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Engazged against purely temporary nature ofwork- not against permanent posts. Seasonal, intermittent, projects. Engaging Casual labours Senior incharge.

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Presentation on theme: "Engazged against purely temporary nature ofwork- not against permanent posts. Seasonal, intermittent, projects. Engaging Casual labours Senior incharge."— Presentation transcript:

1 Engazged against purely temporary nature ofwork- not against permanent posts. Seasonal, intermittent, projects. Engaging Casual labours Senior incharge supervisors Fresh faces to be engaged on authorization by G.M. Qualification- like regular cadre. Artisans should be trade tested. Can take from regular open line.

2 In case of exigency and no trade tested candidates available can recruit from open market but T/Test be completed before T/S. Preference to wards of Rly.employees. Dis-continued Casual Labours to get preference. Records to be checked. Board’s decision- no fresh intake- emergencies like flood, accident can be made, but no cards and to discontinue immediately when work is over.- frozen from 1.1.84. Casual Labouar cards - to be re-checked on re-engagement.

3 Fresh- Screening by 3 officers- One P.O., one SC/ST, One minority, one Deptt.officer. Medical fitness to be seen. Age before 28 years. Wages On daily rates, MW, HOER Local rates to be ascertained. Municipality, Collector, D.M. If no rates available 1/30th of minimum scale rates. On attaining TS regular scale.

4 Medical treatment Self- Out door patient. In rail accidents indoor and out door. W.C. to be paid,when due. 1/2 monthly compensation in WC cases No Passes/PTOs when no T/S, OT, WC compensation allowed. TS on completion of 120 /180 days service. All privileges like temp.employees No artificial break to be done. Treatment in accident cases as duty. Absence of 3 days as personal/20 days on medical ground not to cause any break in service. No maternity/paternity leave.

5 Length of service date from whichDate by which (I.e.continuous may be treateddecision should employment) as temporarybe implemented (I) Those who have1.1.98131.12.1984 completed 5years of service as on 1.1.1981 (ii) Those who have1.1.198231.12.1985 completed 3 years but less than 5 years of service as on 1.1.1981 (iii) Those who have 1.1.198331.12.86 completed 360 days but less than 3 years of service on 1.1.1981 (iv) Those who 1.1.198431.3.1987 complete 360 days or the date on which 360 after 1.1.1981days are completed whichever is later

6 Continuation Casual Labours- To be regularised in the Dept. Of the Division/ Rlys in whose jurisdiction they work. Unskilled-One category. Semiskilled-Trade wise of dept. Skilled--do- No. of days- Base of seniority. Live register/ ------ live register Incentive Increment for FW CL on MTPs to be absorbed in Central/ MumbaiNorthern/Delhi Southern/Chennai Rlys.

7 National Holidays Addl. Payment at 1-1/2 rate. TA/DA -To be paid Half day work-1/2 pay Qualifying for pension - 1/2 service as T.S.only. Service Cards Retrenchment Age Limit Breakdown duties. Night Duty allowance. Screening of regular jobs. Decasualisation Medical Check up Medical Decatogarisation Gratuity.

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