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Discussion between customer and eSchool as to challenges and problems they are facing utilizing the S/W Review of the integration processes between CIMS.

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Presentation on theme: "Discussion between customer and eSchool as to challenges and problems they are facing utilizing the S/W Review of the integration processes between CIMS."— Presentation transcript:

1 Discussion between customer and eSchool as to challenges and problems they are facing utilizing the S/W Review of the integration processes between CIMS and SFE, specifically Employee and Sub/Casual download from CIMS to SFE Absence and Time Worked upload from SFE to CIMS TO confirm if there are things we could be doing better to get the correct TIME of absence and/or work.

2 They are utilizing the hosted application Version 2.4.2 They do update all of the staff and sub information in CIMS and then download staff information and sub information and skills to Smartfind. Use Smartfind for Teachers, Eas, Clerical, Custodians. The only ones not on are Bus Drivers, Maintenance, Sr Admin. Having different call out times for different employee groups is troublesome. EA’s for instance cannot have future call outs but teachers do.. We’ve had to add 1 minute to the future call out field and then sub call clerk each has to check and cancel jobs and recreate in the morning so EA’s are not called at night for a morning job. AND we have to use locations for callouts.. Meaning a whole bunch of creating/mapping to maintain our regular locations but also be able to control call outs. The Processed import/export list has become unusable since it now includes way to many records hiding the true errors

3 They are utilizing the hosted application Version 2.4.2 They do update all of the staff and sub information in CIMS and then download staff information and sub information and skills to Smartfind. Use Smartfind for most groups.. Not custodians, maintenance Have accumulated quite a bit of experience over the years as they have been using this product 10+years. They do frequently attend the SFE conference. The Processed import/export list has become unusable since it now includes way to many records hiding the true errors We understand that in our download we are deleting then re-adding staff. We appreciate this is a great new message for true deleting …. What can be done!!???

4 They manually maintain/update employees and substitutes in Smartfind Use Smartfind for Teachers, EAs, school based Clerical, Administrators (principals and vice-principals). An Operations Coordinator manually enters the absences for custodial and maintenance staff into SFE. Not using for management, non-school based clerical, special programs staff (other then EAs) For casual EA payroll, the system only picks up one wage rate/classification (i.e., $24.08/EA Instructional) for vacancies (not absences) set up in SFE, which means the payroll administrator has to manually identify/confirm the actual classification and rate of pay (this is because casual EAs are set up on CIMS with only one casual classification - we would like to know if this can be adjusted) Does not pick up the rates of pay for teacher job-share partners Still rely heavily on timesheets for all support staff We responded to the questions based on our current HR/payroll processes and recognize that "the way we do things" could impact the effectiveness of the CIMS/SFE integration. Also, there are likely many other things working well that haven't been identified.

5 Run manually by districts … can this be automated? There was an issue in the past where it would “stop” loading and the system would end up with only a handful of people so no call outs would then be done. Is this still an issue? Inactive employees? Does it auto cancel records? How to inactivate employees … in the new hosted model – is it cost per employee OR is it based on using the Sub-Call data? Can we download/autobuild absence records? Is all staff downloading appropriately? If an employee works at multiple locations with different start/stop times are those times loading appropriately? Unique times? If there is a person that crosses multiple classifications, i.e.: multiple lines is the one assignment getting overwritten with the other one? If we load two F11 lines are one set of skills being overwritten with another?

6 It is an automated job that runs every 15 minutes Retrieves a PAYROLL.MAN file from the system CIMS runs a job to process the records, ie: We append the contents to this ever growing history file emsfiles/ptsiupehld so that we can explain things when records are not loading. For Smartfind Records loading to CIMS – Does payroll have to make many adjustments because the records uploading are not accurate and/or are missing? (What groups or situations?) Quite a bit of custom code written … Could this be better handled in the S/W? A Report is generated indicating problems/errors AND IT SHOULD BE checked! It is loading to an appropriate queue, once checked and dealt with then the report can be deleted.

7 The confirmation number is checked against what is already in CIMS – If Cancelled Field = Y … in CIMS it will delete the Sub record … should we report it? We have to establish the absent person’s job code because what we have in the file is their skills.. If we have problems ERROR on report We have to establish an appropriate Sub/Cas Job Code based on the absent person’s job code… ie: loading CAS8, CAS7, CASEA, SUB There is MUCH custom work in here as we have to list out CL10, CL12, CUST … problematic if you add job codes looking to PAY.124 to reduce custom. If we cannot establish one ERROR on report Confirms valid absence code and reason else ERROR on report Establishes an appropriate BO, AM, or PM using the start and stop times Time worked and time absent comes from SFE record SFE allows an account override else establishes a rate and account from SUB.011

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