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CO1301: Games Concepts Dr Nick Mitchell (Room CM 226) Material originally prepared by Gareth Bellaby.

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Presentation on theme: "CO1301: Games Concepts Dr Nick Mitchell (Room CM 226) Material originally prepared by Gareth Bellaby."— Presentation transcript:

1 CO1301: Games Concepts Dr Nick Mitchell (Room CM 226) email: Material originally prepared by Gareth Bellaby Lecture 17 Demographics

2 Genres and Markets  There are potential customers for your FPS game.  we know this because these games sell  There are potential customers for your RTS game.  we know this because these games sell  Are there customers for your FPS/RTS hybrid game?

3 Genres and Markets  Set intersections and set unions. If two potential markets are put together, do they make a set union, or a set intersection?

4 References  Chris Bateman and Richard Boon, (2006), 21st Century Games Design, Charles Rivers Media.  Rabin, Introduction to Game Development:  2.1: "Games and Society" (small section)  ELSPA (the Entertainment & Leisure Software Publishers Association ). UK.  ESA (Entertainment Software Association). USA.

5 Demographics  Demographics means the characteristics of a population, or segment of a population.  The term is used in advertising but also marketing.  Who is the target market?  For example, a statement in the GDD that the game is meant for 12+ range is based on the target market.

6 Some statistics about demographics  There is some variance between surveys of game players. However, a broad agreement as to major trends and characteristics exists...

7 Some statistics about demographics  According to Entertainment Software Assoc. (ESA):  The average game player is 34 years old and has been playing games for 12 years. (33 in 2005)  The average age of the most frequent game buyer is 40 years old. (40 in 2005)  Eighty-two percent of all games sold in 2008 were rated "E" for Everyone, "T" for Teen, or "E10+" for Everyone 10+. (85% in 2005)  Forty percent of all game players are women. (was thirty-eight percent) 

8 Some statistics about demographics  According to ELSPA:  38.2% of the UK population is an active computer gamer.  51.2% of British men and 25.1% of British women aged 10-35 play games regularly.  On average, gamers play for 12.6 hours per week (up from 11 hours 2 years ago).  It is estimated that the average person will watch three hours of television every night.  27.2% of all active gamers in the UK are women.  The average age of the UK female gamer is 30-35 

9 Why Demographics?  The discussions we've had about genres also touches upon the target market.  Genres arise (at least in part) because of marketing.  However, the stronger point was also made that genres arise because people like playing certain types of games.  Marketing draws upon categories such as RTS, FPS,...  The distributors want to get the market (and advertising) right. Developers want this to a lesser extent since they are more focussed on quality, their own satisfaction, and so on.

10 Why Demographics?  Demographic models have been created in order to shed some light upon playing and buying habits.  Difficult to make good decisions on the basis of intuition.  A good approach is to trust your judgement, base things on experience and to build a well designed quality product. However, you could be building the game just for yourself. You may just be wrong.

11 Exercise  What factors do you think are important for distinguishing the different target groups for a computer game?

12 Demographic Variables  Variables:  age  gender  income  culture  amount of play  (It is thought by some that there is a material difference between those who play games a lot and those who play less frequently.)

13 Sales and Demographics  The Sims and Grand Theft Auto are two of the best ever selling games series. (GTA: San Andreas sold one million units in nine days)  It is no accident that both took demographic models into account.

14 Who are your customers?  A common distinction made in the industry is between:  Hardcore gamers  Casual gamers  What are the characteristics of these groups?  Casual gamers - large and maybe responsive to fashion and word of mouth.  What are the implications of making a game for a hardcore audience? Financial, mechanics, etc.

15 EAs' Audience Model Hardcore Gamer Cool Gamer Mass Market Casual Gamer

16 EAs' Audience Model  Hardcore gamers  Small but vocal group. Play demos. Play at least 25 games in a year.  Cool Gamers  Has a hardcore friend who is the major source for buying advice. Tend to play games in the current top 10.  Casual Gamers  Least game literate. Swayed by Cool Gamers and TV advertising. Tend to play games in the current top 3.  Sales propagation model.

17 Bateman & Boon  Conqueror:  Winning and beating the game. Completing counts as winning.  Manager:  Strategic or tactical challenge. Mastery of a game. Often continues playing even after winning.  Wanderer:  Searching for fun or a unique experience.  Participant:  For some this means story oriented. For others it means a social experience.

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