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WELCOME TO A L L. OPERANT CODITIONING oDoDefinition of Learning. oDoDefinition of Operant Conditioning. oRoRespondent and Operant behaviour. oSoSkinner’s.

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Presentation on theme: "WELCOME TO A L L. OPERANT CODITIONING oDoDefinition of Learning. oDoDefinition of Operant Conditioning. oRoRespondent and Operant behaviour. oSoSkinner’s."— Presentation transcript:


2 OPERANT CODITIONING oDoDefinition of Learning. oDoDefinition of Operant Conditioning. oRoRespondent and Operant behaviour. oSoSkinner’s Experimental Box. oRoReinforcement. oSoSchedules of Reinforcement. oEoEducational Implications. oDoDifferent between Classical and OperantConditioning. oDoDefinition of Programmed Learning. oPoPrinciples of Programmed Learning. oToTypes of Programmed Learning. oCoCheck List. synopsis

3 LEARNING Definition No: 1 Learning is a process that results in permanent change in behavior or behavior potentially and is based on experience practice -psychology Philip G. Zimbardo & Richard J. Gerrig (page 227) Definition No: 2 Learning is a change in the individual following upon changes in his environment. - Advanced educational psychology” by Suresh Bhatnagar and Anamika Saxena (page no. 124

4 OPERANT CONDITIONING Definition No:1 Operant Conditioning is the learning process whereby a response is made more probable or more frequent and operant is strengthened i.e. reinforced. - Educational psychology by A.B. Bhatnagar& Meenakshi Bhatnagar (page No: 157) Definition No:2 A process through which organisms learn to repeat behaviors that yield positive outcomes or permit them to avoid or escape from negative outcomes. - Psychology by Robert A. Baron (page no: 190)

5 B.F SKINNER B.F Skinner was a professor Emeritus at Harvard University and a leader in the field of behaviorism. His work focused on explaining the causes of behavior by looking at events in the environment and organisms Response.

6 RESPONDENT AND OPERANT BEHAVIOUR Defined two types of responses 1. “elicited” by known stimuli which he called “Respondent behavior” and 2. “emitted” by the unknown stimuli which he called “Operant behavior”


8 He conducted his experiment with rats and pigeons. He kept a rat inside a skinner’s box. The rat was kept hungry. skinner’s wanted the rat to learn to press the lever in the cage.

9 When the rat was inside the cage it went this way and that way. It made many casual movements. In one such movements, it accidentally pressed the lever. This was just a casual behavior of the rat. It was emitted by the rat accidentally. Now this ( pressing the lever) was what Skinner wanted that rat to learn.

10 Immediately food was given to the rat. The rat began to emit this casual behavior more often. Each time it did this casual behavior, food was given. Here food is responsible for making the desired behavior. The operant behavior is conditioned to become the usual operant behavior by reinforcement. This is called Operant Conditioned Learning.

11 REINFORCEMENT CONTINGENCIES A reinforcement contingency is a consistent relationship between a response and the changes in the environment that it produces. There are two type of reinforcement 1. A positive reinforcement 2. A negative reinforcement

12 POSITIVE REINFORCEMENT Positive rein forcer is any stimulus that- when made contingent on a behavior -increases the probability of that behavior over time.the delivery of a positive rein forcer contingent on a response is called positive reinforcement.

13 NEGATIVE REINFORCEMENT Negative reinforcement is any stimulus that when removed, reduced, prevented, increase the probability of a given response over time.the removal, reduction of prevention of a negative reinforcement following a response is called negative reinforcement. - “Psychology” by Philip G. Zimbardo & Richard J.Gerry

14 SCHEDULES OF REINFORCEMENT Rules determining when and how reinforcement will be delivered, Skinner has suggested the following schedules of reinforcement. 1. Fixed ratio schedules. 2. Variable ratio schedules. 3. Fixed interval schedules and 4. Variable interval schedules.

15 FIXED RATIO SCHEDULES Fixed ratio reinforcement is given when the frequency of reinforcement depends on the rate at which responses are given. i.e. the pallet of food is delivered after each fourth, eighth responses.

16 VARIABLE RATIO SCHEDULE In a variable ratio schedule the rein forcer is presented after a different number of responses on different occasions. Sometimes the difference amounts to one or sometimes two. Thus, the digit goes on changing as one, four, seven, nine etc.

17 FIXED INTERVAL SCHEDULE On a fixed – interval schedule a fixed interval of time has to elapse before the rein forcer can be presented i.e. Every 2 minutes or 4 minutes. This is also known as periodic reinforcement.

18 VARIABLE INTERVALSCHEDULE When the interval between reinforcement is randomly varies, it is known as a variable interval schedule. In this situation the subject is reinforced on a time interval basis but the interval of time is indefinite.

19 EDUCATIONAL IMPLICATIONS Skinner’s operant conditioning theory is great importance in teaching – learning situations. Here are the few situations: a] Shaping of behavior b] Knowledge of results c] Reinforcement d] Satisfaction

20 MATCHING DEFINITIONS TYPES OF REINFOCEMENT SCHEDULES. 1. Reinforcement occurs after set time period. 2. Reinforcement occurs after a set number of response. 3. Reinforcement occurs after a varying time period. 4. Reinforcement occurs after a varying number of response. A.Fixed ratio B. Variable ratio C. Fixed interval D. Variable interval

21 Fill in the blanks 1.______conditioning describes learning that occurs as a result of reinforcement. 2._____conducted numerous experiments on rats, pigeons, etc. 3.Learning is the modification of behaviour through_____&_____. 4._____ is also called a single track programme.

22 TRUE OR FALSE 1.Scientists have found a set at about ten basis reinforce that will be effective on any human. 2.Skinner opposed the use of such terms as sensations, image & instinct, because these terms refer to intangible factors.

23 Difference b/w CLASSICAL CONDITIONING 1.The learner is not independent in this type of learning. 2. Classical conditioning is restricted to animal learning only. 3. Stimulus oriented. 4. Learning through stimulus substitution. 5. Behaviour is elicited, 6. Reinforcement comes before the act. 7. Response in forced. 8. Developed by Russian (Pavlov) Experiment. OPERANT CONDITIONING 1.The learner is independent in this type of learning. 2. Operant conditioning may be Useful for the purpose of human learning in also. 3. Response oriented. 4. Learning through response modification. 5. Behaviour is emitted. 6. Reinforcement coomes after the act. 7. Response is voluntary. 8. Developed by American (Skinner) Experiment.

24 Programmed Learning Definition 1 Programmed learning is a systematic, step by step, self-instructional programme aimed to ensure the learning of stated behaviour. _ Dale, Edgar(1962)

25 Definition 2 Educational programming is the scheduling and control of student behaviour in the learning process. -May,K.O(1965)



28 T h a n k you T h a n k you

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