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ROLES & STYLES IN COACHING Week 10. Introductory Questions With a partner discuss and then record your thoughts on the following questions: 1.What is.

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Presentation on theme: "ROLES & STYLES IN COACHING Week 10. Introductory Questions With a partner discuss and then record your thoughts on the following questions: 1.What is."— Presentation transcript:


2 Introductory Questions With a partner discuss and then record your thoughts on the following questions: 1.What is a coach? 2.Who has been your best coach? Why? What attributes did they possess? 3.What are some negative things a coach has done in your experiences? 4.Who is an elite coach that you admire? Why?

3 Coach ‘One who instructs players in the fundamentals of a competitive sport and directs team strategy’

4 Roles of the Coach List as many roles as you can think of that a coach must undertake

5 Roles of the Coach Pick three of the roles you listed and expand on them providing examples

6 Newspaper Article The Ultimate Coach –By Rodney Eade –The Sunday Age, 15/4/04

7 Roles of the Coach Educator Fitness adviser Motivator Disciplinarian Organiser Public relations officer Planner Fundraiser Counsellor Friend Scientist Student Role model Assessor Facilitator Strategist & tactician Nutritionist

8 Video Sport and coaching Complete questions

9 Styles of Coaching There are many different styles of coaching They can be influenced by personality, experience, type of sport, age and gender of athletes There are three main styles of coaching that are commonly agreed upon –Authoritarian –Democratic –Casual

10 Authoritarian Autocratic Strict, disciplined Thoroughly prepared One way communication All decisions made by the coach Often critical and harsh towards those that fail Winning is vital Often not a good style for the deep thinker and sensitive players

11 Democratic Cooperative Athlete centred Consultation and shared decisions Flexibility and creativity Trust and respect Accept both praise and constructive criticism Enjoy success and deal with losses together Some athletes may view this style as weak or tend to exploit it

12 Casual Highly relaxed, easy going Lack of planning and organisation Coach by instinct Assists only when advice is sought May appear to lack real commitment Can develop independence in the players Can leave players uncertain of how to train and improve Players can feel under valued and unsupported

13 Summary of Coaching Styles AUTHORITARIANDEMOCRATICCASUAL PositiveNegativePositiveNegativePositiveNegative PositiveNegativePositiveNegativePositiveNegative

14 Variety of Coaching Styles Summarise the information on pages 117-118 Draw the coaching style continuum

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