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What Not To Wear ~ What Not To Do!
Protocol & Etiquette What Not To Wear ~ What Not To Do!
Etiquette What is it? Etiquette is just the basics of kindness and politeness Good Manners Consideration of Others Thoughtfulness General Courtesy When in doubt, do the kindest thing possible
Protocol Protocol: “A code of diplomatic or military etiquette or precedence”. More simply put it is understanding the established official, diplomatic code of ethics or behavior. The term Service Etiquette or Military Etiquette is interchangeable with the term Protocol.
FLAG ETIQUETTE Stand and salute or place your hand over your heart as the American Flag passes you Hold it there until the last note of the National Anthem is played or sung Be the example for those around you- they may not be aware of the proper way to show respect for our flag Stand for the flag or anthem of other nations as well
Respect for Rank or Position
At Ceremonies and formal programs Flag Officers and often Captains as well as guests of honor may be announced before they enter after everyone else is seated. A band may play “Ruffles and Flourishes” for Flag Officers. At dinner functions military may seat their spouse, but will stand by their chair for the ranking officer at the table to arrive, waiting to be seated at their cue. At a Ceremony, service members will be called to Attention to Orders or Attention to Award. Service members will stand, civilians remain seated unless asked to stand.
Receiving Lines Receiving Lines can be extremely formal or quite casual with little in between. At a Formal event state your name to each person in the line as you shake their hand. Speak only briefly to keep the line moving. Follow the example of those in front of you. At a Casual event such as a CPO Pinning, first the members of the Chiefs Mess, and then the guests congratulate the new Chiefs. Guests at this event are usually familiar with some of those in the receiving line and conversations should be kept brief, but are usually much more personal and heartfelt than in a formal receiving line.
Introductions Always greet or speak to the Senior or elder person first. Introduce using rank or title. Use Mr. or Mrs. for spouses unless invited to use first names. Rule of thumb is to introduce Junior to Senior, Non-Official to Official, colleague to customer and younger to elder, introduce children before adults. Be prepared and comfortable introducing yourself. Our spouses are often occupied behind the scenes or may be participating in the event. Have confidence when introducing yourself. It is okay to tell someone “ It is nice to see you again, I am so sorry I cannot recall your name”.
Invitations ALWAYS respond or RSVP within 48 hours of receiving an invitation. NEVER arrive early, bring uninvited guests, or children (unless specifically invited). KNOW who the Host and Hostess are and their relationship to your spouse as well as what type of event you are invited to. If you have a dietary restriction or allergy inquire and inform the Hostess when you accept expressing the simplest of solutions.
Hostess Gifts It is polite but not necessary to bring a small Hostess Gift if you desire ($10 to $15 or less) to a non-official function held in someone’s home. Avoid a gift that requires immediate attention such as flowers as the hostess will be busy with guests. Candles, a small plant, set of cocktail napkins, or something personally to her liking if you know the hostess well would all be acceptable.
Expressing Thanks A hand written Thank You note is a MUST after attending a party or gathering in some ones home. An will NOT do. Write a thank you within 24 hours while memory of the event is fresh. Mention something specific so they know you enjoyed yourself and it is not generic. NEVER pre write a thank you and leave it for the hostess to find.
Traditional Social Events
Khaki Ball- within 2 weeks after Pinning Navy Ball- some time near October 13th CPO Birthday Ball- near April 1st Dining Out- upon planning by the Mess Spouses Included Dining In- upon planning by the Mess Active Duty Only Community Balls- planned by associations Submarine, Surface, Aviation, SeaBee, Supply Corps, etc..
Interpreting Invitations
Formal White Tie Black tie Semi-Formal Official Business Business Casual Informal Casual Open Collar Very Casual What will I wear! HELP Anyone been to Hawaii?? Aloha Royal Aloha Aloha Crisp Luau on the Beach Resort Casual Tropical Attire
From THE NAVY WIFE copyright 1949
“Then, too, there will come a day when you get lonesome, blue, and homesick. Buying a frivolous new hat does wonders for the feminine morale on such an occasion. Try it and see for yourself!” It’s hard to find a good fashion source, these days, for military spouses!
Dressing to the Uniform
If it is a uniformed function, no matter what phrase is on the invitation you must determine: What Uniform will your spouse wear? What type of event are you attending? Your choice of outfit should match the level of formality of the Uniform your spouse will wear or the role they have at the event. To “Dress to the Uniform” is to align what you wear to the importance of the event and the level of formality of the uniform your spouse will wear.
Formal Social Occasion Dinner Dress Blue Jacket
Navy Ball Formal Military Balls Social Balls Military Wedding Party
Formal Social Occasion Dinner Dress White Jacket
Navy Ball Formal Military Ball Military Wedding Party Social Ball
Formal Social Occasion Dinner Dress Blue
Navy Ball Military Wedding Party Formal Military Ball Social Ball
Formal Ceremonial Full Dress Blue
Change of Command Inauguration Christening Commissioning Parades Decommissioning
Business/Official Meeting Service Dress White
Retirement Promotion Funeral Dinner Meeting Guest Speaking Wedding Navy League Luncheon
Business/Official Meeting or Social Summer White
Weddings- Funerals Promotions Luncheons- Dinners Socials - Retirements Receptions Ombudsman Appreciation
Informal or Casual Service Khaki
Khaki Ball Khaki Ball Informal or Casual Service Khaki ONLY ONLY CPO Pinning Casual Business Lunch Khaki Ball Ombudsman Assembly
Casual Attire
Very Casual- Picnic or BBQ
DRESS TO THE UNIFORM What Will I Wear? Remember...
…It is easier than you think
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