Latin: to join enjoin, injunction, rejoinder

58 PART Latin: part inpartial, partisan, impart

59 CLUS/CLUD Latin: to close inclusive, inconclusive, preclude

60 CIS Latin: to cut precise, indecisive, incision

61 META Greek: changed, beyond metabolism, metamorphosis, metaphorical

62 AL Latin: other, another inalienable, alienate, alias

63 ALTER Latin: other alteration, alternate, altercation

64 SIMUL Latin: to imitate, to appear to be simulate, dissemble, semblance

65 MORT Latin: death immortalize, morbid, mortify, moribund

66 NEC/NOX/NIC Latin: to hurt, kill noxious, pernicious

67 BIO Greek: life biodegradable, symbiotic, antibiotic

68 VIV Latin: to live vivacious, vivid, revival

69 COGN Latin: to know incognito, cognitive, cognizant

70 SOPH Greek: wise sophisticate, sophistry, sophomoric

71 NOMEN Latin: name nominal, denomination, nomenclature

72 ONYM Greek: name synonymous, anonymous, antonym

73 MATR Latin-mother matron, maternal, matriculate

74 PATR Latin-father patronize, paternal, patricide, expatriate

75 FIL Latin-son, child filial, affiliate

76 GEN Latin-give birth to, create progenitor, progeny, genealogy

77 MAGN Latin-large, great magnitude, magnate

78 MAXIM Latin-largest, greatest maxim

79 MIN Latin-less diminish, miniscule, minute

80 MICRO Greek-small microscopic, microcosm

81 MEGA Greek-large megalopolis, megalomaniac

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